Matthew Reeve

Matthew Reeve


  • 畢業院校:倫敦大學學院
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:語言學
  • 任職院校:浙江大學外國語言文化與國際交流學院
  • 外文名:Matthew Reeve






Journal Articles (peer-reviewed)
Journal Articles (peer-reviewed)
Reeve, Matthew. 2019. Beyond constituency tests: A reply to Osborne [Discussion note on: Osborne, Timothy. 2018. Tests for constituents: What they really reveal about the nature of syntactic structure.].Language Under Discussion5: 68–82.
Reeve, Matthew. 2019. An agreement-based analysis of extraction from nominals.Natural Language & Linguistic Theory37: 263–314.
Osborne, Timothy & Reeve, Matthew. 2018. Scope domains: Toward a Dependency Grammar account of the syntactic distribution of negative polarity items.Acta Linguistica Academica65: 119–167.
Reeve, Matthew & Hicks, Glyn. 2017. Extraposition of adjuncts: Base-generation or movement?Syntax20(3), 215–248.
Reeve, Matthew. 2011. The syntactic structure of English clefts.Lingua121, 142–171.
Reeve, Matthew. 2012.Clefts and their Relatives. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. [Reviewed by Marcel den Dikken inLanguage88, 918–923.]
Book Chapters (peer-reviewed)
Reeve, Matthew. 2013. The cleft pronoun and cleft clause in English. In: Katharina Hartmann and Tonjes Veenstra (eds.),Cleft Structures, 165–186. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Reeve, Matthew. 2012. Against FP analyses of clefts. In: Ad Neeleman and Reiko Vermeulen (eds.),A Flexible Theory of Topic and Focus, 157–187. Berlin: Mouton.
Conference Proceedings Papers
Reeve, Matthew. 2014. A unified analysis of gapping and cleft ellipsis. In: Nurit Melnik (ed.),MIT Working Papers in Linguistics 72 (Proceedings of IATL 2013), 141–168. Cambridge, MA: MIT Working Papers in Linguistics.
Reeve, Matthew. 2014. If there’s anything cleft ellipsis resembles, it’s (pseudo)gapping. In: Robert E. Santana-LaBarge (ed.),Proceedings of WCCFL31, 351–360. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project.
Other Articles
Reeve, Matthew & Feng, Jiaxin. 2019. On affectedness in Chinesebèi-constructions. Ms., Zhejiang University.
Reeve, Matthew & Feng, Jiaxin. 2019. Affectedness and theta-theory:Bèi-constructions in Mandarin Chinese. Submitted.
Reeve, Matthew. 2014. On control andenvy.UCL Working Papers in Linguistics26, 43–71.
Reeve, Matthew. 2013. Conditions on ellipsis licensing: Evidence from gapping and cleft ellipsis.UCL Working Papers in Linguistics25, 144–175.
Bury, Dirk & Reeve, Matthew. 2013. Backward coreference from relative clauses and the nature of Condition C.UCL Working Papers in Linguistics25, 112–130.
Reeve, Matthew. 2013. Review of Amanda Patten (2012),The EnglishIt-Cleft: A Constructional Account and a Diachronic Investigation(Berlin & Boston: Mouton de Gruyter).Journal of Historical Syntax2(3), 1–20.
Reeve, Matthew. 2013. Review of Jae Jung Song (2012),Word Order(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).Linguist List24.2929.
Reeve, Matthew. 2012. Review of Paul M. Postal (2011),Edge-Based Clausal Syntax(Cambridge, MA: MIT Press).Linguist List23.3084.
Reeve, Matthew. 2008. A ‘pseudo-biclausal’ analysis of Slavonic clefts.UCL Working Papers in Linguistics20, 63–85.
Reeve, Matthew. 2007. Relatives and pronouns in the English cleft construction.UCL Working Papers in Linguistics19, 157–182.
Edited Volumes
Franco, Ludovico & Marchis Moreno, Mihaela & Reeve, Matthew (eds.). 2019.Agreement, Case and Locality in the Nominal and Verbal Domains. Berlin: Language Science Press.
Daskalaki, Evangelia & Katsos, Napoleon & Mavrogiorgos, Marios & Reeve, Matthew (eds.). 2005.CamLing 2004: Proceedings of the University of Cambridge Second Postgraduate Conference in Linguistics. Cambridge Institute of Language Research.


  • 現代語言學 / 語言學導論(本科)
  • 句法學(本科)
  • 語義學(碩士)
  • 學科方法論(博士)


