Microsoft Direct3D 9 接口類。
IDirect3D9接口是創建Microsoft Direct3D 目標和配置環境的套用方法類。這個接口包含了枚舉和檢索設備性能和方法。
方法 | 描述 |
CheckDepthStencilMatch | Determines whether a depth-stencil format is compatible with a render-target format in a particular display mode. |
CheckDeviceFormat | Determines whether a surface format is available as a specified resource type and can be used as a texture, depth-stencil buffer, or render target, or any combination of the three, on a device representing this adapter. |
CheckDeviceFormatConversion | Tests the device to see if it supports conversion from one display format to another. |
CheckDeviceMultiSampleType | Determines if a multisampling technique is available on this device. |
CheckDeviceType | Verifies whether a hardware accelerated device type can be used on this adapter. |
創建一個設備來表示顯示適配器。 | |
EnumAdapterModes | Queries the device to determine whether the specified adapter supports the requested format and display mode. This method could be used in a loop to enumerate all the available adapter modes. |
GetAdapterCount | Returns the number of adapters on the system. |
GetAdapterDisplayMode | Retrieves the current display mode of the adapter. |
GetAdapterIdentifier | Describes the physical display adapters present in the system when the IDirect3D9 interface was instantiated. |
GetAdapterModeCount | Returns the number of display modes available on this adapter. |
GetAdapterMonitor | Returns the handle of the monitor associated with the Direct3D object. |
Retrieves device-specific information about a device. | |
RegisterSoftwareDevice | Registers a pluggable software device. Software devices provide software rasterization enabling applications to access a variety of software rasterizers. |
typedef struct IDirect3D9 *LPDIRECT3D9, *PDIRECT3D9;
頭檔案 | D3D9.h |
庫檔案 | D3d9.lib |