Love in the shadows

《Love in the shadows》是由林子祥演唱的一首歌。


  • 外文名:Love in the shadows
  • 歌曲原唱:林子祥
  • 音樂風格:流行
  • 歌曲語言:英文


you get to know your lover mostly by feel
you got to put your faith in things you can touch
if you dare to
'cause the shadows
can make you crazy with the things they reveal
they show it all without revealing too much
scare the hell out of you
'cause me and my love
live among the shadows
where the old playground
is an alley way
now me and my love
make love among the shadows
when the sun goes down
in a dark hallway
love in the shadows where the crowd never goes
deep in the shadows where flowers won't grow
me and my baby know love in the shadows
in the shadows
you got to work at love to get it to shine
you can't believe in everything that you see
not this time around
'cause the shadows
can play a half a million tricks on your mind
you try your best but you can never break free
it just kind of drags you down
love in the shadows love in the shadows
love in the shadows


林子祥(George Lam,1947年10月12日出生),暱稱阿Lam,香港出生,是香港著名歌手和演員。林子祥曾就讀於拔萃男書院及英國Dover College,學生時期曾組織樂隊,1980年,他憑《在水中央》及《分分鐘需要你》兩首歌曲在第三屆十大中文金曲頒獎音樂會連獲兩個金曲獎,成為當年的大贏家。而在1994年舉行的香港電台第十七屆《十大中文金曲頒獎音樂會》上,林子祥獲頒“香港樂壇最高榮譽──金針獎”。2003年,林子祥獲得CASH音樂成就大獎,是首位唱作人獲得此殊榮


