《Love's a Disease》是Brownie McGhee演唱的歌曲,收錄於專輯《Urban Blues》。
- 外文名:Love's a Disease
- 所屬專輯:Urban Blues
- 歌曲原唱:Brownie McGhee
- 發行日期:2013年12月2日
- 歌曲語言:英語
《Love's a Disease》是Brownie McGhee演唱的歌曲,收錄於專輯《Urban Blues》。
《Love Is My Disease》是Alicia Keys演唱的歌曲,收錄於《The Element Of Freedom(Deluxe Edition)》專輯中。歌曲歌詞 When your gone it feels like My whole worlds gone with you I thought love would be my cure But now it's my disease I try to act mature But I'm a baby when you leave How...
《Social Disease》是Bon Jovi演唱的歌曲,由Jon Bon Jovi/Richie Sambora作詞,收錄於專輯《Slippery When Wet》中。歌曲歌詞 You can read it in the papers In some places it comes in thirty two flavors But you wouldn't tell no one Your favorite if you could From the white house to the ...
《Love Disease》是The Paul Butterfield Blues Band演唱的歌曲,收錄於《The Studio Album Collection - 1965-1971》專輯中。歌曲歌詞 Yeah I want to tell you baby Kinda how I feel Yeah I'm up when I'm down My head is so turned around I know that it's real When I'm on my knees I ...
Love itis got control on me Love itis got a hold on me Love itis got control on me I tried so hard baby But i couldn't run away oh no Yeah and my fever gets higher come on Day by day yeah This feeling i got man Is like a disease oh no baby It's really got me down Really...
With a mackin' disease, with the tactics to please But once you settle down you're entrapped in a squeeze Like a boa constrictor and he know when he gets ya You got to know what your love is worth That way you don't waste it on a world goin' berserk Yeah, (chorus) x2 (guys ...
If it's true that love's a disease Baby I'm a dangerous case I beg for mercy got me down on my knees You've got a smile on your face If you turn me away Just be careful what you say Girl you've got my heart on the line Don't be mean don't be cruel Don't you treat ...
Reflecting your love again It's an uphill climb straight down to the bottom It's a love disease, a fatal dose It's not enough, but it's way too much To say the least you're the most You're the most You're the most From coast to coast You're the most Baby, most You're the...
DeClerambault綜合症是疾病名稱 情愛妄想症(erotomanictype)—又稱deClerambault’s綜合症。病人會以為自己正和某人戀愛。這類型在女性中較為常見,但也可在男性身上發生。幻想中的戀人很多時是遙不可及(對方不是條件大高,就是已經結婚),甚至乎對方只是一個「魅影」,在現實中根本並不存在。病人還會一口咬定是...
The word 'love' is used in different senses by different people. “愛”這個字不同的人用來表示不同的意思。Different levels of formality are appropriate in different situations. 不同程度的注重禮節適用於不同場合。Different animals in the colony had different manifestations of the disease. 同一群體的...
Diseases are often spread by unsanitary conditions such as bad drinking water. 疾病通常由不衛生的情形所散開來,例如不良的飲水。The reddish colour of suburban water by no means suggests unsanitary conditions. 郊區的水呈現紅色無疑說明了存在不衛生的情況。Yes, we love Dickens but do we love this ...
他們加入Virgin的首支單曲“The Day We Find Love”推出即登上英國排行Top 5的位置。來自英國各地的歌迷瘋狂地支持,更令首張專輯The Journey在上市的第一周即有Top 10的成績。而在《The Journey》中最後發行的同名單曲,敘述了Lee年輕時與Hodgkin's Disease (霍金斯症) 病魔對抗的歷程。這張擁有6首暢銷單曲的...
Web Mix) (Acoustic)⒕Ice Violent Acts Of Beauty(2007-10-27)The Beginning of the End ⒉Feeling Fascist?⒊Nothing's Sacred ⒋Heaven Now ⒌America's a Fucking Disease ⒍Complex Messiah ⒎Republic ⒏Fear ⒐Pure ⒑The Kids Are All Wrong ⒒Love You to Death ⒓The Pain Looks Good on You ...
I'm these bitches' idol Gotta be dumb to make me your rival 'Cause I'm too powerful, yeah you not powerful So say your prayers 'cause you 'bout to die slow Die slow, die slow Jealousy is a disease, die slow Die slow, die slow Tell her that jealousy is a disease, die slow ...
6Her heart overflowed with love.她的心裡充滿了愛。《牛津詞典》7I felt my heart beating faster.我感覺心臟跳得更快了。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》8Her heart is beating normally.她心跳正常。《牛津詞典》9Fear clutched at her heart.她突然感到一陣恐懼襲上心頭。《牛津詞典》10Heart disease runs in ...
pandemic disease 大列病 ; 大流行病 flu pandemic 流感大流行 the AIDS pandemic 愛滋病大流行 Pandemic Studios 遊戲製作 ; 開發廠商 雙語例句 They feared a new cholera pandemic. 他們擔心一種新的霍亂流行病。With the pandemic, unemployment is very high indeed. 大流行病使得失業率飆升。This is a ...
《多一點關心》是紀錄片《聲音獵人》主題曲,由文慧如、賴淞鳳演唱,收錄於2021年1月18日發行的專輯《聲音獵人 原創人文紀錄片專輯》中。2020年8月7日,該曲獲得流行音樂全金榜“2020上半年20大金曲”獎。歌曲歌詞 如果 冷漠 是一種病 If apathy is a disease 如瘟疫 悄然 蔓延不盡 Like a plague, quietly ...
oneness,英語單詞,主要用作名詞。作名詞時意為“統一性;單一性;同一性;完整”等。單詞釋義 英 [ˈwʌnnəs] 美 [ˈwʌnnəs] n. 統一性;單一性;同一性;完整 短語搭配 great Oneness 拿偉大合一 oneness deeksha 合一祝福 The Oneness of Disease 萬病一因 Awakening into Oneness 工作坊...
其中的《Love》和《Tropical Disease》更具jazzy groove曲風,而純演奏曲目《Be A Bee》和《Eat My Beat》則更具一種溫暖的質感。對於Air來說,每張專輯中也都會有個別法國式的流行曲目,這張專輯中的《Heaven's Light》、《Sing Sang Sung》和《You Can Tell It To Everybody》就繼承了這一“傳統”。 在2010...
Learning should be a lifelong journey. 學習應該是一生的旅程。The saddening part was that it was a lifelong disease. 令人悲哀的是,這是一種終生疾病。Good reading habits lead you to a lifelong love of books. 良好的閱讀習慣會讓你終生愛書。The Bachelor's degree could be your passport to ...
You should also check with your doctor if you have symptoms suggestive of heart, lung or other serious disease, such as. 如果你有心臟、肺病的徵兆,或者是其他一些嚴重的疾病,你也應該與醫生進行協商。其他嚴重疾病包括。The archaeologists found no pottery, ornaments or paved surfaces which might be ...
In an ideal world there would be no poverty and disease. 在理想的世界裡將沒有貧窮和疾病。Things aren't ideal, but that's the best you can hope for. 事情並不理想,但你只能指望這些了。In an ideal world we would be recycling and reusing everything. 我們要是能回收並再利用所有的東西就再...
Unit 18 How Neanderthals Fought Disease穴居人怎樣抵抗疾病 Unit 19 Dont Be An April Fool!整人有理,只在愚人節!Unit 20 What Is Christmas About?聖誕節的那些事?Unit 21 The Origin Of Christmas聖誕起源 Unit 22 Father’s Day父親節的來歷 Unit 23 Greek Island Shows Signs Of Volcanic Unrest...
俞永鎮、Park Chang Hak、Lee Jaem Yung、Jo Jun Young、Kenzie、Kim Jung Bae等作曲家參與專輯製作,《Love U More》由金厲旭及李晟敏一起創作,《Love Disease》由韓國歌手輝星填詞。曾擔任碧昂斯、賈斯汀汀布萊克等編舞老師的美國舞蹈家Nick Bass參與《Sorry, Sorry》舞蹈設計。另外,韓國樂壇前輩YooYoung Suk、...
27The physician examines the patient then diagnoses the disease and prescribes medication.內科醫生檢查了病人,然後對疾病作出診斷,並開出藥方。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》28I consulted with a physician, I hired a fitness coach, and I began to eat small and healthy meals.我諮詢了內科醫生,聘請了一個...
14.V-T If you beat someone in a competition or election, you defeat them. 打敗 15.V-T If someone beats a record or achievement, they do better than it. 打破 (紀錄等)16.V-T If you beat something that you are fighting against, for example, an organization, a problem, or a disease...
1982年The Statler Brothers繼續他們的傳奇,DeWitt 回身體原因被查診斷為Crohn's disease離開了演唱小組,1990年8月15日去逝。Jimmy Fortune成功接替了他的位置。之後他們發行了二張LP,1984年Atlanta Blue 和1985年 “Pardners in Rhyme”"Elizabeth"(這是一首獻給Elizabeth Taylor的歌曲) "My Only Love"和 "Too ...