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朱俊明,男,清華大學公共管理學院助理教授,美國馬里蘭大學公共政策學院博士 。



  • 朱俊明,清華大學公共管理學院助理教授,國際SCI期刊Journal of Industrial Ecology負責公共政策的編輯。他的主要研究方向為資源、環境政策分析與評估、產業生態學、企業與個人的環保和節能行為等。
  • 他的研究獲得了美國國家自然科學基金、耶魯大學等機構的資助。朱俊明分別於2006年和2008年獲得清華大學環境科學與工程本科、碩士學位,2013年博士畢業於美國馬里蘭大學公共政策學院,2013-2016年在耶魯大學森林與環境學院從事博士後研究。


  • Zhu, J. and M. Chertow (2016). Greening industrial production through waste recovery: "Comprehensive Utilization of Resources" in China. Environmental Science & Technology, Vol. 50 (5), pp. 2175-2182.
  • Zhu, J. and M. Ruth (2015). Relocation or reallocation: Impacts of differentiated energy saving regulation on manufacturing industries in China. Ecological Economics, Vol. 110, pp. 119-133.
  • Zhu, J. and M. Ruth (2014). The development of regional collaboration for resource efficiency: A network perspective on industrial symbiosis. Computers, Environment, and Urban Systems, Vol. 44, pp. 37-46.
  • Zhu, J. and M. Ruth (2013). Exploring the resilience of industrial ecosystems. Journal of Environmental Management, Vol. 122, pp. 65-75.
  • Zhu, J. and L. Shi (2015). Network Analysis of Industrial Ecosystems, in M. Ruth (ed.) Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Environmental Studies, Edward Elgar.
  • Ruth, M., J. Zhu, N.S. Lee and S. Mirzaee. (2015). Creating and Evaluating Co-Benefits and Co-Costs of Environmental Policies and Investments in Urban Areas, in J. Woltjer, E. Alexander, A. Hull and M. Ruth (eds.) Evaluation in Integrated Land-use Management: Towards a Place-based Evaluation for Infrastructure and Spatial Projects, Ashgate, London, UK.


  • 2014-2015 Yale Center for Business and the Environment Sobotka Research Fund, “The Power of Information: Bringing to Scale an Industrial Symbiosis Database to Address Market Inefficiency in Resource Reuse among Industrial Firms”,課題共同負責人
  • 2013-2014 U.S. National Science Foundation, “Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant: The Effect of Energy-Saving Regulations on the Location of Manufacturing”,課題負責人
  • 2013-2016 U.S. National Science Foundation, “PIRE Award: Developing Low-Carbon Cities in the USA, China & India Through Inter-Disciplinary Integration Across Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Social Sciences & Public Health”,課題參與人


