- 中文名:珍妮弗·佩姬
- 外文名:Jennifer Scoggins(原名)/ Jennifer Paige
- 國籍:美國
- 出生地:美國喬治亞州
- 出生日期:1973年9月3日
- 職業:歌手,作曲家
- 代表作品:Jennifer Paige、Positively Somewhere
基本介紹,個人簡介,專輯社會評價,音樂作品,精選,其他作品,原聲帶,歌詞選編,Crush,Always You,Beautiful Lie,Feel The Love,
原名:Jennifer Scoggins
英文藝名:Jennifer Paige
出生地:Marietta, Georgia, United States
Hollywood Records(1998—2003)
Edel Records (1998—2003)
Glor Music Production GmbH(2008—)
珍妮弗·佩姬出生在喬治亞州,亞特蘭大市Marietta的一個音樂家庭,在她5歲的時候,她就和她的哥哥Chance Scoggins在當地的咖啡館和餐館唱歌。之後,她進入Pebblebrook高中學習舞蹈,聲樂和表演。

17歲時,珍妮弗·佩姬來到洛杉磯,並作為top 40的表演者遊歷全國。1996年,在珍妮弗·佩姬家鄉亞特蘭大舉行的奧運會上,她在50,000名觀眾面前表演。同年,珍妮弗·佩姬與製作人Andy Goldmark合作,開始排練一部舞蹈劇---艾瑞莎·弗蘭克林的著作,《Chain of Fools》。這台舞蹈劇立即吸引住了德國一家獨立公司Edel Records 的注意,公司經理Jonathan正在找尋一個新鮮面孔的流行歌手以建立他們的海外市場,他對珍妮弗·佩姬的天賦有了深刻的印象,所以他飛到洛杉磯和珍妮弗·佩姬訂下了工作契約。
Positively Somewhere 《‘珍’情流露》
睽違四年,珍妮弗·佩姬帶著極富自傳色彩的新專輯Positively Somewhere回來了。經過4年的充電與各地邀約的演唱會行程,珍妮弗·佩姬不僅演唱、創作功力倍增,也結識了更多音樂人才,新專輯Positively Somewhere除了再次跟製作人Andy Goldmark合作,並向美國鄉村樂重鎮那許維爾知名音樂人Arbuckle與Bronleewe邀歌,同時專輯也收錄了珍妮弗·佩姬的個人創作。新專輯中她依然呈現著JP式的個性美聲唱法,並充分展露風味獨具的音樂才華:草根藍調搖滾、舞曲女伶、感性的民謠低吟或者是挑逗的靈魂樂歌手,年輕卻經驗老道的Jennifer明了自己所要的並且用歌聲證明了自己。主打歌”Stranded”的音樂錄像帶遠赴西班牙取景,珍妮弗·佩姬在MV中穿著充滿個性的波希米亞服飾,飾演流浪於各pub演唱卻沒沒無聞的藝人,雖然有時連一個觀眾也沒有,卻獨立生活並勇敢追求所愛。 珍妮弗·佩姬借著歌聲探索出自我情感的深度,提供生活經驗給予歌迷們美妙的想像意境。新專輯Positively Somewhere比上一張同名專輯更具自傳性色彩,一個屬於珍妮弗·佩姬的童話故事:從探索到世界成名的心路歷程。而珍妮弗·佩姬也將展現出她那具有才氣、深度且親和的歌喉,帶領你進入她極微細緻的音樂生命中。
Flowers:The Hits Collection 《如花歲月》
“Flowers:The Hits Collection ”是珍妮弗·佩姬出道以來的首張精選,除了包括耳熟能詳的‘Crush’、首張專輯裡的輕鬆旋律‘Sober’和抒情金賞‘Always You’外,‘Positively Somewhere’里的‘These Days’、‘Here With Me’及‘Stranded’等俱為當然曲目,此外再加收新作‘While You Where Gone’及‘Saturday Girl’的Demo版,和‘Crush’、‘Always You’的混音版,滿滿18曲滿載之餘再超值附上包含4支音樂錄影的VCD,影音雙盤單片價格,是重新體驗珍妮弗·佩姬完全音樂魅力的絕佳機會。

1998年以"Crush"登上美國Billboard第3名及英國單曲榜第4名,來自亞特蘭大的珍妮弗·佩姬,以新人之姿拿下首支單曲英美前五名的好成績,首支單曲”Crush”一推出就得到廣大的迴響,純樸自然、輕鬆愉快的風格,在一片混沌的流行樂壇如清流般令人驚喜,成績斐然,也讓世人對她充滿期待。珍妮弗·佩姬帶著新專輯Best Kept Secret回歸,這張新專輯繼承了她一如既往的Pop曲風。
- 音樂專輯共1張
- Jennifer Paige 珍妮弗·佩姬英語 歌曲12首發布於 1998-08-11這是珍妮弗·佩姬1998年發行的第一張同名專輯,主打歌"Crush"登上Billboard第3名及英國榜第4名,珍妮弗·佩姬便在一夕間紅遍全球,其所擁有的亮麗外型和美妙唱腔也成為了樂壇的矚目焦點,被視為世紀末美聲天后的接班人,同名專輯則大賣了300萬張。
- 單曲共12首
- Chain of Fools1997
- Crush1998US#3,UK#4,FRA#4,CAN#1,AUS#1
- Sobar1999UK#68, AUS#58, NZ#45
- Beautiful2000
- These Days2001
- Stranded2002UK#79
- Wasted2008
- Underestimated2008NL#27
- Ta Voix (The Calling)(Ft.Laam)2008FRA#37
- Beautiful Lie(Ft, Nick Carter)2009GE#19, AU#49
- 為他人創作共2首
- Never Say Never2001-04-18華原朋美 《Love Is All Music》
- Free2004-05-25Lashell Griffin 《Free》
1998-08-11 - Jennifer Paige
2001-09-18 - Positively Somewhere
2008-04-25- Best Kept Secret
2003 - Flowers:The Hits Collection
2004 - Revolution 日本Nissan廣告曲
1999 - Busted 收錄於《Simply Irresistible》電影原聲帶
1999 - Always You 收錄於《Inspector Gadget》電影原聲帶
2000 - Beautiful 收錄於《Autumn In New York》電影原聲帶
2002 - Kick It Into Gear 收錄於《The Country Bears》 電影原聲帶
2004 - The Power of Destiny 卡通片《Rave Master》主題曲
2005 - Linvin' It Today 電視電影《Spring Break Shark Attack》
Ahh, crush, ahhh
I see ya blowin' me a kiss
It doesn't take a scientist
To understand what's going on baby
If you see something in my eyeLet's not over analyze
Don't go too deep with it baby
So let it be what it'll be
Don't make a fuss
and get crazy over you and me
Here's what I'll do
I'll play loose
Run like we have a day with destiny
It's just a little crush (crush)
Not like I faint every time we touch
It's just some little thing (crush)
Not like everything I do depends on you
Sha-la-la-la, Sha-la-la-la
It's raising my adrenaline
You're banging on a harder tin
Please don't make too much of it baby
You say the word "forevermore"
That's not what I'm looking for
All I can commit to is "maybe"
So let it be what it'll be
Don't make a fuss
and get crazy over you and me
Here's what I'll do
I'll pay loose
Run like we have a day with destiny
It's just a little crush (crush)
Not like I faint every time we touch
It's just some little thing (crush)
Not like everything I do depends on you
Sha-la-la-la, Sha-la-la-la
Vanilla skies (vanilla skies)
White picket fences in your eyes
A vision of you and me
It's just a little crush (crush)
Not like I faint every time we touch
It's just some little thing (crush)
Not like everything I do depends on you
Not like I faint every time we touch
It's just some little thing
Not like everything I do depends on you
Not like I faint every time we touch
It's just some little thing
Not like everything I do depends on you
Always You
I see a mystery ship out on the water
I wonder where it's sailing to
Is someone waiting in some other harbor
These fantasies they blow my way
Like sirens to a fool
And in the stillness of my soul
I keep returning to
Always you
You know I live on the wind where love runs free
I come back to you
Always you
And when I fall to earth you're always there for me
I come back, I come back, I come back to you
Looking at myself 'til the mirror shatters
I hear a madman sing his tune (he says)
It's only love that ever really matters
I wake up in this dream tonight
That's when I see the truth
Of all the faces in my heart
There's only one I choose
Always you
You know I live on the wind where love runs free
I come back to you
Always you
And when I fall to earth you're always there for me
I come back, I come back, I come back to you
Something in my soul never changes baby
You're the one that's keeping me sane
There is no other that I have ever conceived
Could be my lover and never leave when I run free
Could be my lover, could be my lover
I wake up this dream tonight, thats when ill see the truth
Of all teh faces in my heart, theres only one i choose
Always you
You know I live on the wind where love runs free
I come back to you
Always you
And when I fall to earth you're always there for me
I come back, I come back, I come back to you...
Beautiful Lie
I’m gone
The ground is shaking under
Fell like the world
May all come crashing down
Now your words
And sorrys have no meaning
Baby you lied
You turned it on
Wasn’t my imagination
That you been running round
So dumb
Let you play with emotions
Baby you lied
[Jennifer & Nick]
If this isn’t love
What did feel inside
It this ain’t
How could you look in my eyes
Cause my heart is breakin’, not falling
This time
This can’t be love now I know
You’re a beautiful lie
[Jennifer & Nick]
So cold
Had me wrapped around your finger
Part of a show
Like a puppet on a string
How could know
I was just another
Baby you lied
[Jennifer & Nick]
If this isn’t love
What did feel inside
It this ain’t
How could you look in my eyes
Cause my heart is breakin’, not falling
This time
This can’t be love now I know
You’re a beautiful lie
Just a beautiful lie
Feel The Love
Feel the beat, move your feet to the music
Feel the love, gotta love, gotta feel it
Tonight forget about your troubles
Feelin' so right, let the music take you til you're so high
When nothing seems to make sense, make sense
One more hit, take another trip into the abyss
Wash your pain away with every sip
While all your dreams get wasted, wasted
Feel the love, gotta love, gotta feel it
People round the world
Gotta believe, b'lieve in something, something
Hear the beat, stomp your feet to the music
Sounds so sweet
All you gotta do,you gotta listen, listen
Never too late, pick up all the pieces, so what's the wait
There's noyouse in planning the great escape
There's so much to live for, don't you want more
So take time, everywhere you turn they're blowin' your mind
Sit back and relax, just hit the rewind
It's the right time to start over, just start over
Feel the love, gotta love, gotta feel it
People round the world
Gotta believe, b'lieve in something, something
Hear the beat, stomp your feet to the music
Sounds so sweet
All you gotta do,you gotta listen, listen
Feel the love, gotta love, gotta feel it
All around the world
Gotta believe, b'lieve in something, something
Hear the beat, stomp your feet to the music
Open up your mind
All you gotta do,you gotta listen, listen
Feel the love, gotta love, gotta feel it
People round the world
Gotta believe, b'lieve in something, something
Hear the beat, stomp your feet to the music
Sounds so sweet
All you gotta do,you gotta listen, listen
Feel the love, gotta love, gotta feel it
All around the world
Gotta believe, b'lieve in something, something
Hear the beat, stomp your feet to the music
Open up your mind
All you gotta do,you gotta listen, listen
Feel the love, gotta love, gotta feel it
All around the world
Gotta believe, b'lieve in something, something
Hear the beat, stomp your feet to the music
Open up your mind
Allyou gotta do,you gotta listen, listen