《IELTS9分口語》是2013年7月西安交通大學出版社出版的,作者是Patrick Hafenstein。


  • 書名:IELTS9分口語
  • 作者:Patrick Hafenstein
  • 頁數:280頁
  • 定價:40.00元
  • 出版社西安交通大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2013年7月
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:16開


IELTS 9分口語》是專為母語為中文的IELTS考生設計的口語學習用書,其主要目的如下:第一,幫助考生在有限的時間內取得所需要的IELTS成績;另外還希望能幫助拿到有條件入學許可的學生,轉為取得無條件入學許可。第二,幫助考生在最擔心的口語測試部分建立信心。《IELTS 9分口語》提供IELTS測試相關信息以及準備口試的方法、技巧與策略,收錄考生IELTS口語測試實例,結合評分標準打分。此外,精編8份完整口語試題,配以滿分互動問答,幫助考生演練,學會組織觀點,清楚流利地表達自己的想法。本書不僅可以幫助考生攻克IELTS口語考試,還可以全面提升英語口語能力,為留學生活和學習奠定基礎。


IELTS Superior Speakinghas been specifically designed for IELTS candidates whose first language is Chinese. The aim of this IELTS speaking book is threefold.
《IELTS 9 分口語》是專為母語為中文的IELTS考生設計的口語學習書,其主要目的如下:
Firstly, to help you beat the test in a timely manner so that you can get the IELTS score that you require and more importantly make your conditional offer unconditional for the university of your choice.
Secondly, to build your confidence for the section of the IELTS that most students find the most daunting and nerve-racking. By giving you the inside knowledge of the test and the strategies you can be sure that you will be able to express yourself fluently, coherently, clearly, naturally, accurately, appropriately and in a sophisticated manner.
Lastly, to equip you with the speaking skills needed to not just survive in an English speaking country but also impress in an academic environment.
There is no time like the present so stop making excuses and putting off until tomorrow what can be done today. The most important thing to remember is that you have chosen to venture forth to new heights in your life filled with greater opportunities and promises, so now is the time to get off on the right foot and take a step in the right direction.


Foreword V
How to use this book VII
IELTS Speaking Test Introduction and Sample Interviews(口試介紹與模擬示範) 1
Introduction 2
Introduction to the Speaking Section of IELTS(IELTS 口試介紹) 2
Overview(口試流程) 2
Possible IELTS Band 9(9 分) 3
Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)(常見問題集) 10
Scoring(評分標準) 10
The Questions & Answers(關於問與答) 13
Examiners(關於口試官) 17
The IELTS Speaking Test(關於 IELTS 口試) 18
Preparation(關於考前準備) 20
The Candidate's Guild to An Examiner's Marking Criteria(口試評分標準——考生要訣) 22
Sample IELTS Interviews 24
Possible IELTS Band 4.5(4.5 分) 25
Possible IELTS Band 5(5 分) 29
Possible IELTS Band 6(6 分) 33
Possible IELTS Band 7.5(7.5 分) 37
Possible IELTS Band 9(9 分) 40
DIY Study Guide for Speaking(口語能力——自學要訣) 48
Fluency & Coherence(流暢性及連貫性) 48
Lexical Resource(辭彙量) 51
Grammatical Range and Accuracy(語法運用範圍與其正確性) 54
Pronunciation(發音) 56
The QPS Strategy and Note-Making Skills(QPS 應考策略與實用筆記速記法) 59
Speaking Test: Part 1 60
QPS Strategy(QPS 應考策略) 60
Types of Questions and How to Answer Them(各類型問題及答題方式) 61
Ability(能力) 61
Comparing(比較) 63
Conditionals(有前提的提問) 65
Describing(形容) 67
Negatives(負面問題) 69
Opinions(想法) 70
People/Places(人物/地點) 72
Preferences(喜好、選擇) 74
Reasons(理由) 76
Suggestions(建議) 78
Specifying(具體提問) 80
Superlatives(最高級) 81
Time(時間) 82
Yes/No(是與非的提問) 84
Speaking Test: Part 2 86
Making Notes(記筆記) 86
Useful Notes(實用筆記) 89
Introductory Statements(開頭句) 90
Sample Topics and Sample Answers(各類型問題及回答範例) 92
People(人物) 92
Places(地點) 97
Things/Objects(物品) 101
Activities(活動) 106
Time/Events(時間/事件) 110
Speaking Test: Part 3 114
QPS Strategy(QPS 應考策略) 114
Types of Questions and How to Answer Them(各類型問題及答題方式) 115
Predicting(預測) 115
Past Development(過去的發展) 117
Causes of Problems(問題的原因) 118
Results(結果) 119
Solutions/Suggestions(解決方案/建議) 120
Advantages/Disadvantages(優點/缺點) 122
Comparing(比較) 124
Agree/Disagree(同意/不同意) 126
Identifying(確認) 128
How+ adj.(How 的提問) 129
Test Bank With Sample Answers from Native Speakers(題庫與9分口語範例) 131
Test Bank with Sample Answers
Sample 1—Natural Disasters(自然災害 ) 132
Sample 2 —Media(媒體) 139
Sample 3—Food·Health(飲食·健康) 146
Sample 4—Environment(環境) 154
Sample 5 —Law(法律) 161
Sample 6 —Charity(慈善) 168
Sample 7—Photography(攝影,照相) 176
Sample 4—Gifts and Culture(禮物與文化) 183
Topic-Based Question Bank(主題分類問題集) 191
Topic-Based Question Bank 192
Hometowns·Cities·Countries(家鄉·城市·國家) 193
Work(工作) 197
Education(教育) 200
Crime(犯罪) 203
Entertainment(娛樂) 206
Environment(環境) 209
Media(媒體) 212
3C(Computers, Cameras & Communications)(3C 產品) 214
Sports·Recreation(運動·休閒) 217
Food·Dining(飲食) 220
Health·Medicine(健康·醫藥) 223
Travel·Transportation·Holidays·Culture(旅遊·交通工具·假期·文化) 226
Topic-Based Glossary 230
Cut-Up Study Notes 237


Patrick Hafenstein,劍橋台北語言中心IELTS資深教師;劍橋考試口試(KET/PET)主考官;Griffith University學士,Trinity College London英語教學證書獲得者;有10餘年考試課程教學經驗,包括IELTSTOEICTOEFL等。


