I See Us

I See Us

《I See Us》是周深演唱的歌曲,由楊禹萱作詞,JIHU、李禕作曲,收錄於2022年5月18日發行的同名專輯《I See Us》中。


  • 外文名:I See Us
  • 所屬專輯:I See Us
  • 歌曲時長:4分16秒
  • 歌曲原唱周深
  • 填詞:楊禹萱
  • 譜曲:JIHU、李禕
  • 編曲:蔡奕濱
  • 音樂風格:Single
  • 發行日期:2022年5月18日
  • 歌曲語言:英語
  • 唱片公司:正午陽光影業


When the stars start to shine
First time we say goodbye
Waving under the streetlight
I'm used to being alone
Everyone feels like they know me
But they don't
In a city of passing lights
Some people are just meant just meant to be
It's how we fall in love and keep on chasing on the edge of destiny
We grew up in two different worlds
But now we share one dream
Everything changes
We never change
Tomorrow is promised
Let's draw a home for you and me
I see us
I see us
I see us
Sun goes down and darkness comes
I follow your heart
To embrace cold nights
Everyone has a past
It's time to let it go
Oh don't look back
In a city of passing lights
Some people are just meant just meant to be
It's how we fall in love and keep on chasing on the edge of destiny
We grew up in two different worlds
But now we share one dream
Everything changes
We never change
Tomorrow is promised
Let's draw a home for you and me
Just for you and me
Just for you and me
I see us
I see us
I see us
Just for you and me
I see us
I see us
I see us
Just for you and me
I see us
I see us
I see us
Just for you and me
I see us
I see us
I see us
Just for you and me
I see us
I see us
I see us
Just for you and me


2022年5月18日,周深在,都市生活輕喜劇《歡迎光臨》獻唱的主題曲《I See Us》MV和開播海報於今日曝光。
2022年9月10日,周深在《2022年中央廣播電視總台中秋晚會》上演唱歌曲《I See Us》。


