Moment Of Truth

關鍵時刻(Moments of Truth,MOT)這一理論是由北歐航空公司前總裁詹·卡爾森創造的。他認為,關鍵時刻就是顧客與北歐航空公司的職員面對面相互交流的時刻,放大之,就是指客戶與企業的各種資源發生接觸的那一刻。這個時刻決定了企業未來的成敗。卡爾森在1981年進入北歐航空公司擔任總裁的時候,該公司已連續虧損且金額龐大,然而不到一年時間卡爾森就使公司扭虧轉盈。這樣的業績完全得益於北歐航空公司員工認識到:在一年中,與每一位乘客的接觸中,包含了上千萬個“MOT”,如果每一個MOT都是正面的,那麽客戶就會更加忠誠,為企業創造源源不斷的利潤。


  • 中文名關鍵時刻
  • 外文名:Moment of Truth
  • 關鍵指標:客戶導向
  • 一首歌: FM Stati
  • 歌詞:Here we are,


Moment Of Truth,MOT(Moment of Truth)——關鍵時刻。MOT是一個關鍵指標,是對客戶導向的具體衡量,因為對客戶而言,他只會記住那些關鍵時刻——MOT。
Moment Of Truth, FM Static的一首歌.


Here we are, in the best years of our lives.
With no way of knowing, when the
whee ll stop spinning cause we don t
know where we re going...
and here we are, on the best day of our lives.
And it s a go, lets make it last, so cheers you
all to that, cause this moment s never comin back
I used to know her brother, but I never
knew I loved her, till the day she laid her
eyes on me. Now I m jumpin up and down,
she s the only one around, and she means
every little thing to me
I ve got your picture in my wallet, and your
Phone number to call it, and I miss you more,
Whenever I think about you,. I ve got
your mixed tape in my Walkman, been so
long since we ve been talkin and in a few
more days, we ll both hook up, forever and ever
And here I am, on the west coast of
American and I ve been tryin to think for weeks of
all the ways to ask you, And now
I ve brought you to the place, Where I ve
poured my heart out, a million times, for a million
reasons, To offer it to you
I used to know her brother, but I never
knew I loved her, till the day she laid her
eyes on me. Now I m jumpin up and down,
she s the only one around, and she means
every little thing to me
I ve got your picture in my wallet, and your
Phone number to call it, and I miss you more,
Whenever I think about you,. I ve got
your mixed tape in my Walkman, been so
long since we ve been talkin and in a few
more days, we ll both hook up, forever and ever
I used to know her brother, but I never
knew I loved her, till the day she laid her
eyes on me. Now I m jumpin up and down,
she s the only one around, and she means
every little thing to me
I ve got your picture in my wallet, and your
Phone number to call it, and I miss you more,
Whenever I think about you,. I ve got
your mixed tape in my Walkman, been so
long since we ve been talkin and in a few
more days, we ll both hook up, forever and ever


