《Navigating Beyond Neglect》是一本圖書。
- 中文名:Navigating Beyond Neglect
- 作者:Ronald Comer,Elizabeth Gould
- ISBN:9781312690578
Angela McDowell-Baines is an inspired Author, Speaker, Business Leader and Strategic Change Confidante who wrote "Navigating Beyond Neglect" in accordance with her personal mission to encourage spiritual growth. "Navigating Beyond Neglect" is intended to bring awareness to the affects of the neglect of our divine spirit. In our purest state we are more in tune with our Creator's spirit within us; however as life challenges occur, some of us tend to lose sight of our purpose and our own divine inner spirit which keeps us connected to an Infinite Source of love, guidance and protection. In this book I have simply put into writing what was proven practice for me to rediscover my spiritual navigation system which helped me to change the trajectory of my life. This story will inspire individuals to overcome barriers and life challenges while sustaining the core essentials of their individuality, integrity and confidence.