1,Interview With Ashley Greene 阿什利談她和傑克遜拉恩:傳言不會阻礙的關係!
原文:Interview With Ashley Greene: Adresses Relationship Rumors
Ashley Greene has a sweet new interview with the Australian Herald Sun, where she talks about her newfound fame, but also addresses the talk that there might be something going on with her and New Moon costar Jackson Rathbone–
“He and I both don’t have time to date, but we do have amazing chemistry,” she says.
“We both have such big crushes on each other and it clearly shows. We got along instantly and the day we met, he was teaching me how to swing dance.
“He (Rathbone) does everything. He sings, he dances, and he’s so sweet. Even my mum has a crush on him and tells me, ‘You should date him’. So, who knows, maybe when we both stop running around the world.”
有外國冬粉發出這樣的問題:Does Jackson Rathbone of Twilight have a girlfriend
回答者這樣說: There has been alot of rumors centered around him having a long term relationship with producer's daughter Rachel Curtis, but both have stated many times that they are just good friends and have never had a long term relationship. As well, in a recent interview with the Twilight Lexicon, when asked if he was in a relatioship, he stated "I'm single and loving it." As well in a Q&A with Vanity Fair magazine he he was asked the same question, he answered, "She is beautiful...she is quiet...she is also a guitar," reffering to his acoustic guitar Annabelle.
But the biggest rumors are around his relationship with Twilight co-star Ashley Greene. In interviews he often reffered to her as his, "Wife." as their characters are married. In another twilight Q&A a fan asked, "If you could be any other character who would you be?" and he replied, "Nowone, I have this beautiful wife." he then proceeded to kiss Ashley. As well, they have been reported to always been together on set, hugging and holding hands with one another. We can see this is fact by the interviews.
AND ELIZABETH, just because he's an actor, that doesnt mean you can't get to him. nothings impossible
譯文:有謠言說他與《暮色》製片人的女兒雷切爾柯蒂斯長期合作,但都多次表示,他們是很好的朋友,從未有過長期合作關係。另外,在最近的一次採訪時問他是否在她相處,他說:“我是單身,熱愛它。”以及在一Q&A與名利場雜誌,有人問他同樣的問題,他回答說:“她是美麗的... ...她很安靜,她也是一把吉他。他的吉他的確有個女孩子的名字——Annabelle。但最大的傳言是他與《暮光之城》聯合主演阿什利格林尼的關係。在採訪中,他常常被稱為他的“妻子”因為他們在戲中結婚了。在另一次的採訪中被問:“有機會重新選角色的話你要當誰?”他回答說:“不變,不變,我有這么一美艷的夫人呢。”說完他就親了阿什麗一下。而且,他和Ashley 經常被拍到一塊兒親密約會!一次在《暮色》的採訪中他說“I'm single and loving it.”我是單身,我挺滿意的。