3T分別代表Tariano ,Taryll和Tito Joe,他們的名字在國內知道的人可能不多。但是提到他們的家族,估計無人不知——那就是傑克遜家族。他們的叔叔便是那位流行樂壇長盛不衰的天王Michael Jackson,而這三個男生是其二哥Tito Jackson之子.Tito 和包括Michael 在內的四位兄弟,曾經組成了 The Jackson 5 樂團,而且在他們的努力下,使得這個家族成為美國流行音樂史上最具傳奇色彩和代表性的一個音樂世家.這三個年輕人繼承了這一傳統,在音樂方面亦是才華洋溢。他們的首張個人專集Brotherhood銷量就超過了兩百萬張。而其中的單曲anything完全由他們自己創作,演唱和製作,大受好評。2004年,他們又推出了這張專集Identity。
Little did Joseph and Katherine Jackson know when they started their family that they would give birth to the world's most esteemed musical dynasty.3T are part of that celebrated family tree. As nephews of "King of Pop" Michael Jackson, arguably the world's greatest living entertainer, and sons of Tito, the second oldest Jackson brother, and the late Delores Jackson, they have inherited the ultimate pop music pedigree. What's more, the trio- Tariano , Taryll, and Tito Joe delivered on their innate musical promise, with their debut effort, "Brotherhood" having sold over 1 million copies in Europe alone.
"Brotherhood's" first single, "Anything," which was written, performed, and produced by 3T themselves, achieved gold status in the U.S. and the U.K., selling over two million copies worldwide. "Anything," combined with the singles "Why," "I Need You," and "24/7," gives 3T a very impressive four Top Five hits in the U.K. alone. The album has also achieved gold status in many other countries including Holland, Denmark, Belgium, Norway, Thailand and the Philippines ... and it achieved platinum status in France.
After many worldwide promotional tours 3T embarked on their first foray as headliners on a sold-out concert tour of Europe. Living up to their musical legacy is second nature to "the three T's," as their mother Dee Dee affectionately referred to her sons. The brothers witnessed first-hand the frenzy of the elder Jacksons' success and the mega success of Michael and Janet. Yet they kept their show business aspirations to themselves during their formative years, absorbing a huge variety of musical influences including The Beatles, The Bee Gees, and Bread.
Focusing on becoming accomplished musicians, they sharpened their skills on piano, guitar, drums, bass and later cutting-edge computer equipment. After stockpiling an impressive collection of original material, their Uncle Michael was thrilled to take them under his wing, allowing them access to his vast entertainment resources. He signed 3T to his fledgling record label, MJJ Music, for their first album, "Brotherhood," which was distributed by Epic/Sony. Michael not only gave them his blessing early on, but also the creative freedom his nephews needed at that stage of their careers, which resulted in them writing 8 of the 12 tunes which comprised "Brotherhood."
Proud father Tito looks back fondly on the years his sons spent perfecting their craft before entering what can only be called the family business. "I saw signs of their talent even when they were toddlers," he says. "They used to hold brooms and mops and imitate the Jackson brothers. But they've been working especially hard for the last ten years or more, becoming good writers and singers in their own right. Coming from an entertainment family, they know they can't half-step."
"They're talented, always ready to work, and really make a great trio," Dad, Tito sums up. Naturally, with Jackson blood in their veins, 3T can't help but live up to their lofty legacy. They have now moved on from MJJ Music/Sony and have just released a second album in Europe entitled "Identity"
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