Lord Above

《Lord Above》是一首Fat Joe、Dre、Eminem、Mary J. Blige演唱的歌曲,由Joseph Cartagena、Andre Lyon、Rayshon Cobbs Jr.、Marshall Mathers、Mary J Blige、Marcello Valenzano作詞作曲,收錄於《Family Ties》專輯中。


  • 外文名:Lord Above
  • 所屬專輯:《Family Ties》
  • 歌曲原唱:Fat Joe、Dre、Eminem、Mary J. Blige
  • 填詞:Joseph Cartagena、Andre Lyon、Rayshon Cobbs Jr.、Marshall Mathers、Mary J Blige、Marcello Valenzano
  • 譜曲:Joseph Cartagena、Andre Lyon、Rayshon Cobbs Jr.、Marshall Mathers、Mary J Blige、Marcello Valenzano
We cop new timepieces when these fools deny Jesus
一些蠢貨還在否認耶穌 我們卻戴上了新表
Hate is a sin dog, be real
憎惡是罪過 兄弟 real一點吧(致敬Cypress Hill的成員Sen Dog和B-Real)
I got my hand on the pump
我手上拿得是槍(Hand on the Pump是Cypress Hill的歌名)
You on Twitter in your feels
Throwin' subs, arguin’ with chicks
暗中嘲諷 和女人吵個不停
I pray for these niggas, same hands that I hustle with
我雙手合十為這些人祈禱 我也用這雙手賺錢
Passin' the offering plates, I'm the preacher in foreign whips
遞上募捐盤 我是開著進口豪車的傳教士
Sermons and politics, miracles come with each and every flip
傳教與政治 每次倒手都是奇蹟
That dinero from zero, so heaven-sent
從零開始發家致富 這是天堂的恩賜
Immaculate, blessings from Mary, I reminisce
完美無瑕 聖母瑪麗保佑 我還記得
On days we was broke, all we had was some common sense
以前我們窮困潦倒 渾身上下只有常識(sense諧音cents)
Last night, I had a nightmare, I was at the stove
昨晚 我做噩夢夢見 我在火爐邊**
I woke up in Paris, cookin’ up for Hov
醒來發現我在巴黎 給Hov做伴奏(致敬Jay-Z和Kanye的歌曲N****s In Paris)
That's why I thank the Lord for givin' me this life
And even when I'm gone, the music keepin' us alive
在我離開之後 音樂也會讓我們永存
Yeah, it's called forever-ever
Ever-ever, ever-ever, family ties
永遠永遠 永遠永遠 家族紐帶(出自André 3000的Ms. Jackson)
Yeah, yeah, oh
I'm so grateful, all I need is love
我無比感恩 只求大愛
To the Lord above
G6 globals, who'da thunk it, from the projects
坐飛機環遊世界 誰又能想到呢 從Projects開始(專輯第一首歌Projects)
Eight balls, some poppy, went and dunked it in the Pyrex
來點bf 混上ys 丟進廚房烹上一番
Mischievous thoughts ’fore seein’ the sauce
不用喝酒 思維就已經混亂
Told Montana in the G, chicky poo in the Porsche
告訴在街里的Montana 保時捷里有妞
The Frank Sinatra of the Spanish mobsters
西班牙惡徒中的Frank Sinatra
We the Jimmy's Cafe, ain’t no need for operas
我們是Jimmy's Cafe 不需要演什麼戲劇
Had the fiends scream, "Hallelujah," **** the prosecutor
Gave my nigga fifty years, and he was not the shooter
給我兄弟判了五十年 根本不是他開的槍
When they see us I'll have ticked refinement
他們看到我們 就會給我們關禁閉
Dig deep in your mind, no pressure, no diamonds
多動腦想想 沒有壓力 沒有鑽石
So we live a life, drop a hundred at the ferry, yeah
過著日子 在渡口一擲千金
My chick's in San Fran, but stay out my bae area
我的妞在聖弗朗西斯科 但你也不能來我這灣區混(Bay Area - Bae area 但你也要離我寶貝遠點)
You salute the cross, or you rebuke the cross
在十字架前祈禱 或是褻瀆
Either way you meet the Lord when you get moved across
無論怎樣 你都能夠見到上帝
Death knockin' at your door got you squeezin’ handle
死亡敲響你的門 你不禁握緊了把手
And you ain't seen God 'till you starin down a barrel
And I've been good, oh
All I need is love
To the Lord above
I'm sittin' here, reminiscin', think I just got a lightbulb
我坐在這裡 回想往事 突然想到了什麼
Somethin' I'd like to mention, this is just on a side note
雖然不太相關 但我還是要說
Word to the Terror Squad, Joe, this is all puns aside though
向Terror Squad致敬 Joe 我可不是為了玩梗(Terror Squad是Fat Joe從前的組合 組合前成員Big Pun 用puns致敬Pun的名字)
I know me and Mariah didn't end on a high note
But that other dude's whipped, that pussy got him neutered
但是那傢伙可真是舔狗 簡直像被她閹了
Tried to tell him this chick's a nut job before he got his jewels clipped
我一直想告訴他這女人不正常 但他最後還是被割了蛋
Almost got my caboose kicked, fool, quit, you not gon' do shit
都快打到我頭上了 消停點吧蠢貨 你什麼也幹不成
I let her chop my balls off, too 'fore I lost to you, Nick
我得也被她閹了 才會輸給Nick你這個太監(you Nic諧音eunuch 太監)
I should quit watchin' news clips, yeah
My balls are too big, I should be talkin' pool
我這倆“球”太大 喔我說的是檯球 我白球入袋(我太有膽量 就該說些屁話)(pool同音poo 便便 所以talking pool暗指talking shit)
'Cause I got scratches on my pocket, fall when I'm takin' shots at you
攻擊你的時候 我口袋都是滿的(瞄準你的時候 我就是失敗)(scratch 母球入袋 是檯球中的犯規foul 與full同音)
**** it, lemme chalk the cue stick
去他媽的 再上點巧克粉
I'm over the top, like pool, whip
我永遠會在頂端 就像奶油(抹在蛋糕頂)
And I promise you the day I fall off or lose it
我向你保證 有一天我跌下巔峰
I will stop and cut off the music
我會立刻停下 不再做音樂
Opportunist, wanna kill shit every chance that I got to do this
善於把握機會 把每一個機會都用到極限
Stackin' my guap, savage, I'm not
把賺來的錢堆好 兇狠無比 (Lil Yatchy ft. 21 Savage的歌 Guap)
To fool with, like a handgun, you could say I'm like a Gat when it's cocked
我可不是好耍的人 就像一把上膛的手槍
I keep it a (Buck, buck), your ass'll get shot
我砰砰開上兩槍 都射在你屁股上
If rap was an actual Glock, you'd act like you strapped when you're not
如果說唱是格洛克手槍 你不過是假裝有槍
Only cap that you pop is the top on the can of your pop
你也開不了天靈蓋 最多開開汽水瓶蓋
You the man 'till I pop your top
等我開了你的蓋 看你怎么人模人樣
You ain't Jack in a Box
你可不是驚嚇盒 開了蓋還是個人
And I ain't talkin' a hamburger spot
我說的可不是那個漢堡店(Jack in a box 美國漢堡店名)
Cracker with the barrel, armed to the teeth, Anderson .Paak (Yeah)
白人拿上武器 武裝到牙齒 Anderson .Paak(Cracker Barrel 美國快餐店名 “武裝到牙齒” Anderson .Paak的牙很漂亮)
Rest in peace to Afeni and her son Pac
Afeni與她的兒子Pac 願你們安息
You sent me that plaque with his rhyme sheet, I haven't forgot (Nah)
你送給我的獎牌和他的手稿 我還沒有忘記(plaque 獎牌/牙菌斑 和上文teeth對應)
Blow 30 million in a month, call it Brewster's Millions
三十天花掉三千萬 我這是布魯斯特的百萬橫財(Brewster's Millions 電影名 男主如果在30天內花完3000萬 就能拿到3億美元的遺產)
Just hope I don't lose the feelin', from soldier to civilian
只希望我不會放棄奮鬥 不要從士兵退化成凡人
Got everything I need but I don't even see myself in the future chillin'
已經擁有了一切 但我也不會就這么享受
Only thing I don't have in the booth's a ceiling, just call me the roofless villain
唯一沒有的就是錄音室的天花板 我就是無情的惡人(roofless - ruthless 致敬MC Ren和Eazy-E的Ruthless Villian)
They tellin' me sky's the limit, so I got my head in the clouds
人們告訴我天空才是極限 所以我把頭伸到雲端(我聽說一切皆有可能 所以我只專注於自己)
Unicorn in human form, saw a gift horse, looked him dead in the mouth
我是人型獨角獸 看見一匹禮物馬 只會盯著他牙看(Don't look a gift horse in the mouth 英語諺語 不要挑剔禮物)
(And Lord) And Lord, good lookin' out, for sendin' me Edna and Charles
上帝 謝謝您讓我擁有Edna和Charles
Whenever mom kicked me out of the house
They were the bomb, then you sent me L-L
他們才是真的對我好 然後你又讓LL出現在我生命中
All the times that I hated myself, since eleven or twelve
那時候我一直恨我自己 從十一二歲開始
Only way that I knew how to better myself is when I'm bet against by everyone else
只有別人都不想讓我贏的時候 我才知道我在變得更好
So Joe hit the head on the nail
You ain't seen God 'till you starin' down a barrel
I was gun shy, but now like a snail
我以前害怕槍聲 現在我就像個蝸牛
The slug's comin' out of its shell
鼻涕蟲從硬殼中鑽出來(子彈射出 彈殼脫落)(slug 鼻涕蟲/子彈 shell 外殼/彈殼)
Oh, there's no hate in this world
That can make me give up
That can keep me stuck
Lord, I thank you (Lord, I thank you)
主啊 謝謝您
I thank you, I'm so grateful, so thankful, so thankful (So thankful)
感謝您 我無比感激
Oh, oh, oh, oh, mm
I thank the Lord above
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, woo


