Human Embryology

《Human Embryology》是山東大學提供的慕課課程,授課老師是郭雨霽、劉尚明、郝愛軍、張曉麗、王富武、張艷敏。


  • 外文名:Human Embryology
  • 提供院校:山東大學
  • 類別:慕課
  • 授課老師:郭雨霽、劉尚明、郝愛軍、張曉麗、王富武、張艷敏


Week 1 Introduction and gametogenesis and fertilization
1.8 Papers about advances in Embryology
1.6 Oogenesis
1.7 Fertilization
1.9 From Minamata Disease to environmental health studies
1.5 Spermatogenesis
1.1 What is human embryology?
1.2 Brief history of embryology
1.3 Advances of modern embryology
1.4 What is teratology?
test of week 1
Week 2 First week and second week of development: Cleavage to implantation
2.1 Clevage
2.2 Process of implantation
2.3 Requirements of implantation and abnormal implantation
2.4 Papers about embryonic stem cell
Test for week 2
Week 3 Third to eight week of development: Gastrulation and differentiation of trilaminar disc
3.1 Gastrulation
3.2 Derivatives of ectoderm
3.3 Derivatives of mesoderm
3.4 Derivatives of endoderm
Test of week 3
Week 4 Fetal membrane and placenta
4.1 Fetal membrane-Amnion
4.2 Fetal membrane-Yolk sac and allantois
4.3 Fetal membrane-Chorion
4.4 Fetal membrane-Umbilical cord
4.5 Placenta
4.6 Twins
Test for week 4
Week 5 Development of the head and neck
5.1 Development of branchial arch
5.2 Development of pharyngeal pouch
5.3 Development of face and malformations
5.4 Development of palate and cleft palate
5.5 Lessons for drug safety and regulation: Thalidomide tragedy
Test for week 5
Week 6 Development of the digestive and respiratory system
6.1 Development of primitive gut
6.2 Derivatives of forgut and clinical correlations
6.3 Derivatives of midgut and clinical correlations
6.4 Derivative of hindgut and clinical correlations
6.5 Development of respiratory system and clinical correlations
Test for week 6
Week 7 Development of urogenital system
7.1 Primordium of urogenital system
7.2 Development of kidney and ureter and clinical correlations
7.3 Development of bladder and clinical correlations
7.4 Development of gonad and clinical correlations
7.5 Development of genital duct and clinical correlations
7.6 Germline stem cell
Test for week 7
Week 8 Development of cardiovascular system
8.1 Formation of heart tube
8.2 Partitioning of atrial septum and clinical correlations
8.3 Partitioning of ventrical septum and clinical correlations
8.4 Partitioning of truncus arteriosus and bulbus cordis and clinical correlations
8.5 Fetal circulation and circulatory changes at birth
8.6 Paper about advances in intrauterine intervention therapy
Test for week 8


T. W. Sadler: Langman's Medical EmbryologyNinth Edition (Japanese, M. Yasuda Ed.), Medical Science International.
W. J. Larsen: Human Embryology 3rd Edition, Churchill Livingstone.
K. L. Moore and T. V. N. Persaud:The Developing Human 6th Edition (Japanese, H. Seguchi Ed.), W. B. Saunders.
Embryology (Board review series, sixth edition), Wolters Kluwer


