Just A Song

《Just A Song》是一首歌曲,原唱是Nana,專輯是《Lost...Just A Song》。


  • 外文名:Just A Song
  • 發行時間:2008-12-28
  • 專輯:《Lost...Just A Song》
  • 唱片公司:樂爾唱片


歌名】Just A Song


內地新銳唱片公司-樂爾唱片繼推出唱作女歌手郭易之後,又向華語樂壇投下另一枚“重磅炸彈”-- “美女音樂製作人”Nana正式亮相。Nana給人的第一印象是一位非常年輕的小美女,可她同時卻是集作詞、作曲、演唱、編曲、演奏、製作於一身的音樂天才。Nana在十幾歲的時候就組建過中國第一支真正意義上的女子流行樂隊“野草莓”,之後先後加盟“糖衣娃娃”、“糖果槍”、虞洋等樂隊,擔綱主唱、鍵盤及編曲等多重角色。同時,與伍佰、楊坤、陳琳、羅琦、李泉、阿朵、厲娜等藝人有過成功合作。近期還擔任德國著名chill out製作人Roland Voss(Lemongrass)新專輯主唱,並發行單曲在他的“lemongrass garden vol.4”中,繼而先後與德國著名chill out製作人Pulsar bleu,法國著名製作人Deise Mikhail合作歌曲創作及錄製。


Nana - Just A Song
Mandolin boat
Swing in the moon
Shepherd and Mary
I understand, life is today
See you next week
Sunny Tuesday
You were my story
I understand, life is too funny
I don’t know why I sigh
Love was to entertain
I don’t know, follow me
Till the moonlight fades away
Fades away, woo
The silence’ on fire, and you stay with me
Never know, never speak
We shut the door behind
Counting matches
How warm is here
You are my glory
I wish to say, you were to save me
I don’t know why I sigh
Love was to entertain
I don’t know what to do
Kiss my heart and sing me a song
woo, woo
The silence’ on fire and you stay with me
La la la
I still…I think
we can sail away
We can sail away
if we have the sea
Lonely star
And I wish you were here to stay with me
Never stay
I sing a song of how you sang with me
Let it be
Cannot recall the boat beneath the sun
La la la
And I can say you made me silent…


