- 書名:Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 進階指南
- 作者:Cox, Joyce/ Preppernau, Joan
- ISBN:9780735623019
- 頁數:298
- 定價:226.00元
- 出版社:Microsoft Pr
- 出版時間:2007-1
- 裝幀:Pap
Working in the PowerPoint Environment
Opening, Moving Around in, and Closing a Presentation
Sidebar: Compatibility with Earlier Versions
Displaying Different Views of a Presentation
Saving a Presentation
Key Points
2 Starting a New Presentation
Quickly Creating a Presentation
Creating a Presentation Based on a Ready-Made Design
Converting an Outline to a Presentation
Sidebar: Exporting a Presentation as an Outline
Reusing Existing Slides
Sidebar: Working with a Slide Library
Key Points
3 Working with Slide Text
Entering Text
Editing Text
Adding and Manipulating Text Boxes
Sidebar: Changing the Default Font for Text Boxes
Correcting and Sizing Text While Typing
Sidebar: Smart Tags
Checking Spelling and Choosing the Best Words
Finding and Replacing Text and Fonts
Changing the Size, Alignment, Spacing, and Look of Text
Key Points
4 Adjusting the Layout, Order, and Look of Slides
Changing the Layout of a Slide
Rearranging Slides in a Presentation
Applying a Theme
Switching to a Different Color Scheme
Sidebar: Changing a Theme's Fonts and Effects
Using Colors That Are Not Part of the Scheme
Adding Shading and Texture to the Background of a Slide
Sidebar: Adding a Picture to the Slide Background..
Key Points
5 Adding Tables, Charts, and Diagrams
Inserting and Formatting a Table .
Inserting and Updating an Excel Worksheet
Inserting and Formatting a Chart
Sidebar: Additional Chart Formatting Options
Inserting and Formatting a Diagram
Converting Existing Bullet Points into a Diagram
Key Points
6 Enhancing Slides with Graphics
Inserting and Modifying Clip Art Images
Sidebar: Using the Clip Organizer
Inserting and Modifying Pictures
Sidebar: Graphic Formats
Creating a Photo Album
Drawing, Modifying, and Connecting Shapes
Inserting and Modifying Stylized Text
Aligning and Stacking Graphics
Key Points
7 Adding Animation, Sound, and Movies
Animating Slide Elements
Adding Transition Effects
Inserting, Playing, and Modifying Sounds
Sidebar: Recording a Narration
Inserting, Playing, and Modifying Movies
Key Points
8 Reviewing & sharing a presentation
9 Creating your own presentation electronically
10 Delivering a Presentatino Electroncally
11 Setting up a presentation for web viewing
12 Customizing PowerPoint