I Know You Have A Girlfriend


  • 中文名稱:我知道你有女朋友
  • 外文名稱:I Know You Have A Girlfriend
  • 所屬專輯:Kiss(Deluxe Version) -[親吻(豪華版)]
  • 歌曲時長:3:03
  • 發行時間:2012-09-14
  • 歌曲原唱:Carly Rae Jepsen


Baby I don't need to look far
Everywhere I turn there, there you are
Carly Rae JepsenCarly Rae Jepsen
Somebody should sound the alarm
Cause when you try to get me alone, you
Talk to me in riddles
You treat me like a crime
I know you have a girlfriend
So don't kiss me on my lips
I know you have a girlfriend
Oh don't you tell me what I did
I know you have a girlfriend
And every time you speak
You're lying through your t-t-t-teeth
I know you have a girlfriend
And I hear she's kinda nice
I know you have a girlfriend
So don't give me those eyes
I know you have a girlfriend
Oh won't you let me be?
I'm begging you stop begging me
I'm tip-toeing around all the facts
Tease me 'till I laugh and I relax
I know there is a reason for that
Cause you've been trying to get me alone, and
Talk to me in riddles
You cover me in rhymes
I know you have a girlfriend
So don't kiss me on my lips
I know you have a girlfriend
Oh don't you tell me what I did
I know you have a girlfriend
And every time you speak
You're lying through your t-t-t-teeth
I know you have a girlfriend
And I hear she's kinda nice
I know you have a girlfriend
So don't give me those eyes
I know you have a girlfriend
Oh won't you let me be?
I'm begging you stop begging me
Don't sleep with dreams about it
Didn't I, didn't I -- blush?
I think, I think, I think I want it
Way too much
I know you have a girlfriend
And it cuts me like a knife
I know you have a girlfriend
Is she gonna be your wife?
I know you have a girlfriend
And every time you speak
You're lying through your t-t-teeth
I know you have a girlfriend
Tell me, where is she tonight?
I know you have a girlfriend
Cause I heard you had a fight
I know you have a girlfriend
Oh won't you let me be?
I'm begging you stop begging me
I know you have
I'm begging you stop begging me
I know you have
I know you have a girlfrienExplaind


Carly Rae Jepsen是一位來自加拿大的女歌手。2007年參加“Canadian Idol”選秀節目。表現突出的她獲得了季軍,雖說最後沒有如願奪下后冠,不過聲音甜美,卻不失個人風格的Carly Rae Jepsen也很快的發行的個人的首張專輯《Tug Of War》,曲風大多活潑律動或是溫潤清新,而且幾乎首首動聽。
全 名:Carly Rae Jepsen
身高:5' 2" (1.57 m) 源自IMDb
發 色:棕色
瞳 孔:藍色
Carly Rae Jepsen是一位來自加拿大的女歌手。
2007年夏天,22歲的Carly Rae Jepsen參加了加拿大當地的“Canadian Idol”選秀節目。表現突出的她獲得了第3名。
2011年9月20日,Carly Rae Jepsen發行了自己的新單曲《Call Me Maybe》。輕快俏皮的節奏,亮點無限的MV,很快便在各大視頻網站躥紅。2012年2月,在上榜15周后(BillboardCanadian Hot 100),Carly終於迎來了個人的第一首冠單!
於2012年近日加拿大當紅明星Justin Bieber簽下了這一位新人Carly Rae Jepsen,並和SG等明星一同出現在她翻拍的Call Me Maybe MV中。前幾天她也和JB在錄音室合作。這首歌在加拿大目前已大火,加拿大Itunes下載熱度
升到第1位。2012年6月又憑藉《Call Me Maybe》獲得Billboard冠軍。
截止2012年六月 這首歌在加拿大、澳大利亞、捷克、丹麥、芬蘭、匈牙利、愛爾蘭、紐西蘭、瑞典、英國 美國等十幾個國家奪下冠軍。 至此Call Me Maybe 已經使Carly Rae Jepsen 成為繼Lady GagaKe$ha之後第三位首支單曲就奪得公告牌單曲榜冠軍的女歌手。
2012年6月26日月她與Owl City合作的歌曲Good Time在 Itunes上發售。
2012年7月 Good Time在Billboard上首戰第十八名。數字下載榜首戰第六名。Itunes第3名。7月在Call Me Maybe蟬聯公告牌榜單7周冠軍後,Carly 成為環球公司在Billboard上連冠最長的女歌手,甚至超越了Lady Gaga的Born This Way(6周)。
2012年8月call me maybe 終於結束了在billboard上對冠軍長達九周的封鎖,至此carly成為2012年連冠最長的歌手。同時單曲Good Time 挺進billboard前十,在當周billboard中carly 與 Maroon5在前十均有兩首單曲在榜,可謂創造了一個全新的記錄。


