Kinuko Y. Craft


  • 中文名:基諾·Y·克拉芙特
  • 外文名:Kinuko Y. Craft
  • 代表作品:Kinuko Craft Drawings and Paintings: V. 1
  • 職稱:畫家


基諾·Y·克拉芙特(Kinuko Y. Craft)是當今美國最受歡迎和最具影響力的幻想插圖畫家之一。在近四十年的創作生涯里,Craft養成了一種嚴謹的工作態度,同時在繪畫知識和繪畫歷史研究方面也頗有興致。對創作主題認真仔細的研究,每一個細節精心的描繪,使得Craft作品深受讀者的歡迎,在美國、歐洲、中國、韓國等國家廣為流行。Craft為許多著名的作品繪製過畫,此外,她的作品還廣泛地出現海報、賀卡及許多生活用品中。近來,她的許多作品開始被私人愛好者收藏。她善於塑造女性為主體的作品,具有一種童話般的的夢幻色彩,有著東方人審美的細膩,畫面非常唯美。高級藝術裝飾畫適合家居裝飾、酒吧裝飾、魔幻迷收藏。


基諾·Y·克拉芙特1940年出生於日本,她很小就對畫畫有興趣,1962年畢業於The Kanazawa Municipal College of Fine and Industrial Art(Kanazawa Bijutsu Kōgei Daigaku),1964到美國。早期工作專注於市場廣告行銷方面,獨得的繪畫藝術獎項超過一百次以上,她選擇繪畫的主題都很適合自己的繪畫風格,迷人又舒適,其繪畫題材適合世界各國的讀者,作品最著名的地方在於對細節的處理並會對主題做詳細的研究。
她的作品曾在美加多地展出,並受邀於許多學校機構演講,擔任評審,近期則專注於海報設計,兒童書和神話的畫作,還常受邀繪製一些知名雜誌的封面,目前和先生(睡美人改寫者:馬龍˙克來夫特Mahlon F. Craft)住在美國東北部的康乃狄克州(Connecticut),還養了兩隻德國牧羊犬。





Kinuko Craft Drawings and Paintings: V. 1 (Imaginosis, 2007)


Rumpelstiltskin, translated by Lucy Crane (Scott Foresman Reading Systems, 1970)
Gingerbread Children (Poems), by Ilo Orleans (Follett, 1973)
Bear, Wolf and Mouse, by Jan Wahl (Follett, 1975)
Come Play With Me, by Margaret Hillert (Modern Curriculum Press, 1975)
Mother Goose ABC (Platt & Munk, 1977)
The Tower of Geburah by John White (IVP, 1978 edition only)
The Black Swan, by Paula Z. Hogan (Heinemann Library, 1979; Steck-Vaughn, 1987)
The Elephant, by Paula Z. Hogan (Heinemann Library, 1980)
What Is It?, by Margaret Hillert (Modern Curriculum Press, 1977; Perfection Learnin, 1989)
Classics: a Child's Introduction to Treasure Island, Black Beauty, the Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Robinhood (Platt & Munk, 1977)
The Cookie House, by Margaret Hillert (Modern Curriculum Press, 1978)
Treasure Island, by Robert Louis Stevenson (Steck-Vaughn, 1980)
Tales of the Ugly Ogres, by Corinne Denan (Troll Communications, 1980)
The Twelve Dancing Princesses, by Marianna Mayer (Mulberry books, HarperCollins, 1989)
Baba Yaga and Vasilisa the Brave, by Marianna Mayer (HarperCollins, 1994)
Cupid and Psyche by M. Charlotte Craft (HarperCollins, 1996)
Pegasus, by Marianna Mayer (HarperCollins, 1998)
King Midas and the Golden Touch, by M. Charlotte Craft (HarperCollins, 1999)
Cinderella (Chronicle Books, 2000; leather bound edition by Easton Press, 2006)
The Adventures of Tom Thumb by Marianna Mayer (Chronicle Books, 2001)
Sleeping Beauty, by Mahlon F. Craft (2002; leather bound edition by Easton Press, 2006)


The Cornish Colony Museum, Windsor VT "Heroines in Literature" (Winter 2006/2007)
The 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art Kanazawa, Kanazawa Japan "A Spring Night's Dream" Spring 2006


