2003年2月,彩虹六號分隊已經擴展為歐洲組和德國組,包含了當時歐洲一些最優秀的玩家。3月,他們又建立了“命運戰士”和“雷神之錘3”的分隊,一些優秀的命運戰士和雷神之錘的玩家加入了MYM戰隊。5月,彩虹六號法國分隊成立,6月,“虛幻競技場”原SC戰隊加入成為MYM的“虛幻競技場2003”分隊,但令人遺憾的是,由於“雷神之錘”、“虛幻競技場”、“命運戰士2003”的過時和愛好者減少,MYM在10月取消這三個遊戲的分隊。同月,Esports I/S公司決定把馬克彼得的唯一理事的格局擴展成為多理事的格局,他們舉行了理事會並選舉了亨利克·凱普勒·安德森等四名理事為Esports I/S和Meet Your Makers戰隊的合法擁有者。之後,原丹麥最優秀的“戰地”遊戲戰隊GN,全部轉入MYM作為“戰地”分隊。11月,MYM以6名隊員建立了“光暈”遊戲的分隊。
Since 2001 the world famous MYM teams have been around within all kind of games, but especially the Warcraft 3 and Starcraft:Broodwar sections have harvested most of the attention. They have been feared, loved, hated and have had many followers and fans, in both good and bad times. Today the era ends for these teams in MYM and boots are left on the Warcraft and Starcraft battlefield that will be hard to fill.
The mother company behind ESNation A/S has decided to re-focus and change the strategy for which teams to focus on in the upcoming year 2009.
As the founder of the MYM team back in 2001 it is with sadness that I have to make this announcement, but as a professional entrepreneur I respect our decision and look at all the fantastic things we have achieved with our Warcraft 3 and Starcraft:Broodwar teams during the past 8 years, it was worth it and it has been one heck of a trip and there are more to come for sure.
The two Warcraft 3 and Starcraft MYM teams have achieved almost everything there was to achieve, the awards and achievement lists are almost endless, but the most memorable ones where “the double” as Warcraft 3 champions in WC3L and NGL, Olympic champion (Grubby at WCG) in Warcraft 3 and the first Danish CPL gold medal back in 2002 (Won by Bjarke in WC3). For Starcraft it has been the progress during the last year into the best none korean team in the world and not to forget Streloks and White-ra´s success in the WCG 2007 and 2008. The ton of 1st, 2nd and 3rd place medals and trophies remain in the trophy room and will in the upcoming years remind us and bare witness of a fantastic Warcraft 3 and Starcraft:Broodwar era/time, filled with joy, experiences, travels and friendships beyond borders and for that we want to thank you all for that.
We cannot thank the MYM Warcraft 3 and Starcraft:Broodwar players, managers and fans enough, without you we would never have achieved all the things we did and we hope that all of you will stick around and still be a part of the myMYM community and follow the evolvement.
Let us give the following in the Warcraft and Starcraft sections a big farewell:
MYM Warcraft 3
MYM]Losemann aka. Matthias Beyer
MYM]Nordahl aka. Jesper Nordahl Henriksen
MYM]Moon aka. Jang JaeHo
MYM]Grubby aka. Manuel Schenkhuizen
MYM]Susiria aka. Jung-Ki OhMYM DOTA戰隊
MYM]Lucifer aka. JaeWook Noh
MYM]Soccer aka. Deok Man Yoon
MYM]EVE aka. Jae shin Park
MYM Starcraft:Broodwar
MYM]MaX aka. Markus Kemper (Manager)
MYM]Archi aka. Gregor Werner (Manager)MYM魔獸戰隊
MYM]Dreiven aka. Greg Kordek
MYM]GhosTa aka. Michael Beck
MYM]White-Ra aka. Oleksii Krupnyk
MYM]LastNight69 aka. Jacek T.
MYM]Arew aka. Vytautas Graiciunas
MYM]DinOt aka. Cristóbal Lledó
MYM]IefNaij aka. Jian Fei Wang
MYM]yoon aka. yoon seob lee
MYM]Strelok aka. Eugin Oparyshev
MYM]userek aka. Grzegorz Muśko
MYM]Yayba aka. Jarek Pociecha
Our respective managers would like to make a good-bye statement;
Matthias “Losemann” Beyer (WC3 Manager)
Departure of a Great Team
Today is sad day for MYM and a sad day for eSports. MYM has decided to not continue with a Warcraft team and re-focus their efforts on other teams and games. It is actually a moment where tears are allowed. The moment I had to tell the players about our future, I felt really sad and I know that everybody feels the same way.
Nothing lasts and that is a shame. But today there will be an end of a big era! All the sadness aside, we have had great moments with the team and I am thanking these great persons in and behind the team that they made this possible. MYM is the only and best place to stay for me and I think everybody can agree on this. I have had holidays with management guys and I have had the best offline event with these players. But all these things would not have been possible without the great help of the sponsors and of the whole crew behind this.
To see Grubby, when he talks about the game, or talking with Susiria, the best team captain ever, or Lucifer to be a cool fashion guy and Moon to be a polite person, but also Soccer to be a really funny and talented person and Eve to be a loyal team mate, that is definitely worth every minute I spent with them.
I have been a lucky person to know these great persons and I have been a lucky guy to work with them. I wish all the players the best for their future and may they get new teams and get to show their skill in the next tournaments. I have to say, I loved the team and it was basically a bunch of brothers who tried the best to accomplish all the goals we had! Thank you again! And also thank you for the fans who supported us in rough and in good times, without you we couldn’t motivate ourselves that good. It was really important to read all the comments and it was really important to see you guys cheering for us at the events!
Jesper ”Nordahl” Nordahl Henriksen (WC3 Manager)
Today is the day an era ends. Today is the day MYM.WC3 is no more. I have been a part of MYM.WC3 since 2004, and hence today affect me dearly when I have to see my team let go. A team that I have shared, and endured hardship with, disappointments and even grief. But also a team with which I have celebrated great victories and personal triumphs.
For 5 years the team has been with me. I have rearranged schedules, vacations and so on to be able to attend leagues finals with it.
There is no real words to describe how I feel about this disbandment, needless to say that I feel sad and wish it wasn't so, but I have to face facts, and facts say that WC3 is hard pressed, and MYM.WC3 was no exception.
With all the sadness, I can also look back at 5 successful years. In my very first year we placed second in the sixth WC3L season, my first season. A season most experts had expected us to do worse in. We followed suit by earning ourselves a handfull of WC3L silver medals, aswell as 2 championship titles. Furthermore we earned 3 NGL championships as well as a closely fought NGL silver medal in addition to the countless solo accomplishments and awards the players earned. The MYM.WC3 team was overall one of the most successful teams in history, and one I will remember with joy in my heart.
The meetings with the players are also something I will look back at with joy and remember as a happy time, and I hope all of the players will continue fighting through these difficult times and will be able to continue their carriers, I know I for one will be cheering for them to accomplish whatever goal they set for themselves.
Gregor "Archi" Werner (SC Manager):
It is a sad day to leave MYM after 3 great years in which we had some ups and downs as well as a lot of stories (Suncow's imprisonment just comes to my mind). These were the years in which we could witness the evolution of MYM from an ambitious organization to one of the leading multi-gaming teams in the world and we are proud to have been a part of it. It hurts even more to leave, now that the SC team acquired the top position in the non-Korean scene.
We want to thank MYM for supporting an oldschool game these entire years and wish the all the best for the future.
We are sad to leave MYM but maybe our paths will cross again one day (maybe with a new SC title? ;) ).
Markus ”Max” Kemper (SC Manager)
We are kind of sad and disappointed about our dismissal in MYM. But thank you for the great time and support during the last years. Now its time to move on. All the best for the entire company and Good bye!