Monster Factory Escape Pro

Monster Factory Escape Pro


  • 軟體名稱:Monster Factory Escape Pro
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體大小:48.5MB
  • 軟體語言:英文
  • 價格:¥12.00


薩立是世界上最聰明也心地最好的怪獸。他正邀請您玩這個遊戲。 您的目標就是將它困在其中一個瓷磚板上。 他的目標就是從甲板上逃走。 您可以逐步闖關。 遊戲開始很容易,但您越往後玩越難。 薩立可不是什麼新手。他很快就會勝過您,除非您專心思考如何打敗它。 如果您有競爭意識,您會覺得這是個極具挑戰性的遊戲,而且會讓您上癮。 您必須集中注意力才可以打敗它,然後您可以與您的朋友分享您的戰績。 別擔心,您可以從任意級別開始遊戲。 最好的是,只要您使用可選炸彈,您就可以打敗薩立。 祝您玩得開心,看看您能玩到第幾關...... Smiley is the smartest and nicest Monster in the world. He is inviting you to play this game. Your goal is to trap him on one of the tile. His goal is to escape from the board. You play one after each other. It will be very easy at first, but it's going to get a lot harder as you move you the stages. Smiley is no beginner. He will outsmart you very soon, unless you concentrate very hard on how to beat him. This is a challenging game that gets very addicting if you have a competitive mind. you can beat him, all it takes is concentration and then you can tell your friends how far you were able to go. Don't worry, you can always start over any level or stage. And best of all, you can always beat smiley if you use the optional bombs!!! Have fun and let's see how far you can go...


需要iOS 4.3 或更高版本。與 iPhone、iPad、iPod touch 兼容。 此 App 已針對 iPhone 5 進行最佳化。


