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英 [meld] 美 [meld]
vi. 合併;混合
vt. 使……合併;使……混合
n. 結合;融合


mind meld 心靈融合
Mind-meld for memory 聯想記憶
meld lines 融合線 ; 熔合線


  • The key is to meld the old with the new. 關鍵是要將舊的和新的數據融合在一起。
  • He attempts to meld the other two steel plants into his. 他企圖吞併另外兩家鋼廠。
  • Methods Literatures of MELD applied in LT were analyzed retrospectively. 方法回顧性分析MELD在肝移植套用中的有關文獻。
  • In some ways, this was an attempt to meld the French and Italian styles. 在某些方面,這種微細音樂是一種對糅合法國和義大利風格的嘗試。
  • Chill in the refrigerator for the flavour to meld for one hour before serving. 將色拉入冰櫃冷藏一小時左右直至味道完全融合。
  • You can then wrap just about any class with it to meld in the logging capability. 然後您可以用它包裝任何類以結合日誌功能。
  • Above the Trans-Alaska Pipeline in midwinter, sundogs meld into a halo around the sun. 在跨阿拉斯加輸油管道上,隆冬天氣里的幻日融合成了一個圍繞太陽的光環。
  • All common interests we're both passionate about. It was a bit like a Vulcan mind meld. 聊到我們都熱衷的共同興趣時,感覺就像心有靈犀一點通。
  • We tried to meld that with the organic element of nature with the trees and the rocks. 我們嘗試把這些同樹木岩石等自然的元素結合在一起。
  • Combined with MELD, SOFT can better quantify survival benefit for individual transplant procedures. SOFT與MELD評分結合,能更好定量個人移植程式的生存優點。
  • Meanwhile, those that have bought investment banks are not all finding it easy to meld the cultures. 同時,那些持有投資銀行股份的股東們認為投資銀行和商業銀行的文化很難融合。
  • Once all the elements have been created it's time to meld them all together into one complete animation. 一旦所有的要素已經建立的時候他們都結合在一起成一個完整的動畫。
  • The scores of MELD in the chronic severe hepatitis are correlated to the patient's condition and prognosis. 慢性重型肝炎患者MELD評分分值與病情嚴重程度和預後有關。
  • We tried to work together, but we couldn't figure out how to meld my jazz guitar with her experimental music. 我們嘗試在一起工作,不過很難把我的爵士吉他與她的實驗音樂結合在一起。
  • Phil Jackson is the Zen Master. He's able to meld any piece into the wild mix of personalities on the Lakers bench. 菲爾·傑克遜是禪師。他能夠將任何情況融合成湖人板凳席多種個性的混合。
  • He photographed these praying mantises dozens of times and then used a computer to meld those views into a single image. 他拍攝這些螳螂二十多次,然後利用電腦將許多圖像融成一個單一圖像。
  • The processing software (Windows only; Macs need not apply) will then meld the two images into one frame that can be printed. 處理3-D效果的軟體(只有Windows作業系統可以使用,Mac的作業系統不能被套用)接著會將兩張圖片合併成一張列印。
  • In the future, you're going to have to meld medical, scientific, and information technologies to create medical advancements. 未來要想實現醫療技術的進步,必須要把醫療、科學和信息技術三者合而為一。
  • Hepatology Digest: What factors are important when you transplant a high DRI (Donor Risk Index) liver to a person with a high MELD? 《國際肝病》:當把一個高DRI(供者風險指數)的肝臟移植給一個高MELD的患者,您認為哪些因素是重要的?
  • Steve Baty, principal and user experience strategist at Meld Consulting, combats the fallacy that UX design adds too much time to a project. SteveBaty,Meld 資訊公司的主管,正在和用戶體驗設計占用了項目太多時間的這種謬論進行戰鬥。
  • Peru does not currently have a MELD allocation system because of the small number of donor livers used and transplants performed overall. 由於總的來說可用的供體肝臟及進行的移植數目較少,秘魯現在還沒有實行MELD分配系統。
  • Children, though, are at an advantage with the MELD system, as their score is multiplied by 3, thereby moving them up on the waiting list. 兒童在MELD系統中處於有利地位,因為他們的分值要乘以3,這樣他們就有優先進行移植的機會。
  • This analysis represents a study of waitlisted candidates and transplant recipients of liver allografts after the MELD score was implemented. 本分析代表移植等候者和肝移植受體在MELD評分完成後的一個研究。
  • Ultimately the palindromic arch-speculator, lured by another chance to meld philosophy and finance, may be trying too hard to make reflexivity work. 最終,索羅斯,這個全世界最主要的投機者,又遇到一個機會將哲學和金融學聯繫了起來,也許正因為他太賣力地推銷自己的“反身性”理論反而使它無用武之地了。
  • Recently, physicists trying to meld gravity and quantum theory, and so explain the nature of space and time, have begun to revisit this old question. 最近,物理學家試圖把引力和量子理論融為一體,由此來解釋空間和時間的性質,已經開始重新研究這個老問題。
  • In this case, the opponent can lay off the jack and six of hearts onto the knocker's heart meld, to reduce his count from 22 points to only 6 points! 在這種情況下,對手可以讓J和紅桃6“離職”到敲門者的紅桃那一組,從而使自己手中的分從22分減少到只有6分。
  • The landscape looks forsaken, with hills, sky and forest forming a single Gray meld, like the wash an artist paints on a canvas before the masterwork. 四周的景色一片淒涼,小山、天空和森林灰濛濛的,就像畫家的名作畫成之前畫布上的底色一般。


