Just Asking for It

《Just Asking for It》是由James J.D. Taylor執導的電影,由John J. Cornetta 、Rachel Stamper、Scott Stamper擔任編劇,由John J. Cornetta、Cynthia Evans、Ron Bracewell主演。


  • 外文名:Just Asking for It
  • 導演:James J.D. Taylor
  • 編劇:John J. Cornetta 、Rachel Stamper、Scott Stamper
  • 主演:John J. Cornetta、Cynthia Evans、Ron Bracewell
  • 上映時間:2004年2月20日


In the near future overpopulation threatens the survival of the human race. In order to save mankind, the Population Control Agency (PCA) is created. PCA agents are granted the authority to reduce the population in high-density areas by eliminating the dregs of society. In other words, they have a license to kill very annoying people. In this dark comedy Agent Mike Brandon (John J. Cornetta, Performance Anxiety, Burnt Sienna) gets to do what most people only dream of. Eliminate anyone and everyone that rubs him the wrong way. Amidst a series of ruthless killings and comedic turns, Cornetta delivers a flawless performance. Written by Scott & Rachel Stamper (Performance Anxiety) and John J. Cornetta, it's a fast-paced, cleverly conceived, rip-roaring adventure. Everyone is a potential target for Agent Brandon, until he falls for a beautiful woman (Cynthia Evans, Peachtree Battle). The leads are supported by a strong ensemble cast of actors including Ron Bracewell, Andrea Haynes, and Devon Scott. Director J.D. Taylor (Assistant Director of the Academy Award winning film The Accountant) uses his talents to create surrealistic imagery with tense action sequences. Just Asking For It is a story that is sure to grab you from the first "shot" and guaranteed not to let you go until the final frame.
在不久的將來,人口過剩威脅著人類的生存。為了拯救人類,成立了人口控制署。常設仲裁法院代理人有權通過清除社會渣滓來減少高密度地區的人口。換句話說,他們有殺死非常討厭的人的許可證。在這部黑色喜劇中,特工邁克·布蘭登(約翰·科內塔,表演焦慮,燒傷的錫耶納)做了大多數人夢寐以求的事情。消滅所有激怒他的人。在一系列無情的殺戮和喜劇的轉折中,科尼塔表現完美。由斯科特&瑞秋·史丹博(表演焦慮)和約翰·j·科內塔編劇,這是一部快節奏、構思巧妙、咆哮如雷的冒險片。每個人都是布蘭登特工的潛在目標,直到他愛上一個美麗的女人(辛西婭·埃文斯,《桃樹大戰》)。包括羅恩·布拉采維爾、安德里亞·海恩斯和德文·斯科特在內的演員陣容強大,為這些線索提供了支持。導演J.D .泰勒(奧斯卡獲獎電影《會計》的助理導演)運用他的才華,用緊張的動作序列創造了超現實主義的意象。《只求索取》這是一個肯定會從第一個“鏡頭”就抓住你,並保證在最後一幀之前不會放過你的故事。


Mike BrandonJohn J. Cornetta
JaniceCynthia Evans
Stu ClarkRon Bracewell
Bond GirlKester Cockrell
Makeup ArtistBritta Mattox


James J.D. TaylorJohn J. Cornetta 、Rachel Stamper、Scott StamperRichard Todd Aguayo  Daniel HeiselByron Erwin


