Open Your Eyes(Sum 41 演唱歌曲)

Open Your Eyes(Sum 41 演唱歌曲)

Sum 41 是一支來自加拿大安大略的流行朋克樂隊,成立於1996年,成員有主唱兼吉他手Deryck Whibley、貝斯手Cone McCaslin、吉他手Tom Thacker,樂隊於2004年9月發行了他們的第三張專輯《chuck》,在美國發行首周以6萬6千張的銷量空降公告牌二百強專輯榜10位,為他們首次打入該榜前十 ,並最終獲得金唱片認證。其中該專輯第7首單曲就是這首著名的《Open Your Eyes》。


  • 中文名:睜開你的眼睛
  • 外文名:Open Your Eyes
  • 專輯:《Chuck》
  • 包含:狂熱亢進的金屬氣息
  • 特點:我行我素、別具一格


I'm not quite myself
I do need some help
Just My confusion
Trust my delusion
Don't you
Regret you met me
Go through
These steps to get me
Back to where we start
Fore I fall apart
If I could black out
It'd become so clear
Standing face-to-face with everything I fear
Watch so closely
But still I don't see
As bad as it seems
a piece of mind I steal
An ordinnary life
But consequences real
I'm past the point of reality
This isn't me
This isn't you
When it's just everything we do
Till you open up your eyes
and understand this isn't real
This isn't me
This isn't you
This is everything but ture
Till we come to realize
It's what we put each other through
It's like a bad dream
Coming all so ture
Leaving me with nothing else left to do
Now so helpless
I'm not so selfish
Tell me
How does it feel to have a face like that
How does it feel to be replaced like that
Now so faceless
Do you still feel
This isn't me
This isn't you
When it's just everything we do
Till you open your eyes
and understand this isn't real
This isn't me
This isn't you
This is everything but ture
Till we come to realize
It's what we put each other thourgh
It's hard to belive right now
This seems to be real
Still phasing by this time
So why can't Iwake up
This isn't me
This isn't you
When it's just everything we do
Till you open your eyes
and understand this isn't real
This isn't me
This isn't you
This is everything but ture
Till we come to realize
It's what we put each other thourgh
--- End ---


對於這張名為《Chuck》新專輯,有人不禁要問了,這個Chuck到底是誰呢?說來話長,今年5月,Sum41前往正處在戰亂中的剛果,幫助一家名為“War Child Canada”的慈善機構拍攝一部反映當地內戰的記錄片。在不到半個月的時間裡,樂隊四位成員對於戰爭的殘酷有了清晰而強烈的親身體驗,他們不但親歷了居民疏散行動,還因戰事激烈而不得不躲在飯店浴室里。最後由於當地內戰愈演愈烈,他們必須在聯合國維和部隊的保護下逃往鄰國烏干達,而在此期間,正是一位名叫Chuck Pelletier的維和部隊戰士,載著樂隊四人,駕駛著裝甲坦克穿越槍林彈雨,並最終逃離了滿是炸彈和地雷的戰區。為了感激這位挽救他們生命的勇士,樂隊決定用他的名字命名新唱片。而新專輯《Chuck》中大多數作品的靈感也都來自於這次難忘的歷險,並充滿了對現實世界的不滿和控訴。正如首支單曲《We’re All to Blame》中所迸發出的狂熱亢進的金屬氣息,讓我們看到Sum41似乎決意沿襲上一張專輯的路線,並且走得更加極端。此外,無論是《The Bitter End》里向Thrash-Metal先驅Anthrax 取經的吉他Solo,還是頗有Linkin Park風範的《There’s No Solution》,都帶有明顯的金屬取向。而在《No Reason》這樣快速強勁的作品中,“Oi!Oi!”這一聲聲憤怒的嚎叫讓人不難看出樂隊對硬核的偏好。在一首首斬釘截鐵式的作品中,Sum41直截了當的在不到30分鐘的時間裡將整張專輯一氣呵成。 死裡逃生的經歷讓Sum41這支年輕的樂隊更加成熟,而他們的音樂也愈加的我行我素、別具一格。從他們飽含力量的每一個音符里,我們聽到的是震撼人心的呼喊,我們也仿佛看到了戰火中一個個逝去的亡靈。


