Keep You In My Heart

Keep You In My Heart

《Keep You In My Heart》是出自5sing網原創音樂人Siena Wu之手的超人氣單曲,講述了她在畢業之際那些有些辛酸但同時無比美好和純真的歲月,以及她的複雜心情。這首歌讓許多人心中產生了共鳴,深受聽眾們的喜愛。


  • 外文名稱:Keep You In My Heart
  • 歌曲時長:3:53
  • 發行時間:2014年8月13日
  • 歌曲原唱:Siena Wu
  • 填詞:Siena Wu
  • 譜曲:Siena Wu
  • 編曲:Siena Wu
  • 音樂風格流行音樂
  • 歌曲語言英語


這首歌是Siena Wu在初二寫的,當時心血來潮想寫個畢業歌,可惜的是最後畢業也沒能在大家面前唱出來。


(Verse 1:)
You can walk by and stare and tell me that you don’t care
You can say it's unfair and tell me that you are scared of being apart,where did this start?
The story starts when we were kids and we talked for a little bit
Then we were best friends and together till the end
But time will force us apart
Here comes the bell, school is out
We are rushing all the way down
We're fourteen now,battle's still on
It's just temporarily gone
And I hope this is not the last time
We're falling apart
And I hope this is not the last time
I'll always keep you in my heart
(Verse 2:)
Now we're standing here excitedly but nervously
Hold our mics so tight we can barely even catch our breaths,I hope you enjoy the song
Nod your head, maybe sing along
Now it’s time for confetti, and I still believe
Now it’s time for confetti, and I still believe
Forever friends, "We" last at last
I know, I know, I know…


Keep You In My Heart
siena wu是5sing網上的超人氣音樂人,聲音甜美空靈,天賦異稟,深受觀眾喜愛,曾多次被5sing官方微博推薦,創作原創音樂接近十首,現正在逐步增加,翻唱作品更是因為與原唱相仿,但同時又有著自己的風格而著名,才藝超群,上海人,其他的成名作還有《空白》、《l-o-v-e》、《視線》,《all i miss》等。大家都認為這個年輕的上海女孩兒能在音樂之路上走得更遠。


