



  • 外文名:unsanitary
  • 詞性:形容詞
  • 英式讀音: [ʌnˈsænətri]
  • 美式讀音: [ʌnˈsænəteri]


英 [ʌnˈsænət(ə)ri] 美 [ʌnˈsænəteri]
adj. 不衛生的;有礙健康的


unsanitary /ʌnˈsænɪtərɪ/ (also insanitary)
1.ADJ Something that is unsanitary is dirty and unhealthy, so that you may catch a disease from it. 不衛生的


unsanitary not clean 對健康有害的 ; 不衛生的
Unsanitary things do not wash 東西不洗不衛生
Ellie Unsanitary Environment 艾莉如獲至寶
Grim And Unsanitary Conditions 嚴酷不衛生條件
Something does not wash unsanitary 東西不洗不衛生
The Enemy Unsanitary Environment 敵人如獲至寶
Very Unsanitary 很不衛生
unsanitary y 不衛生機


  • Lack of access to safe water, poor housing, and unsanitary conditions all have a strong bearing on the health of the mother and child. 缺乏安全用水、住房條件差以及不衛生條件都對母親和兒童的健康有很大的影響。
  • Discharge of raw sewage into the sea is unsanitary and unsafe. 向大海里傾倒污水既不衛生也不安全。
  • If big sums are to be spent on cleaning up environmental disasters, it is better to spend them on unglamorous but pressing problems such as unsanitary water in Third World countries. 如果要把大筆資金花在清理環境災難上,那么最好把錢花在那些乏味但緊迫的問題上,比如處理第三世界國家不衛生的水的問題上。
  • It is unsanitary to eat without washing one's hands. 飯前不洗手,不衛生。
  • Use when restrooms are unavailable or unsanitary. 使用洗手間時,不可用或不衛生。
  • Unsanitary living conditions tend to produce disease. 不衛生的生活條件容易滋生疾病。
  • The restaurant was fined for its unsanitary bathrooms. 這家餐廳因為廁所不清潔而被罰款。
  • I would call it one of the most unsanitary areas in the world. 我願稱它為世界最不衛生的地區之一。
  • Destiny "is a nonsense, do not talk about it all day, unsanitary." “命運”就是一句屁話,不要整天把它掛在嘴邊,不衛生。
  • This disease is often caused due to unsanitary conditions at a spa. 這種疾病往往是因為不衛生的條件下,由於在水療中心。
  • Yes, it may sound unsanitary to put dirty clothes inside your microwave. 是的,把髒衣服放在你的微波爐里聽起來可能不衛生。
  • Hogwash oil is refined, inedible waste oil - of poor quality and unsanitary. 地溝油是從廢棄物中提煉的劣質而且不衛生的不可食用的油。
  • Diseases are often spread by unsanitary conditions such as bad drinking water. 疾病通常由不衛生的情形所散開來,例如不良的飲水。
  • The reddish colour of suburban water by no means suggests unsanitary conditions. 郊區的水呈現紅色無疑說明了存在不衛生的情況。
  • Yes, we love Dickens but do we love this unsanitary looking resemblance of his century? 我們很喜歡狄更斯,但我們是否會喜歡接近他那個時代的不健康、不衛生的樣子呢?
  • Karen is unhappy with Shaun's unsanitary working habits and is very close to letting him go. 卡倫對肖恩不衛生的工作習慣感到不悅,很想辭退他。
  • He'd often eat at a small restaurant nearby, but the food often didn't taste good and was unsanitary. 他常常在附近的小飯館解決晚飯,但是那裡的飯菜既不可口又不衛生。
  • The food and water they do get is usually inadequate, low quality and served in unsanitary conditions. 食品和水得到他們通常不足,質量低,曾在不衛生的條件。
  • He pointed to chronic overcrowding, unsanitary cells, dirty lavatories, broken showers and mattresses on the ground. 他指出了長期的過度擁擠、不衛生的牢房、骯髒的廁所、破敗的浴室還有扔在地上的床墊等問題。
  • No person shall manufacture, prepare, preserve, package or store for sale any food under unsanitary conditions. 任何人不得在不衛生條件下生產、準備、保存、包裝、貯藏、出售任何食品。
  • Unsanitary living conditions account for more than 5 million deaths each year, of which more than half are children. 不衛生的生存狀況成為每年500多萬人死亡的原因,其中一半以上是兒童。
  • Dense, crowded, intense, and unsanitary, an environment without sun light or ventilation provides a perfect environment for viruses to evolve. 密集、擁擠、緊張、不衛生,沒有陽光通風的環境,為病毒進化提供了完美的環境。
  • The risks of receiving an infection from unsanitary tattooing equipment or irritating an allergy with tattoo pigments, although uncommon, are real. 不衛生的紋身器械或因紋身顏料引起的過敏症的風險,雖不普遍,但它是真實的存在。
  • Recently, the re-emergence of cholera has been noted in parallel with the ever-increasing size of vulnerable populations living in unsanitary conditions. 最近注意到,霍亂的重新出現與生活在不衛生條件下的弱勢群體人數的日益增加並駕齊驅。


