《Nimisha's Ship》是TransworldPublishersLtd出版的圖書,作者是McCaffrey,Anne。
- 書名:Nimisha's Ship
- 作者:McCaffrey,Anne
- 頁數:448
- 定價:£9.99
- 出版社:TransworldPublishersLtd
Nimisha Boynton-Rondymense was the body-heir of Lady Rezalla and, as such, was the heiress of one of the First Families on Vega III. But even as a child she eschewed the formalities of her aristocratic background and was happiest in her father's shipyard. By the time she was in her twenties she was the designer of the most advanced space yacht in the galaxy, and was owner of the Rondymense shipyards. It was on a test of her Mark 5 prototype that things went wrong. In an empty space field, suitable for test runs, she was suddenly confronted with the boiling white pout of a wormhole, was sucked in, only to be thrown out into an unknown dimension of space.