N1: current level of 630A to 1600A, 50KA breaking capacity
N2: current rating 800A to 2500A, 50KA breaking capacity
H1: current rating 800A to 6300A, 65KA breaking capacity
H1b: current rating 800A to 4000A, breaking capacity 85kA
H2: current rating 800A to 6300A, breaking capacity 100KA
H3: current rating 800A to 4000A, breaking capacity 150KA
L1: current rating 800A to 2000A, breaking capacity 150KA
With drawer / fixed, 3 / 4 pole switch
Provide load switch, 1000V, and DC products
14 kinds of Micrologic control unit can provide complete protection, and user-friendly maintenance and monitoring, using a variety of optional accessories to meet the changing requirements of modular components that can be assembled on site at any time.
Five major markets: industrial, energy and infrastructure, public construction business, residential, data centers
Applies to low voltage power distribution in the field of power distribution lines and equipment protection and control:
> N1 - standard for low-level short-circuit breaking current
> N2 - for general short-circuit current
> H1 - suitable for the environment breaking industrial grade short-circuit current
> H1b - breaking capacity requirements applicable to the industrial situation of high
> H2 - high-performance model for the possible very high short-circuit current of heavy industry
> H3 - two transformers in parallel operation of electrical system
> L1 - high limiting capacity for the protection of feed unit or when the transformer rated power to improve the performance to raise the level of switchgear