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  • 外文名:Jammer
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 英式音標:[ˈdʒæmə(r)]
  • 美式音標:[ˈdʒæmər]


英 [ˈdʒæmə(r)] 美 [ˈdʒæmər]
n. 干擾發射機; U 型鋼絲芯撐


anti-jammer 抗干擾器
acoustic jammer 聲干擾器
radio jammer 無線電干擾發生器 ; 無線電干擾機
Neutron Jammer 中子干擾素 ; 中子干擾器 ; 中子干擾
communication jammer [通信] 通信干擾器
tunable jammer 可變頻率干擾機 ; 可變頻率滋擾機
repeater jammer [通信] 中繼干擾機 ; 轉發排擠器英語 ; 翻譯
laser jammer 雷射干擾機
deception jammer 欺騙式干擾機 ; 欺騙干擾機 ; 偽裝干擾機


  • VHFJ? Very High Frequency Jammer? 甚高頻干擾台?
  • The enemy's got a jammer aircraft. 敵軍在使用干擾機。
  • Noise jammer is one of the primary jamming that radar seekers have to antagonize. 噪聲干擾是雷達導引頭需要對付的主要干擾形式之一。
  • IR active jamming technology includes IR decoy, IR jammer, DIRCM laser blinding, etc. 紅外有源干擾技術包括紅外干擾彈、紅外干擾機、定向紅外對抗和雷射致盲等。
  • IR active jamming technology includes IR decoy, IR jammer, DIRCM laser blinding, etc. 紅外有源干擾技術包括紅外干擾彈、外干擾機、向紅外對抗和雷射致盲等。
  • And the jamming cartridge kinematic model, jamming principle model of IR jammer were built too. 干擾彈運動學模型;紅外干擾機的干擾機理模型。
  • That meant keeping the Boeing jet, for only it has a dedicated jammer version, the EA-18G Growler. 那將意味著保留波音的戰機,因為只有波音擁有專用電子戰戰機EA - 18 G“咆哮者”。
  • The aim of the game is to help your jammer lap the highest number of blockers on the opposite team. 比賽的目的是為了幫助本隊搶分隊員在對方防守中突圍。
  • The signal process of a laser seeker was analysed on time domain when it was interfered by a laser cheating jammer. 在時域上分析了雷射欺騙式干擾作用時,雷射導引頭的信息處理過程。
  • The jammer receives the radar signal and convolves it with noise signal. Then the convolution result is retransmitted. 該方法是將干擾機接收並存儲的雷達發射信號與噪聲信號相卷積後轉發出去。
  • The ECM includes a standoff jammer (SOJ) broadcasting wideband noise and targets attempting range gate pull off (RGPO). ECM場景包括一個遠距離支援干擾機(SOJ)和目標距離波門拖引(RGPO)。
  • If exact JSI was not available, however, an iteratively joint jammer state estimation and decoding algorithm was proposed. 同時,在無法得到精確干擾狀態信息的情況下,提出了一種疊代干擾狀態估計及解碼算法。
  • After setting, the system simulated the detection and disturbing process of confrontation between jammer and radar netting. 系統設定完成後將模擬干擾機對抗雷達網的探測與干擾過程。
  • The pod-contained KG300G is much smaller and more flexible than the internally installed jammer, but with similar performance. 吊艙容納的KG300G和內部安裝干擾機相比更小和更靈活,但是具有相似的性能。
  • When developed and in production, the Next Generation Jammer program could potentially be worth several hundred million dollars. 如果能夠開發成功並生產出來的話,這種下一代干擾機計畫潛在的價值可能達數億美元。
  • If the distortion has a great influence on receiver performance, the application of STAP anti-jammer will be limited seriously. 這樣的失真如果嚴重影響接收機性能,則空時抗干擾的套用將會受到很大限制。
  • The principle of the airborne nacelle jammer used for the test of the new type surface to air missile weapon system is summarized. 綜述了某新型武器系統檢驗用機載吊艙式干擾機的原理。
  • The principle of the airborne nacelle jammer used for the test of the new type surface-to-air missile weapon system is summarized. 綜述了某新型武器系統檢驗用機載吊艙式干擾機的原理。
  • By sea clutter and ground clutter modeling, electron jammer modeling atmosphere attenuation modeling, the cruise missile flight con. 通過建立雜波模型、電子干擾模型以及大氣衰減模型,分析了巡航彈飛行環境對雷達探測性能的影響。
  • One of the jammer structures which can realize the algorithm is given and the method for reducing nonlinear phase errors is presented. 給出了一種實現此算法的干擾機結構,並提出了減小非線性相位誤差的方法。
  • In the case of one jammer within the main beam, the average Angle of arrival given by the seeker points in the direction of the jammer. 在導引頭主波束內只有一個干擾源情況下,導引頭給出的平均到達角指向干擾源真實到達角方向。
  • Yet any jammer for the slammer would run afoul of the Communications Act of 1934, which prohibits intentional interference with radio signals. 然而如果有人在監獄實施信號干擾,就會違反1934年通過的通信法案。該法案禁止蓄意干擾無線電信號。
  • For satellite communications system with a transparent transponder, the effective jammer power must be larger than the total power of all t... 對透明轉發器衛星通信系統,干擾的有效功率必須大於所有用戶的總功率,寬頻干擾或梳狀譜干擾是較好的干擾方式。
  • The obtained results can be used in the jamming signal mode design and the parameter select of the jamming signal of the design of PD radar jammer. 給出的基本結果可供PD雷達干擾系統設計中干擾信號形式設計和干擾參數的選擇。
  • Known as "ACES," Raytheon's advanced countermeasures electronic system consists of a radar warning receiver, digital jammer and chaff-flare dispenser. 被稱為“ACES”的雷聲公司先進對抗電子系統包括一部雷達告警接收機、數字干擾機和箔條-閃光彈發射器。
  • In the technology maturation phase, Raytheon's jammer will be developed and tested to ensure spectral precision, power, reactive speed and directivity. 在技術成熟階段,雷神的干擾機將進行研發測試,以確保頻譜精度、功率、反應速度和定向能力。
  • In the paper, digital radio frequency memory (DRFM) is applied to airborne radio fuze jammer to jam pulse distance-detecting fuze and pulse Doppler fuze. 將數字射頻存儲器(DRFM)套用到機載無線電引信干擾機中用來對脈衝測距引信和脈衝都卜勒引信進行干擾。
  • The results presented are for targets in a highly nonhomogeneous clutter and jammer environment, where conventional adaptive array processing is not feasible. 對目標的實驗結果表明,在嚴重的非均勻雜波及干擾環境中,普通的自適應處理技術是不適用的。
  • Design of new kind of noise blanking mobile phone jammer, with simple structure, is introduced in this paper, which can be applied to ensure security of meeting. 為此,設計了一種結構簡單的可用於小型保密會議的遮蓋式噪聲調頻手機干擾機。


