International Trade(2017年人民交通出版社出版的圖書)

International Trade(2017年人民交通出版社出版的圖書)

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《International Trade》是一本人民交通出版社出版的圖書,作者是喬亞洲,本書全書分為簡介、貿易理 論、貿易保護、外貿政策、貿易工具、經濟一體化、世界貿易組織、跨國公司及我國的對外貿易九章。


  • 中文名:International Trade
  • 作者:喬亞洲
  • 出版時間:2017年10月1日
  • 出版社:人民交通出版社
  • 頁數:173 頁
  • ISBN:9787114140952
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 版次:1 


本書是一本全英文教材。不同於以往的涵蓋全部國際經濟學內容的大部頭原版教材,它更加適合我國國 際貿易課程雙語教學的課時安排。書中有針對性地對國際貿易知識進行系統論述,全書分為簡介、貿易理 論、貿易保護、外貿政策、貿易工具、經濟一體化、世界貿易組織、跨國公司及我國的對外貿易九章。 篇幅更為合理,實用性更強,具有較大的實踐指導價值。 本書可作為高等院校本專科國際貿易課程雙語教材使用ꎬ同時也可作為廣大國際貿易工作者的參考書。


Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 The Need for International Trade
1.2 Division of Labor
Chapter 2 Theories of International Trade
2.1 The Theory of Absolute and Comparative Advantage
2.2 Factor Proportions Trade Theory
2.3 The Product Cycle Theory
2.4 New Trade Theory
2.5 Intra-Industry Trade
2.6 The Competitive Advantage of Nations
Chapter 3 Theory of Trade Protection
3.1 Trade Theory of Mercantilism
3.2 Government Intervention
Chapter 4 Foreign Trade Policy
4.1 Trade Policy
4.2 Pushing Exports
Chapter 5 Instruments of Trade Policy
5.1 Tariff Barriers
5.2 Non-Tariff Barriers
5.3 Case Study
Chapter 6 Economic Integration
6.1 Economic Integration : Overview
6.2 Trade Creation and Trade Diversion
6.3 Regional Economic Integration
6.4 Trading Blocs
Chapter 7 GATT and WTO
7.1 Brief History
7.2 WTO
7.3 China and WTO
Chapter 8 Foreign Direct Investment and Transnational Corporations
8.1 Case Study:Starbucks' Foreign Direct Investment
8.2 Introduction
8.3 Horizontal Foreign Direct Investment
8.4 Vertical Foreign Direct Investment
8.5 Entry Strategies
Chapter 9 Chinese Foreign Trade
9.1 Historic Progress in Chinese Foreign Trade
9.2 Reform of and Improvements to Chinese Foreign Trade System
9.3 The Development of Chinese Foreign Trade Contributes to the World Economy
9.4 Promoting Basically Balanced Growth of Foreign Trade
9.5 Constructing All-Round Economic and Trade Partnerships with Mutually Beneficial Cooperation
9.6 Realizing Sustainable Development of Foreign Trade


