


王江雨博士現任香港城市大學法學院教授,同時擔任中國法與比較法研究中心主任,也是牛津大學出版社出版的《中國比較法雜誌》(Chinese Journal of Comparative Law)的共同主編。在加入香港城市大學之前,他長期任職於新加坡國立大學法學院,並於2009年獲終身教職。在新加坡國立大學任職期間,他曾擔任亞洲法律學院(Asian Law Institute)主任,以及劍橋大學出版社出版的《亞洲比較法雜誌》 (Asian Journal of Comparative Law) 的共同主編(2012-2016)和執行主編(2016-2019)。從2012年到2016年,他擔任新加坡國立大學法學院亞洲法律研究中心的創始副主任。2006年至2009年期間,他被借調至香港中文大學任法學院副教授和研究型碩士博士項目主管,主講國際貿易法與中國公司法、證券法等課程。

他的主要研究方向為國際經濟法、國際法與國際關係、比較公司證券法和法律與發展學。他兼任包括International Trade Centre (UNCTAD/WTO) ,聯合國亞太經社理事會的特邀專家和亞洲國際金融法研究所研究員以及中國法學會世界貿易組織法研究會常務理事。


  • 中文名:王江雨
  • 國籍:中國
  • 職業:法學教授 
  • 畢業院校美國賓夕法尼亞大學
  • 主要成就:教育部“新世紀優秀人才支持計畫” 
  • 職務:香港城市大學中國法與比較法研究中心主任 
  • 社會兼職:中國法學會世界貿易組織法研究會常務理事 
榮譽和獲獎,學術編輯,出版物,Books,Journal Articles,Book Chapters,Reports and Policy Papers,Working Papers,Op-Ed Nearly three years,


  • 2007 Young Researcher Award granted by The Chinese University of Hong Kong (2007年香港中文大學青年學者傑出研究獎)
  • Chen An International Law Chair Professor, appointed by Xiamen University, April 2014(廈門大端腳員學陳安國際法學櫻酷項達講座教授堡榜腳體, 2014年4月匪祖凳榮聘)
  • Best Author Award for 2015, China Law Review, March 2016 (《中國法律評論》2015年最佳作者獎)
  • 2011 New Century Excellent Talents Award from the PRC Ministry of Education for services as a guest professor at Xi’an Jiaotong University School of Law (2011教育部新世紀優秀人才)


  • Joint Editor-in-Chief, The Chinese Journal of Comparative Law (Oxford University Press), present
  • Subject Editor, Asian Journal of Comparative Law (Cambridge University Press), present
  • Executive Editor, Asian Journal of Comparative Law (Cambridge University Press), 2016-2019
  • Joint Editor-in-Chief, Asian Journal of Comparative Law (Cambridge University Press), 2012-2016
  • Trade Law Editor, Singapore Year Book of International Law (National University of Singapore), 2003-2006



  • China, International Law and the International Order (in preparation)
  • Company Law in China: Regulation of Business Organizations in a Socialist Market Economy (2nd edition), UK: Edward Elgar Publishing (forthcoming 2020).
  • Company Law in China: Regulation of Business Organizations in a Socialist Market Economy. UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2014.
  • China, India and the International Economic Order (co-edited with M. Sornarajah), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010.
  • Uniform Commercial Code Revised Article Five, Translation work. Beijing: Fazhi Press, 1998. (China) [《美國統一商法典信用證篇》淋享嘗多頁,王江雨譯,法制煮院寒出版社,1998]

Journal Articles

  • “Mixed Ownership Reform and Corporate Governance in China’s State-Owned Enterprises”, Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, Vol. 53 (forthcoming May 2020) (with Tan Cheng-Han).
  • “Judicial Independence in Dominant Party States: Singapore’s Possibilities for China”, Asian Journal of Comparative Law (2019) 14:2, pp. 337-371 (with Lance Ang).
  • “China’s Governance Approach to the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI): Relations, Partnership, and Law”, Global Trade and Customs Journal (2019) 14:5, pp. 222-228.
  • “China, India and International Law: A Justice based Vision between the Romantic and Realist Perceptions”, Asian Journal of International Law 9 (2019), pp. 217-250 (with M. Sornarajah).
  • “Piercing the Corporate Veil: Historical, Theoretical and Comparative Perspectives”, The Berkeley Business Law Journal (2019) 16:1, pp. 140-204 (with Tan Cheng Han and Christian Hofmann).
  • “Reforming the World Trade Organization: China’s Proposals [WTO Gaige de Zhongguo Fangan], The South China Sea Law Journal (Naihai Faxue) (2019) 11:1, pp. 1-15 (co-author with several others).
  • “Power Transition, Battle of Models, and Rule-based International Order: Sino-U.S. Relations from the Perspectives of International Relations and International Law”, China Law Review, 2018, no. 5: 3-17 [“權力轉移、模式之爭與基於規則的國際秩序: 國際關係與國際法視角下的中美關係”, 《中國法律評論》 2018年第5期,第3-17頁].
  • “Between Power Politics and International Economic Law: Asian Regionalism, the Trans-Pacific Partnership and U.S.-China Trade Relations”, Pace International Law Review (2018) 30:2, pp. 383-439.
  • “Between ‘Rule’ and ‘Law’: Governance Dilemma of Political Leaders in East Asia”, 60 (2018:4) 58-65 [“東亞政治領袖的‘法’與‘治’之困”,《文化縱橫》2018年第4期(總第60期),58-65頁].
  • “Legitimacy, Jurisdiction and Merits in the South China Sea Arbitration: Chinese Perspectives and International Law”, Journal of Chinese Political Science (2017) 22:2, pp. 185-210.
  • “International Law, International Relations, and China’s Perspective on the South China Sea Arbitration Case in Light of Its Own National Interests”, 2 [2016] Asia-Pacific Security and Maritime Affairs [“國際法、國際關係與國家利益視角下的南海仲裁案”,《亞太安全與海洋研究》,2016年第2期], pp.1-15.
  • “Geopolitics, Discursive Power and International Law-Making”, China Law Review, 2016, no. 2: 39-45 (China) [“地緣政治、國際話語權與國際法上的規則制定權”,《中國法律評論》2016年第2期,第39-45頁].
  • “Liberalization oriented Foreign Investment Regime for a Rising China”, China Law Review, 5:1, 2015, pp. 60-64. [“大國崛起背景下的開放型外資法制”,《中國法律評論》, 第5期,第60-64頁].
  • “The Political Logic of Corporate Governance in State-owned Enterprises in China”, Cornell International Law Journal (2014) 47:3, pp. 631-669.
  • “Making Singapore Company Law More Singaporean? – A Critical Evaluation of the Recent Revision of the Companies Act in the Light of Comparative Law”, Asian Business Lawyer, Fall 2014: 15-36 (South Korea).
  • "Judicial Reform and Political Development in China: An Introduction by the Managing Editor". Chinese Journal of Comparative Law, 2, no. 2, part. 2014 (Judicial Reform in China) (2014): 185-187. (UK).
  • Judicial Independence in an Authoritarian Regime: Singapore’s Judicial System and Its Implications for Judicial Reform in China, in China Law Review, Vol.1, 2014 (Inaugural Issue), pp. 78-84. [“‘威權’體制下的‘司.法獨立’:新加坡司法體制對中國的啟示”,《中國法律評論》第一期(創刊號)(2014),78-84頁].
  • “Land and Housing Regulation in Singapore: Balancing Between Private Rights, Social Welfare and Public Interest”, Administrative Law Review (Xingzheng Fa Luncong), Vol. 14:2011 [“新加坡土地和房屋管理制度 - 私權、民生和國家利益之間的平衡”,北京大學憲法與行政法中心編《行政法論叢》第14卷(法律出版社,2012)].
  • “China and East Asian Regionalism”, (2011) 17:5 European Law Journal (pp. 611-629)
  • “China and the Doha Development Agenda”, (2010) 44:6 Journal of World Trade 1309-1331 (with C.L. Lim).
  • “Regulatory Competition and Cooperation between Securities Markets in Hong Kong and
  • ”, (2009) 4:3 Capital Markets Law Journal 383-404 (22 pages).
  • “Regulation of Initial Public Offering of Shares in China”, China Law, Vol. 76, 2009, pp. 54-65.
  • “Modelling an Effective Corporate Governance System for China’s Listed State-owned Enterprises: Issues and Challenges in a Transitional Economy”, (2007) 7:1 Journal of Corporate Law Studies 143-183 (with Lay-Hong Tan).
  • “Financial Liberalization in East Asia: Lessons from Financial Crises and the Chinese Experience of Controlled Liberalization”, (2007) 41:1 Journal of World Trade 211-241.
  • “The Strange Role of Independent Directors in a Two-tier Board Structure of China’s Listed Companies”, (2007) 3 Compliance & Regulatory Journal 47-55.
  • “China, India, and Regional Economic Integration in Asia: The Policy and Legal Dimensions”, [2006] 10 Singapore Year Book of International Law 269-305.
  • “區域自由貿易協定與中國的處境和政策選擇:法律、經濟與大國貿易戰略”, 《國際經濟法學刊》,第14卷第一期,2007年(北京大學出版社), 187-225頁。[“Regional Trade Agreements and China’s Policy Choices in the Global Wave of Regionalism: The Law, Economics, and Strategy”, (2007) Chinese Journal of International Economic Law, Vol. 14, No. 1, p. 187-225]
  • “資本賬戶開放和金融服務自由化的法律思考”,《上海財經大學學報(哲學社會科學版)》, 2006年第6期(第8卷總第44期),36-41頁。[“The Myths and Realities of Financial Liberalization: A Legal Perspective”, (2006) Journal of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Vol. 8, No. 6, pp. 34-41]
  • “Legal Education in Asia”, co-author, (2006) 1:1 Asian Journal of Comparative Law 184-207.
  • Book Review: “Review of Reforming Corporate Governance in Southeast Asia: Economics, Politics, and Regulations”. (2006) 1:1 Asian Journal of Comparative Law 306-308.
  • “The Rule of Law in China: A Realistic View of the Jurisprudence, the Impact of the WTO, and the Prospects for Future Development”, [2004] Singapore Journal of Legal Studies 347-389.
  • “China’s Regional Trade Agreements: The Law, Geopolitics and Impact on the Multilateral Trading System”, [2004] 8 Singapore Year Book of International Law 119-147.
  • “Dancing with Wolves: Regulation and Deregulation of Foreign Investment in China’s Stock Market”, (2004) 5 Asian-Pacific Law and Policy Journal 1-61.
  • “China and the Universal Human Rights Standard”, (2001) Syracuse Journal of International Law & Commerce 135-158.
  • “The Internet and E-commerce in China: Laws, Judicial Views and Government Policies”, (2001) The Computer & Internet Lawyer 12-30.
  • “The Legal Nature of Letter of Credit”, (1999) 11 Minshang Fa Luncong [Civil and Commercial Law Review] 113-139. (China) “信用證交易原理及其法律性質研究”,《民商法論叢》第11卷(1999).
  • “論船舶扣押制度”,《海商法研究》1999年第一輯(總第一輯),80 – 92 頁。北京大學出版社。[“On the Arrest of Vessel”, Maritime Law Review, Vol.1, No. 1, 1999, pp. 80-92.]
  • “Letter of Credit Fraud Cases and the Legal Remedies”, (1998) 45 Zhongguo Haishangfa Tongxin [China Maritime Law Journal] 48-56. (China). “論信用證欺詐及其司法救濟”,《中國海商法協會 通信》1998年第3期 (總第45期)
  • “The General Rules of the Formation of Sale Contracts and the ‘Battle of Forms’ in International Trade”, (1997) 8 Minshang Fa Luncong [Civil and Commercial Law Review] 545-637. (China) “買賣契約成立的一般規則與國際貿易中的格式之戰”,《民商法論叢》第八卷 (1997).
  • “On the Doctrine of Rebus Sic Stantibus”, (1997) 89 (1) Southwest University of Political Science and Law Review 46-50. (China). “論情勢變更原則”,《現代法學》1997年第1期(總第89期).
  • “EU’s Unitary Trade System and Its Impact on China’s Foreign Trade”, (1996) 50 (3) Guoji Shangwu [Journal of International Business] 19-25. (China). “歐盟統一對外貿易制度及其對中國的影響”,《國際商務》1996年第3期(總第50期).
  • “China and TRIPs: The Challenges and Responses”, (1996) 21 (1) Keji yu Falű [Peking University Law and Technology Journal] 44-48 (co-authored with Prof. Zhu Qichao). (China). “中國面對TRIPs: 挑戰與回應” (與朱啟超教授合著),《科技與法律》1996年第一期,總第21期.
  • “The Role of Lawyers in International Lending”, (1996) Lűshi Shijie [Lawyers’ World]. (China). “國際貸款業務中律師的作用”,《律師世界》1996年第 3 期.
  • “Problems in China’s Foreign Investment Law: and Suggestions for Improvement”, (1995) Faxue Xuekan [Legal Studies]. “我國外資立法存在的問題與幾點建議”,《法學學刊》,1995年第 3 期.

Book Chapters

  • “International Economic Law and Asia”, in Simon Chesterman, Hisashi Owada and Ben Saul (eds), Oxford Handbook of International Law in Asia and the Pacific, Chapter 10, pp. 237-266 (Oxford University Press, 2019).
  • “The Party in the Legislature and Judiciary”, in Zheng Yongnian and Lance L.P. Gore (eds.), The Chinese Communist Party in Action: Consolidating Party Rule Chapter 9, pp. 181-198 (Routledge, 2019).
  • “Corporate Governance in China”, in Bruce Aronson and Joongi Kim (eds.), Corporate Governance in Asia: A Comparative Approach, Chapter 9, pp 238-266 (Cambridge University Press, 2019).
  • “Squeeze-out (or the Lack Thereof) in the Regulation of Corporate Mergers in China”, In Fleischer H, Kanda H, Kim KS, Mulbert(eds.), Issues and Challenges in Corporate and Capital Market Law: Germany and East Asia, pp. 225-234 (Themen und Herausforderungen im Gesellschafts- und Kapitalmarktrecht: Deutschland und Ostasien, Germany Jun 2018).
  • “Enforcing Fiduciary Duties as Tort Liability in Chinese Courts”. In R. Huang & N. Howson (eds.), Enforcement of Corporate and Securities Law: China and the World, Chapter 10, pp. 185-206, (Cambridge University Press, 2017).
  • "Corporate governance in China: The Law and Its Political Logic". Roman Tomasic (ed), Routledge Handbook of Corporate Law, Chapter 11, pp. 183-211 (Abingdon: Routledge, November 2016).
  • “State Capitalism and Sovereign Wealth Funds: Finding a ‘Soft’ Location in International Economic Law”, in Chin Leng Lim (ed.), Alternative Visions of the International Law on Foreign Investment: Essays in Honour of Muthucumaraswamy Sornarajah, Chapter 15, pp. 405-428, (Cambridge University Press, 2016).
  • “The Rise of Singapore as International Financial Centre: Political Will, Industrial Policy, and Rule of Law”, in Jiaxiang Hu, Matthias Vanhullebusch & Andrew Harding (eds.), Finance, Rule of Law and Development in Asia: Perspectives from Singapore, Hong Kong and Mainland, Chapter 1, pp. 3-17 (Leiden/Boston: Brill Academic Publishers, 2016).
  • “China’s Impact on Hong Kong’s Position as an International Financial Centre: the Legal and Policy Dimensions”, in David Donald (With Contributions by Jiangyu Wang and Jefferson P Vandelwolk), A Financial Centre for Two Empires: Hong Kong’s Corporate, Securities and Tax Laws in Its Transition from Britain to China, Chapter 6, pp. 223-257. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014),
  • “China: Legal Reform in An Emerging Socialist Market Economy”, in E. Ann Black & Gary F. Bell (eds.), Law and Legal Institutions of Asia: Traditions, Adaptations and Innovations, Chapter 1, pp. 24-61 (Cambridge University Press, 2011).
  • “The Political Logic of Securities Regulation in China”, in Yu Guanghua (ed),The Development of the Chinese Legal System: Change and Challenges, pp. 227-250 (London and New York: Routledge, 2011).
  • “Association of Southeast Asian Nations – China Free Trade Agreement”, in Simon Lester and Bryan Mercurio (eds.), Bilateral and Regional Trade Agreements: Case Studies, pp. 192-225 (Cambridge University Press, 2009).
  • “The Strange Role of Independent Directors in a Two-Tier Board Structure of China’s Listed Companies”, in Masao Nakamura (ed.), Changing Corporate Governance Practices in China and Japan: Adaptations of Anglo-American Practices (Palgrave Macmillan, 2008).
  • “The Evolution of China’s International Trade Policy: Development through Protection and Liberalization”, in Y.S. Lee (ed.), Economic Development through World Trade, pp.191-213 (Kluwer Law International BV, 2008).
  • “ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement: Legal and Institutional Aspects”, in Saw Swee-Hock (ed.), China and ASEAN: Economic Cooperation and Challenges Ahead pp. 112-145 (Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2006).
  • “China-ASEAN Free Trade Agreement: An International Law Perspective”, in John Wang, Zou Keyuan & Zeng Huaqun (eds.), China’s Relations with ASEAN: New Dimensions pp. 111-131 (Singapore: World Scientific Press, 2005).
  • “The Legal and Policy Considerations of China-ASEAN FTA”, in Ho Khai Leong & Samuel C.Y. Ku (eds.), China and Southeast Asia: Global Changes and Regional Challenges,pp. 42-79 (Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2005).

Reports and Policy Papers

  • 新加坡國際商業法庭的國際性和獨立性 [Internationalization and Independence: Lessons of Singapore’s International Commercial Courts for China]. 13 July 2018.

Working Papers

  • 當代中國法律制度的基本特徵、結構和未來發展展望 [The Fundamental Characteristics, Structure and Future Prospects of the Contemporary Chinese Legal System], 19 August 2010, East Asia Working Paper No. 86. Singapore: East Asian Institute of the National University of Singapore (ISSN 0219-1415; ISBN 978-981-08-6751-5).

Op-Ed Nearly three years

  • “US the Real Revisionist Power”, China Daily, 17 June 2019
  • “中美女主播辯論——處理“貿易戰”的正確溝通方式”,《聯合早報》,2019年5月31日
  • “孟晚舟引渡案的法律與政治”,《聯合早報》言論版,2019年1月1日
  • “世界面臨百年未有之大變局”,《人民日報》“寰宇.格局演進.權威論壇”,2018年12月24日
  • “歲月靜好,民怨積聚:尋找方向感的轉型中國”,《金融時報(中文網)》(FTChinese),2018年8月13日
  • “中美摩擦風險加劇並無冷戰”,《聯合早報》言論版,2018年4月25日
  • “十九大與日漸清晰的‘中國模式’頂層設計”,《聯合早報》言論版,2017年10月25日
  • “新加坡‘小國大外交’的堅守與調整”,《金融時報(中文網)》(FTChinese), 2017年9月28 日
  • ““一國兩制”豐富人類制度經驗”,《人民日報》國際版,2017年7月12日
  • “為何擔心中國成為世界領導者?” 《聯合早報》言論版,2017年7月12日



  • China, International Law and the International Order (in preparation)
  • Company Law in China: Regulation of Business Organizations in a Socialist Market Economy (2nd edition), UK: Edward Elgar Publishing (forthcoming 2020).
  • Company Law in China: Regulation of Business Organizations in a Socialist Market Economy. UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2014.
  • China, India and the International Economic Order (co-edited with M. Sornarajah), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010.
  • Uniform Commercial Code Revised Article Five, Translation work. Beijing: Fazhi Press, 1998. (China) [《美國統一商法典信用證篇》,王江雨譯,法制出版社,1998]

Journal Articles

  • “Mixed Ownership Reform and Corporate Governance in China’s State-Owned Enterprises”, Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, Vol. 53 (forthcoming May 2020) (with Tan Cheng-Han).
  • “Judicial Independence in Dominant Party States: Singapore’s Possibilities for China”, Asian Journal of Comparative Law (2019) 14:2, pp. 337-371 (with Lance Ang).
  • “China’s Governance Approach to the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI): Relations, Partnership, and Law”, Global Trade and Customs Journal (2019) 14:5, pp. 222-228.
  • “China, India and International Law: A Justice based Vision between the Romantic and Realist Perceptions”, Asian Journal of International Law 9 (2019), pp. 217-250 (with M. Sornarajah).
  • “Piercing the Corporate Veil: Historical, Theoretical and Comparative Perspectives”, The Berkeley Business Law Journal (2019) 16:1, pp. 140-204 (with Tan Cheng Han and Christian Hofmann).
  • “Reforming the World Trade Organization: China’s Proposals [WTO Gaige de Zhongguo Fangan], The South China Sea Law Journal (Naihai Faxue) (2019) 11:1, pp. 1-15 (co-author with several others).
  • “Power Transition, Battle of Models, and Rule-based International Order: Sino-U.S. Relations from the Perspectives of International Relations and International Law”, China Law Review, 2018, no. 5: 3-17 [“權力轉移、模式之爭與基於規則的國際秩序: 國際關係與國際法視角下的中美關係”, 《中國法律評論》 2018年第5期,第3-17頁].
  • “Between Power Politics and International Economic Law: Asian Regionalism, the Trans-Pacific Partnership and U.S.-China Trade Relations”, Pace International Law Review (2018) 30:2, pp. 383-439.
  • “Between ‘Rule’ and ‘Law’: Governance Dilemma of Political Leaders in East Asia”, 60 (2018:4) 58-65 [“東亞政治領袖的‘法’與‘治’之困”,《文化縱橫》2018年第4期(總第60期),58-65頁].
  • “Legitimacy, Jurisdiction and Merits in the South China Sea Arbitration: Chinese Perspectives and International Law”, Journal of Chinese Political Science (2017) 22:2, pp. 185-210.
  • “International Law, International Relations, and China’s Perspective on the South China Sea Arbitration Case in Light of Its Own National Interests”, 2 [2016] Asia-Pacific Security and Maritime Affairs [“國際法、國際關係與國家利益視角下的南海仲裁案”,《亞太安全與海洋研究》,2016年第2期], pp.1-15.
  • “Geopolitics, Discursive Power and International Law-Making”, China Law Review, 2016, no. 2: 39-45 (China) [“地緣政治、國際話語權與國際法上的規則制定權”,《中國法律評論》2016年第2期,第39-45頁].
  • “Liberalization oriented Foreign Investment Regime for a Rising China”, China Law Review, 5:1, 2015, pp. 60-64. [“大國崛起背景下的開放型外資法制”,《中國法律評論》, 第5期,第60-64頁].
  • “The Political Logic of Corporate Governance in State-owned Enterprises in China”, Cornell International Law Journal (2014) 47:3, pp. 631-669.
  • “Making Singapore Company Law More Singaporean? – A Critical Evaluation of the Recent Revision of the Companies Act in the Light of Comparative Law”, Asian Business Lawyer, Fall 2014: 15-36 (South Korea).
  • "Judicial Reform and Political Development in China: An Introduction by the Managing Editor". Chinese Journal of Comparative Law, 2, no. 2, part. 2014 (Judicial Reform in China) (2014): 185-187. (UK).
  • Judicial Independence in an Authoritarian Regime: Singapore’s Judicial System and Its Implications for Judicial Reform in China, in China Law Review, Vol.1, 2014 (Inaugural Issue), pp. 78-84. [“‘威權’體制下的‘司.法獨立’:新加坡司法體制對中國的啟示”,《中國法律評論》第一期(創刊號)(2014),78-84頁].
  • “Land and Housing Regulation in Singapore: Balancing Between Private Rights, Social Welfare and Public Interest”, Administrative Law Review (Xingzheng Fa Luncong), Vol. 14:2011 [“新加坡土地和房屋管理制度 - 私權、民生和國家利益之間的平衡”,北京大學憲法與行政法中心編《行政法論叢》第14卷(法律出版社,2012)].
  • “China and East Asian Regionalism”, (2011) 17:5 European Law Journal (pp. 611-629)
  • “China and the Doha Development Agenda”, (2010) 44:6 Journal of World Trade 1309-1331 (with C.L. Lim).
  • “Regulatory Competition and Cooperation between Securities Markets in Hong Kong and
  • ”, (2009) 4:3 Capital Markets Law Journal 383-404 (22 pages).
  • “Regulation of Initial Public Offering of Shares in China”, China Law, Vol. 76, 2009, pp. 54-65.
  • “Modelling an Effective Corporate Governance System for China’s Listed State-owned Enterprises: Issues and Challenges in a Transitional Economy”, (2007) 7:1 Journal of Corporate Law Studies 143-183 (with Lay-Hong Tan).
  • “Financial Liberalization in East Asia: Lessons from Financial Crises and the Chinese Experience of Controlled Liberalization”, (2007) 41:1 Journal of World Trade 211-241.
  • “The Strange Role of Independent Directors in a Two-tier Board Structure of China’s Listed Companies”, (2007) 3 Compliance & Regulatory Journal 47-55.
  • “China, India, and Regional Economic Integration in Asia: The Policy and Legal Dimensions”, [2006] 10 Singapore Year Book of International Law 269-305.
  • “區域自由貿易協定與中國的處境和政策選擇:法律、經濟與大國貿易戰略”, 《國際經濟法學刊》,第14卷第一期,2007年(北京大學出版社), 187-225頁。[“Regional Trade Agreements and China’s Policy Choices in the Global Wave of Regionalism: The Law, Economics, and Strategy”, (2007) Chinese Journal of International Economic Law, Vol. 14, No. 1, p. 187-225]
  • “資本賬戶開放和金融服務自由化的法律思考”,《上海財經大學學報(哲學社會科學版)》, 2006年第6期(第8卷總第44期),36-41頁。[“The Myths and Realities of Financial Liberalization: A Legal Perspective”, (2006) Journal of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Vol. 8, No. 6, pp. 34-41]
  • “Legal Education in Asia”, co-author, (2006) 1:1 Asian Journal of Comparative Law 184-207.
  • Book Review: “Review of Reforming Corporate Governance in Southeast Asia: Economics, Politics, and Regulations”. (2006) 1:1 Asian Journal of Comparative Law 306-308.
  • “The Rule of Law in China: A Realistic View of the Jurisprudence, the Impact of the WTO, and the Prospects for Future Development”, [2004] Singapore Journal of Legal Studies 347-389.
  • “China’s Regional Trade Agreements: The Law, Geopolitics and Impact on the Multilateral Trading System”, [2004] 8 Singapore Year Book of International Law 119-147.
  • “Dancing with Wolves: Regulation and Deregulation of Foreign Investment in China’s Stock Market”, (2004) 5 Asian-Pacific Law and Policy Journal 1-61.
  • “China and the Universal Human Rights Standard”, (2001) Syracuse Journal of International Law & Commerce 135-158.
  • “The Internet and E-commerce in China: Laws, Judicial Views and Government Policies”, (2001) The Computer & Internet Lawyer 12-30.
  • “The Legal Nature of Letter of Credit”, (1999) 11 Minshang Fa Luncong [Civil and Commercial Law Review] 113-139. (China) “信用證交易原理及其法律性質研究”,《民商法論叢》第11卷(1999).
  • “論船舶扣押制度”,《海商法研究》1999年第一輯(總第一輯),80 – 92 頁。北京大學出版社。[“On the Arrest of Vessel”, Maritime Law Review, Vol.1, No. 1, 1999, pp. 80-92.]
  • “Letter of Credit Fraud Cases and the Legal Remedies”, (1998) 45 Zhongguo Haishangfa Tongxin [China Maritime Law Journal] 48-56. (China). “論信用證欺詐及其司法救濟”,《中國海商法協會 通信》1998年第3期 (總第45期)
  • “The General Rules of the Formation of Sale Contracts and the ‘Battle of Forms’ in International Trade”, (1997) 8 Minshang Fa Luncong [Civil and Commercial Law Review] 545-637. (China) “買賣契約成立的一般規則與國際貿易中的格式之戰”,《民商法論叢》第八卷 (1997).
  • “On the Doctrine of Rebus Sic Stantibus”, (1997) 89 (1) Southwest University of Political Science and Law Review 46-50. (China). “論情勢變更原則”,《現代法學》1997年第1期(總第89期).
  • “EU’s Unitary Trade System and Its Impact on China’s Foreign Trade”, (1996) 50 (3) Guoji Shangwu [Journal of International Business] 19-25. (China). “歐盟統一對外貿易制度及其對中國的影響”,《國際商務》1996年第3期(總第50期).
  • “China and TRIPs: The Challenges and Responses”, (1996) 21 (1) Keji yu Falű [Peking University Law and Technology Journal] 44-48 (co-authored with Prof. Zhu Qichao). (China). “中國面對TRIPs: 挑戰與回應” (與朱啟超教授合著),《科技與法律》1996年第一期,總第21期.
  • “The Role of Lawyers in International Lending”, (1996) Lűshi Shijie [Lawyers’ World]. (China). “國際貸款業務中律師的作用”,《律師世界》1996年第 3 期.
  • “Problems in China’s Foreign Investment Law: and Suggestions for Improvement”, (1995) Faxue Xuekan [Legal Studies]. “我國外資立法存在的問題與幾點建議”,《法學學刊》,1995年第 3 期.

Book Chapters

  • “International Economic Law and Asia”, in Simon Chesterman, Hisashi Owada and Ben Saul (eds), Oxford Handbook of International Law in Asia and the Pacific, Chapter 10, pp. 237-266 (Oxford University Press, 2019).
  • “The Party in the Legislature and Judiciary”, in Zheng Yongnian and Lance L.P. Gore (eds.), The Chinese Communist Party in Action: Consolidating Party Rule Chapter 9, pp. 181-198 (Routledge, 2019).
  • “Corporate Governance in China”, in Bruce Aronson and Joongi Kim (eds.), Corporate Governance in Asia: A Comparative Approach, Chapter 9, pp 238-266 (Cambridge University Press, 2019).
  • “Squeeze-out (or the Lack Thereof) in the Regulation of Corporate Mergers in China”, In Fleischer H, Kanda H, Kim KS, Mulbert(eds.), Issues and Challenges in Corporate and Capital Market Law: Germany and East Asia, pp. 225-234 (Themen und Herausforderungen im Gesellschafts- und Kapitalmarktrecht: Deutschland und Ostasien, Germany Jun 2018).
  • “Enforcing Fiduciary Duties as Tort Liability in Chinese Courts”. In R. Huang & N. Howson (eds.), Enforcement of Corporate and Securities Law: China and the World, Chapter 10, pp. 185-206, (Cambridge University Press, 2017).
  • "Corporate governance in China: The Law and Its Political Logic". Roman Tomasic (ed), Routledge Handbook of Corporate Law, Chapter 11, pp. 183-211 (Abingdon: Routledge, November 2016).
  • “State Capitalism and Sovereign Wealth Funds: Finding a ‘Soft’ Location in International Economic Law”, in Chin Leng Lim (ed.), Alternative Visions of the International Law on Foreign Investment: Essays in Honour of Muthucumaraswamy Sornarajah, Chapter 15, pp. 405-428, (Cambridge University Press, 2016).
  • “The Rise of Singapore as International Financial Centre: Political Will, Industrial Policy, and Rule of Law”, in Jiaxiang Hu, Matthias Vanhullebusch & Andrew Harding (eds.), Finance, Rule of Law and Development in Asia: Perspectives from Singapore, Hong Kong and Mainland, Chapter 1, pp. 3-17 (Leiden/Boston: Brill Academic Publishers, 2016).
  • “China’s Impact on Hong Kong’s Position as an International Financial Centre: the Legal and Policy Dimensions”, in David Donald (With Contributions by Jiangyu Wang and Jefferson P Vandelwolk), A Financial Centre for Two Empires: Hong Kong’s Corporate, Securities and Tax Laws in Its Transition from Britain to China, Chapter 6, pp. 223-257. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014),
  • “China: Legal Reform in An Emerging Socialist Market Economy”, in E. Ann Black & Gary F. Bell (eds.), Law and Legal Institutions of Asia: Traditions, Adaptations and Innovations, Chapter 1, pp. 24-61 (Cambridge University Press, 2011).
  • “The Political Logic of Securities Regulation in China”, in Yu Guanghua (ed),The Development of the Chinese Legal System: Change and Challenges, pp. 227-250 (London and New York: Routledge, 2011).
  • “Association of Southeast Asian Nations – China Free Trade Agreement”, in Simon Lester and Bryan Mercurio (eds.), Bilateral and Regional Trade Agreements: Case Studies, pp. 192-225 (Cambridge University Press, 2009).
  • “The Strange Role of Independent Directors in a Two-Tier Board Structure of China’s Listed Companies”, in Masao Nakamura (ed.), Changing Corporate Governance Practices in China and Japan: Adaptations of Anglo-American Practices (Palgrave Macmillan, 2008).
  • “The Evolution of China’s International Trade Policy: Development through Protection and Liberalization”, in Y.S. Lee (ed.), Economic Development through World Trade, pp.191-213 (Kluwer Law International BV, 2008).
  • “ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement: Legal and Institutional Aspects”, in Saw Swee-Hock (ed.), China and ASEAN: Economic Cooperation and Challenges Ahead pp. 112-145 (Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2006).
  • “China-ASEAN Free Trade Agreement: An International Law Perspective”, in John Wang, Zou Keyuan & Zeng Huaqun (eds.), China’s Relations with ASEAN: New Dimensions pp. 111-131 (Singapore: World Scientific Press, 2005).
  • “The Legal and Policy Considerations of China-ASEAN FTA”, in Ho Khai Leong & Samuel C.Y. Ku (eds.), China and Southeast Asia: Global Changes and Regional Challenges,pp. 42-79 (Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2005).

Reports and Policy Papers

  • 新加坡國際商業法庭的國際性和獨立性 [Internationalization and Independence: Lessons of Singapore’s International Commercial Courts for China]. 13 July 2018.

Working Papers

  • 當代中國法律制度的基本特徵、結構和未來發展展望 [The Fundamental Characteristics, Structure and Future Prospects of the Contemporary Chinese Legal System], 19 August 2010, East Asia Working Paper No. 86. Singapore: East Asian Institute of the National University of Singapore (ISSN 0219-1415; ISBN 978-981-08-6751-5).

Op-Ed Nearly three years

  • “US the Real Revisionist Power”, China Daily, 17 June 2019
  • “中美女主播辯論——處理“貿易戰”的正確溝通方式”,《聯合早報》,2019年5月31日
  • “孟晚舟引渡案的法律與政治”,《聯合早報》言論版,2019年1月1日
  • “世界面臨百年未有之大變局”,《人民日報》“寰宇.格局演進.權威論壇”,2018年12月24日
  • “歲月靜好,民怨積聚:尋找方向感的轉型中國”,《金融時報(中文網)》(FTChinese),2018年8月13日
  • “中美摩擦風險加劇並無冷戰”,《聯合早報》言論版,2018年4月25日
  • “十九大與日漸清晰的‘中國模式’頂層設計”,《聯合早報》言論版,2017年10月25日
  • “新加坡‘小國大外交’的堅守與調整”,《金融時報(中文網)》(FTChinese), 2017年9月28 日
  • ““一國兩制”豐富人類制度經驗”,《人民日報》國際版,2017年7月12日
  • “為何擔心中國成為世界領導者?” 《聯合早報》言論版,2017年7月12日


