MY BOY(小野麗莎專輯美麗時光)

MY BOY(小野麗莎專輯美麗時光)


First time I saw my son, I knew I was in love
從第一眼看到我兒子的那刻起 我就知道 我已深深地愛上了他
Because he was the gift I got from somewhere up above
因為這可是上天賜給我 最珍貴的禮物啊
O wow, o yes, o joy, so joy right here in my arms
你看 他在我的懷抱里 手舞足蹈
He looks at me, I can see he's showing all his charms
他就這么盯著我看 仿佛要告訴我他有多么調皮搗蛋^^
Can't remember what I did before I saw his face
But now he's here and I can feel his amazing grace
我只知道 此刻我正把他抱在懷裡 感受著他迷人的氣息
Watching him play somehow, reminds me of myself
看著他嬉戲玩耍 不知怎么讓我想起了我自己
Once upon a different time when I was someone else
很久很久以前 那個未為人母的自己
O me o my I feel so high every single day
現在 每一天我都是那么的高興
O yes o lay my lord yea yea watching my son play
是啊 光是看著他玩耍就高興
First time he walk detours I step into a chance
猶記得第一次看見他蹣跚學步的樣子時 我抓住這個契機
I took his hand and then we start it like dance
牽起他的小手 開始了我們的舞步
The first dance was so fine that I never will forget
那最初之舞的美妙 我永遠也忘不了
He held my hand so tightly that my hand start dancing yet
他是那么的緊握著我 於是我的雙手也開始跟著他跳呀跳
My love, my boy, my son, my joy always keep you glow
我的寶貝啊 媽媽的愛讓你總是那么光芒四照
and now that love will be with you wherever you may go
而從今往後 無論天涯海角 我的愛也會與你相隨 把你環繞
And if something should fall apart somewhere down the line
如果將來遭遇曲折泥濘 荊棘滿地
Just tell me all about it and I will make it fine
請務必告訴我 媽媽一定會搞定
I travelled many roads before but somehow they were wrong
曾經 我也在人生的旅途中 兜兜轉轉 迷失方向
And sometime we find that life is just a simple song
最終回過頭來 卻發現 生活 不過是一首最最簡單的歌謠
Even the saddest songs ever human face
I will always keep my son in love's magic place
我也會一直讓你——我的寶貝 沐浴著 愛的陽光……


