《Lacquer Head》是Primus演唱的歌曲,收錄於專輯《Antipop》。
- 外文名:Lacquer Head
- 所屬專輯:Antipop
- 歌曲原唱:Primus
- 發行日期:1999年1月1日
《Lacquer Head》是Primus演唱的歌曲,收錄於專輯《Antipop》。
SHELL FINISH: Natural Gloss Lacquer HOOPS: 2.3mm Mapex Powerhoops HARDWARE FINISH: Black Chrome SNARE WIRE: 20-Strand HEADS: Aquarian® HE12 Batter Head, CCSN12 Snare Head ADDITIONAL: Mapex's first ever signature snare drum. Signature Chris Adler graphics on each side of drum. Includes ...
Chopsticks can be made of a variety of materials, including bamboo, wood, lacquer, jade, ivory, plastic, aluminum, silver, and gold. 筷子所用的材料的種類則各有不同,所選材料有竹子、木材、漆器、玉石、象牙、塑膠、鋁、銀、以及金。The ivory Buddha carved by Shen Weizhong is the world's ...
SHELL FINISH: Natural Gloss Lacquer HOOPS: 2.3mm Mapex Powerhoops HARDWARE FINISH: Black Chrome SNARE WIRE: 20-Strand HEADS: Aquarian® HE12 Batter Head, CCSN12 Snare Head ADDITIONAL: Mapex's first ever signature snare drum. Signature Chris Adler graphics on each side of drum. Includes ...
24Wooden bead, occasionally ceramic, copper or other materials, it also cured lacquer engraving directly without tires.胎為木製,偶爾也用陶瓷、銅或其它材料,也有用固化的漆直接刻制而不用胎。25Behind the billboard advertising an island getaway, atop the odd little building owned by the bead seller...
《中國漆藝二千年(中英文)》是1993年香港中文大學出版社出版的圖書,作者是MandarinChinese。內容提要 Chineselacquerhasmostlybeencollectedbyinstitutionsandmuseumsinthepast,whilerelativelyfewpieceshavefoundtheirwaytoprivatecollectiOns.Acomprehensivepresentationofabroadspectrumisnotaneasytask.Dr.HuShih—changlSalong—...
塗料脫落 lacquer released from tin-plate 罐內塗料因腐蝕或機械作用成片狀脫落,或塗料已與鐵皮成片分離尚未脫離者均稱塗料脫落。 離者均稱塗料脫落。內流膠 inside compound squeezed spill 罐頭容器封口填料已落入內容物或已流下並離開蓋邊,以及填料離開蓋邊內壁雖不明顯,但面積較寬,均稱內流膠。 內壁雖不...
lacquerthinner揮發性漆稀釋劑 volatilesubstance揮發性物質 volatileorganiccarbon揮發性有機碳 volatileorganicmatter揮發性有機物質 volatilelaureloil揮發性月桂油 volatilecomponent揮發性組分 ligroin揮髮油 petrol揮髮油 volatileoil揮髮油 Volatileelement揮發元素 volatilecomponent揮發組分 flappinghinge揮舞鉸鏈 recuperation恢復...
Johann Hauser Johann Hauser是一位藝術家。參加展覽 主要作品 Woman(系列:無系列作品)Blacquer Rectangle(系列:無系列作品)Head(系列:無系列作品), 1970 Helicopter(系列:無系列作品)
Lacquer house circulation water treatment preparation 藥劑屬於複合製劑具有廣普的分散能力,其處理的油漆渣脫水性良好,處理的漆渣為無黏性團狀,便於打撈等下一階段的處理。藥劑的環境介面友好、處理效能穩定。能有效的防止油漆黏附在管道設備所帶來的困擾,同時降低水體中COD含量,除去異味,改善環境,延長循環水的使用...
天頭(head margin)地腳(foot margin)校對(proof-reading)改版(form correcting)活字排版(type composition)活字(printing type)鉛空(space)點制(point system)字號(type size)字模(type matrix)鑄字(type casting)揀字(typesetting)裝版(page make-up)鑄字排版(hot-metal typesetting)鑄排機(hot-metal typesetting ...
Lacquer house circulation water treatment preparation 藥劑屬於複合製劑具有廣普的分散能力,其處理的油漆渣脫水性良好,處理的漆渣為無黏性團狀,便於打撈等下一階段的處理。藥劑的環境介面友好、處理效能穩定。能有效的防止油漆黏附在管道設備所帶來的困擾,同時降低水體中COD含量,除去異味,改善環境,延長循環水的使用...
Splinters pepper in the jar gettin’ served that dinner slam you like a Screen Door keepin' out the terminal condition you get the oatmeal bath You’re out of Commission you’re tarred and feathered and covered in lacquer and Your head’s In a bucket that’s ringing with laughter ...
Then hit you with the lacquer,Then I go to *** class And study cultivation,So I can make the USA a better nation,Get smoked, mellow out,Vibe, *** the stress,While I kill MCs that say "He's relentless",Past you,At last due To technological enhancements,On my part,The art advances...
4.4- Woodworking and Lacquer·木工與漆藝 108 4.5- Making Wine·釀酒 113 5 - LIVELIHOOD /日常生活 ·117 5.1- The Use of Fire·火的使用 117 5.2- Cooking and Eating·飲食 122 5.3- Clothes and Ornament·衣飾 129 5.4- Habitation·居住 135 5.5- Interrelationship·交往 140 6 - THE ...
V-3 0ther sceptre 255 VI Jade ritual utensils 256 VI-i Spindle whorl and loom 262 VI-2 Jade implements 266 VI-3 Spoon food utensils 270 VI-4 Jade inlaid wooden blank lacquer 276 Appendix The burial plan and the line graph of the main objects of Yaoshan and Fanshan 297 Postscript ...
Relics of Moon Palace Painting Lacquer Inlaid with Carved Mother-of-Pearl Gold-plated Copper Virupaksha Statue Blue and White Jar with Cover and Flower Design Gold-plated Copper Statue of MahasiddhaVirupa Cup of Clashing Color with Grape Patterns (a pair)Gold Octagonal Plate Engraved with ...