KLBD-Kosher,也被稱之為"倫敦猶太法院潔食部"是全球領先的Kosher認證機構,業務遍及六大洲。KLBD認證的客戶包含許多跨國食品加工商和原料製造商,KLBD始終致力於提供一個專業的,價格合理的全球Kosher認證服務。KLBD對工廠的猶太認證至少可以追溯一個世紀的歷史。1902年首席拉比Nathan Marcus Adler在一封信中給Marmite授權,Marmite是一種散裝的產品至今還在認證(雖然瓶裝零售的未被批准)。同樣地,煎炸可可豆也早在1910年就獲得了猶太當局的批准。KLBD猶太食品認證一個多世紀以來一直作為全球Kosher認證主導力量感到自豪。
外文名:Kashrut (Kosher) Division of the London Beth Din
簡介,英文簡介,KLBD Kosher證書,
KLBD Kosher ( Kashrut Division of the London Beth Din)源自英國。其猶太教飲食分支機構是歐洲最有名的猶太飲食法權威。它是在“大英國協聯合希伯來聖會(United Synagogue)”的法院首席拉比主持下運作,United Synagogue是依據英國1870年議會法案成立的猶太組織。KLBD Kosher Logo
倫敦猶太法院對工廠的猶太Kosher認證至少可以追溯一個世紀的歷史。1902年首席拉比Nathan Marcus Adler在一封信中給Marmite授權,Marmite是一種散裝的產品至今還在認證(雖然瓶裝零售的未被批准)。同樣地,煎炸可可豆也早在1910年就獲得了猶太當局的批准。KLBD猶太食品認證,一個多世紀以來一直是一個主導力量的猶太Kosher認證感到自豪。
KLBD Kosher Certification (also known as the Kashrut Division of the London Beth Din) is one of the world leading kosher certification agencies operating in 50 countries across 6 continents and certifying many of the multi national food processors and material manufacturers alike. KLBD is committed to offering a professional and affordable global kosher certification with rabbis, food technologists and food chemists working round the clock for your needs alongside our representatives and agents around the world.
Why Get KLBD Kosher Certified
Take a walk down the aisles of any supermarket in the USA and increasingly so in Europe you will see that a significant portion of the food and drink is certified kosher, from the coveted Mars Bar, Bendick's chocolate, to the thirst-quenching Coca-Cola.
Tap into the billion dollar kosher food market.
Supermarkets favour brands with kosher certification because it gives the product a competitive edge that makes it sell faster.
The KLBD Kosher logo has become an increasingly important marketing tool which can generate additional revenues by expanding the potential of the manufacturer's market.
KLBD Kosher certification can lead to an increase in a company's private label business.
KLBD Kosher certified products, whether retail or industrial ingredients, feature the KLBD Kosher logo prominently on the label or packaging, as well as in your advertising
Going KLBD kosher is an investment your company makes in order to increase market acceptability and market share.