梅利莎是一位乳腺癌患者,更是一位堅強的歌手,她在去年“格萊美”音樂大獎上曾以光頭示人。1992年,在柯林頓美國總統就職慶典上,梅利莎表明了自己的同性戀身份。美國全國乳腺癌聯合會的主席說:“梅利莎向人們發出了一個強有力的宣言:也許我患病了,但我仍然來到了這裡,我不會離開”。1993年和1994年,梅利莎連獲兩屆“格萊美”大獎,1988年發行首張專輯至今,梅利莎的唱片銷量在全球已突破兩千五百萬張,首支單曲《Angels Would Fall》一經推出,就衝進了Billboard排行榜的TOP 10
Fearless Love
發布於 2010-04
The single and album were produced by John Shanks, whose first album production was Etheridge's 1999 Breakdown. Since that collaboration he has risen to the top ranks of rock and pop producers with credits including Sheryl Crow, Alanis Morissette and Bon Jovi,
The Road Less Traveled
發布於 2005-06
發布於 2004-02-10
發布於 2002-07-23
Skin is the seventh album by singer/songwriter Melissa Etheridge, released in 2001 (see 2001 in music). During the singer's split from Julie Cypher, her companion of 12 years, Melissa Etheridge retreated to her home studio to pen songs about her searing pain and confusion. Skin peels back layers of Etheridge's pain and addresses her personal melodrama, as she takes the listener through the stages of grief and recovery. "Heal Me" features background vocals by Laura Dern and Meg Ryan.
Yes I Am
英語 歌曲10首
發布於 1993-09-21
Yes I Am is the album that catapulted Melissa Etheridge into superstardom. The 1993 collection's mercilessly driven, bluesy songs--nearly all dripping with sensual lyrics and rousing rhythms--made it the ideal breeding ground for a couple of career-enhancing music videos. The eerily possessive rock ballad "Come to My Window" hit the tube first with a bizarre twofold portrait of Etheridge and her guitar and actress Juliette Lewis having a nervous breakdown.
正如同其它許多的女性搖滾客一樣,Melissa Etheridge(瑪麗莎伊瑟莉姬)事業的開始,樸實的魅力與打自心底般私密的歌曲不斷地和她的樂迷們產生聯繫互動,把搖滾樂的真實情感與紮實力道,帶動90年代女性搖滾風潮。2001年,隨著自傳《The Truth Is》的出版,引爆了Melissa的第七張專輯《Skin》。這張專輯由Melissa擔綱製作,除了鼓,其它樂器通通親自演奏。她又再度入圍這一獎項的提名,以其坦誠的做人信條和音樂風格向第三次折冠衝擊。這張《Skin》仍舊是Melissa個性十足的唱片,在音樂風格上兼容了根源搖滾和流行搖滾,具有濃郁的美國鄉土氣息,樂風穩健、平實。Melissa離開了與她相處12年的好友Julie Cypher,她帶著極度的痛苦和惶惑回到居所的錄音室里,創作了這10首作品。Etheridge藉助歌曲來發泄情感,她的演唱充滿了狂野和激情。在以前的六張專輯中,我們見到的是一個剛強的女歌手,在《Skin》中則流露出了Etheridge脆弱的一面,她將自己的痛楚與絕望融入到了歌曲中。專輯的首支單曲“I Want to Be in Love”是一首傷感而不加修飾的作品。從“Please Forgive Me”、“It’s Only Me”、“Heal Me”中,你可以看到一個脆弱的Etheridge。鼓手Kenny Aronoff、貝司手Mark Brown、合作製作人David Cole協助Melissa完成整張專輯。Laura Dern和Meg Ryan在“Heal Me”中擔當了和聲。Etheridge完成了專輯中歌曲的創作和大量的器樂演奏。