- 外文名:Martial Artist
- 飾演:Shihoko Nagai
- 登場作品:《奇異博士》
【名】 (Martial)(法)馬夏爾(人名)短語搭配 martial art 武術(源於東方的幾種搏鬥技巧)martial law 戒嚴令;戒嚴法;軍事管制 martial artist 武術家 martial music 軍樂 court martial 軍事法庭 雙語例句 1Martial law has now ...
World Famous Martial Artist 世界功夫段位制總會師範級八段 Level 8 of World Organization of Wushu Kung Fu Master 中國武術協會 國家級七段 Level 7 of Wushu Duanwei, Chinese Wushu Association 第一屆中國武術段位制 傑出推廣大獎...
XMA練習者全稱為“Extreme Martial Artist”,簡稱:“Tricker”,“Trickster”,“Trickzter”。起源 世界冠軍 Michael Chaturantabut(也被稱作Mike “Chat”)先提出XMA這個名字和基礎訓練的方法,但是炫耀和加入類似體操雜技動作的理念...
Martial Artist Knuckle 極快攻擊速度 類型:手套 套職業限制:格鬥家 等級:35 品質:紫色 物理攻擊力: +321 魔法攻擊力: +359 智力:+11 物理暴擊率 +2% 攻擊力 1% 4.31 . 攻擊敵人時, 有1%%的幾率使敵人進入眩暈狀態4秒。
K-1 World MAX是K-1從2002年新開辦的一個系列賽事,MAX是Martial Artist`s Extreme的簡稱,參賽的對象為70公斤及以下選手。由於K-1 World GP是無差別級賽事,亞洲選手由於人種的原因在體格和體質上很難與歐美選手抗衡,但在小級別上...
Analysis of Shaolin Chin Na 2nd ed.: Instructor's Manual for all Martial Styles 少林擒拿分析 第二集:各種搏擊風格的介紹 (修訂版)Ancient Chinese Weapons: A Martial Artist's Guide 古代中國武器:一本搏擊藝術的指南 Arthri...
A martial artist hunts a killer in a plague-infested urban dump of the future.He is the escort for a half-cyborg woman whose programming contains a possible cure for a plague. But the woman is kidnapped by the ...
Performance" Eddon Award for Laundry & Bourbon, Winner of "Star Making Performance" Scenie Award for Patterns and Winner of LA 30 Second Short Awards for Made with Love. Savannah is also an advanced martial artist of ...
puts all these writings into historical and philosophical context and makes them accessible and relevant to today’s readers and martial arts students. Tokitsu understands Musashi’s writings—and Musashi as a martial artist...
A young beautiful sweet girl falls in love with a charming athletic martial artist. Sadly, right before their love culminates into a trip overseas, Paris catches her boyfriend cheating to her.一個年輕漂亮的可愛的女孩愛上...
his father is killed by a murderous martial arts expert looking to overpower the lucrative family business, a young warrior bides his time by learning the skills needed to seek ultimate revenge. A master martial artist ...
; Fixer(這位是逃跑+陰影大師,他們擁有加速技術、在戰場上製造迷霧、遠距離移動等等,要殺死他們可不是件容易的事); Keeper(該職業與奇幻世界裡面的聖騎士類似,肉搏型戰士+增加自身/同伴屬性的納米技術); Martial Artist(和奇幻...
Martial Artist Tonfa 可交易 普通攻擊速度 類型:東方棍 職業限制:格鬥家 等級:35 品質:紫色 物理攻擊力:+315 魔法攻擊力:+332 物理防禦:+370 力量:+24 智力:+37 物理暴擊率 +2% 命中率 +2% 迴避率 +3% 攻擊時,有1%的...
屬性 武鬥臂鎧 Martial Artist Gauntlet 可交易 極慢攻擊速度 類型:臂鎧 職業限制:格鬥家 等級:35 品質:紫色 物理攻擊力:+401 魔法攻擊力:+301 力量:+13 命中率 +1% 物理暴擊率 +2% 攻擊時1%幾率使敵人進入眩暈狀態。
covered in the martial arts book.Shaolin Kung Fu is an indispensable part of every martial artist's repertoire—a vital means to improve your movement, motion, and balance skills and the best way for a mixed ...