Industrial Ecology(產業生態學)

《Industrial Ecology(產業生態學)》,北京師範大學提供的慕課課程,授課老師是毛建素、裴元生、李春暉。


  • 中文名:Industrial Ecology(產業生態學)
  • 提供院校:北京師範大學
  • 類別:慕課
  • 授課老師:毛建素、裴元生、李春暉


Chapter1 Introduction 第一講 緒論
Discussion 1 討論 1
1-0 Key Question and Contents 核心議題和內容設定
1-1 How does an Environmental Problem Occur 環境問題的產生
1-2 What is the Role of IS 產業的角色
1-3 How does IE Challenge Environmental Problem 產業生態學如何應對環境挑戰
1-4 How IE is Performed 如何展開教學活動
1-5 Topics for Discussion and Homework 研討議題與作業
1-6 Clues for Homework 作業示例
after class test 1 課後測1
Chapter2 The Role of IE in Sustainable Development 第二講 產業生態學在可持續發展中的作用
2-0 Review and Contents 回顧與內容設定
2-1 How to manage the sustainable development 如何進行可持續發展管理
2-2 The Concept of Industrial Ecology 產業生態學概念
2-3 The Role of IE in Science Research and Career 產業生態學在科學、研究和事業中的作用
2-4 Topics for Discussion and References 研討議題與推薦資源
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after class test 2 課後測2
Chapter3 The Analogy Between Industrial System and Biological Ecosystem 第三講 產業系統與生態系統的類比
3-0 Review and Contents 內容回顧與內容設定
3-1 A Review of Similarity Theory 相對論回顧
3-2 A Review of Biological Ecology 自然生態系統回顧
3-3 Comparability of IS and NS 產業系統和自然系統的對比
3-4 Main Features of Industrial System 產業系統的主要特徵
3-5 Topics for Discussion and References 研討議題與推薦資源
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after class test 3 課後測3
Chapter4 Life Cycle Assessmen(Part1)-Introduction 第四講 產品生命周期(第一部分)-概述
4-0 Key Question and Contents 核心議題和內容設定
4-1 How to Define a Product and a Service 如何界定“產品”和“服務”
4-2 General Introduction of LCA 生命周期評價概述
4-3 Goal and Scope Definition 目的和範圍的界定
Discussion 2 討論2
after class test 4 課後測4
Chapter5 Life Cycle Assessment(Part2)—Inventory Analysis 第五講 產品生命周期(第二部分)—清單分析
5-0 Review and Key Questions 內容回顧與核心議題
5-1 Preparing for Data Collection 數據收集準備
5-2 Data Collection 數據收集
5-3 Data Calculation 數據計算
5-4 LCI Report, References and Topics for R&D 生命周期清單分析報告,推薦資源和研討議題
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5-5 Classroom Sharing 課堂分享實錄
after class test 5 課後測5
Chapter6 Life Cycle Assessment(Part3)—Impact Assessment and Interpretation 第六講 產品生命周期評價(第三部分)—環境影響評價及解釋
The Share of the Homework in 2019 2019級課堂作業分享
6-0 LCA Impact Assessment and Interpretation 生命周期影響評價與解釋概述
6-1 Selection of Impact Categories, Category Indicators and Characterization Models 環境影響類型、類別指標、特徵模型的選擇
6-2 Classification and Characterization the Environment Impact 分類和表征環境影響
6-3 Interpretation Analysis 如何進行解釋和分析
6-4 Reports, References and Topics for Discussion 報告,推薦資源與研討議題
6-5 Classroom Sharing 課堂分享實錄
after class test 6 課後測6
Chapter7 Material Flow Analysis( Part1)——SFA model and its Application 第七講 物質流分析(第一部分) —— SFA模型和套用
7-0 Key Question and Contents 核心議題與內容設定
7-1 General Introduction of Material Flows 物質流動概述
7-2 The Original Dynamic Framework of SFA 物質人為流動動態分析原始框架
7-3 The Improved Dynamic Model for SFA 物質人為流動動力分析改進框架
7-4 Some Rules and a Case Study 物質人為流動若干規律和案例
7-5 References and Students Topics 推薦資源與研討議題
after class test 7 課後測7
Chapter8 Material Flow Analysis( Part2)—STAF model and its Application 第八講 物質流分析(第二部分)—STAF模型和套用
8-4 Classroom Sharing 課堂分享實錄
8-0 Review and Key Questions 內容回顧與核心議題
8-1 How to Select Material 物質選擇
8-2 STAF Model and a Case Study for Lead STAF框架和鉛的案例分析
8-3 Class Discussion,Homework and Reference 研討議題,作業與推薦資料
Discussion 3 討論3
after class test 8 課後測8
Chapter9 Material Flow Analysis(Part3)—The External and MFA Application 第九講 物質流分析(第三部分)—外部效應和物質流分析套用
9-0 Review and Key Question 內容回顧與核心議題
9-1 Social Effect of Anthropogenic Flows —In-use Stock 物質人為流動的社會效應—物質流的使用蓄積分析
9-2 Social Effect of Anthropogenic Flows —A Case for Lead In-use Stock 物質人為流動的社會效應—鉛使用蓄積案例
9-3 Environmental Effect of Anthropogenic Flows—Environmental Stock of Emission 物質人為流動的環境效應—環境排放蓄積
9-4 Main Application of MFA 物質流動分析的套用
9-5 New Progress on MFA 物質流動分析進展
after class test 9 課後測9
Chapter10 Design for Environment(Part 1) 第十講 生態設計(第一部分)
10-0 Review and Key Question 內容回顧與核心議題
10-1 What is DfE DfE概念
10-2 How to select the material 材料選擇
10-3 Other Measures for Saving Materials 其他節約材料的措施
after class test 10 課後測10
Chapter11 Design for Environment(part 2) 第十一講 生態設計(第二部分)
11-0 Review and Key Question 內容回顧與核心議題
11-1 Industrial Process Design and Operation 產業工藝和設備運行的設計
11-2 Design for Energy Efficiency 能源效率的設計
11-3 Design for Delivery of Products 產品運輸的設計
11-4 Design for Product Uses and EOL Treatment 產品使用和報廢后處理的設計
11-5 Design for System Optimization and Student Topics 系統最佳化設計和研討議題
11-6 Classroom Sharing 課堂分享實錄
after class test 11 課後測 11
Chapter12 Managing IS in different scales 第十二講 多尺度的產業系統管理
12-0 Review and Key Question 內容回顧與核心議題
12-1 Distinguishing the Weakest Subsystem 識別最弱子系統
12-2 Green Corporations Management 綠色企業管理
12-3 Eco-region Construction 生態區域構建
12-4 Summery, References and Discussion 小結,推薦資料和研討議題
12-5 Classroom Sharing 課堂分享實錄
after class test 12 課後測12
Chapter13 Indicators and Metrics 第十三講 定性指標和定量指標
13-0 Review and Key Question 內容回顧和核心議題
13-1 The importance of Indicator and Metrics 定性指標和定量指標的重要性
13-2 Metrics System Development 定量指標體系的建立
13-3 Hierarchical Metrics Systems 分層定量指標體系
13-4 References and Topics for Discussion 推薦資源與研討議題
13-5 Classroom Sharing 課堂分享實錄
after class test 13 課後測13
Chapter14 Overall Review of IE 第十四講 產業生態學課程總結
14-0 Overall Review 課程總結


T.E. Graedel and B.R. Allenby, Industrial Ecology, 2nd edition, Prentice Hall, 2003


