《Let's Find Out》是一本圖書,作者是rasslanguage。
- 書名:Let's Find Out
- 作者:rasslanguage
- 類別:英語系列
- 改版時間:2009年
級別 | Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 | Level 4 | Level 5 | Level 6 |
課程名稱 | All About Me | All Around Me | My Mini World | Let’s Go Have Fun | Here We Go | Let’s Rock, Magic School |
學習特點 | 自我探索 認識自己 | 天性愛玩 學習自理 | 開始探索家中物品 | 走出家門 放眼世界 | 與人事物有更多的互動 | 學校生活 |
主 題 學 習 | This is me我 My Family 我的家庭 Yum, Yum 食物 | Toys 玩具 Clothes 衣服 Bath Time 梳洗 | My Pets 寵物 My Home 家居生活 My Stationery 文具用品 | Playground 遊樂場 Nature 大自然 Weather 季節天氣 | Helpers 社區,職業 Places 公共場所 Transportation 交通工具 | At School 學校生活 Days of Week 一周七天 Games 活動遊戲 |
英 文 童 謠 | 1.Good Morning 2. This is the Way 3.The Muffin Man | 1.Where is Thumbkin? 2. One, Two, Buckle My Shoe 3. Five Little Monkeys | 1. Bingo 2. Baa, Baa, Black Sheep 3. l’m a Little Teapot | 1. Rain, Rain, Go Away 2. Star Light, Star Bright 3. Now Tall, Now Small | 1.This Little Pig Went to Market 2.Pease Porridge Hot | 1.Hickory,Dickory, Dock 2. Once I Caught a Fish Alive |
早 教 基 礎 概 念 | 形狀 Shapes | 數字 Numbers | 顏色 Colors | 相反詞 Opposites | 動作 Actions | 位置 Position |
字 母 拼 讀 | ABC Song | Abc Review | 認讀10個子音(Consonants) 的基本發音:b, c, d, f, g, h,,j, k, l, m | 認讀11個子音(Consonants) 的基本發音:n, p, q, r, s, t,v, w, x, y, z | 認讀母音 (ShortV owels)a, i, o 加子音的拼讀練習 | 認讀母音 (Short Vowels) e及u加子音的拼讀練習 |
認 讀 常 見 字 | Letter Words | I, am, do, in, is, my, on, so, and, are, how, the, who, you, good, know, live, this | a, his, pick, today, away, jump, run, up, big, little, said, very, call, no, thank, well, here, off, them, where | Start, for, me, was, to, full, over, had, when, yes, out, have, down, then, there, any | again, come, day, first, may, now, wish, play, see, want, go | Old, some, like, it, went, at, ran, once, let, him, why, did, because, which, right |