《Hotel Direct》是一款IOS平台的套用。
- 軟體名稱:Hotel Direct
- 軟體平台:IOS
- 軟體大小:2.1MB
- 軟體語言:韓文
- 價格:免費
《Hotel Direct》是一款IOS平台的套用。
《Hotel Direct》是一款IOS平台的套用。...... Hotel Direct .下載連結[引用日期2015-02-03] 詞條標籤: 科學 V百科往期回顧 詞條統計 瀏覽次數:次 編輯次數:1...
臨沂魯商鉑爾曼大酒店是山東省臨沂市的一家國際五星級酒店。 [1] 酒店,位於...國內及國際直撥電話Domestic and international direct dial 黑白和彩色列印及傳真...
廣州萬事達酒店(天河店)由深圳萬事達酒店集團按四星標準投資的一家四星級時尚精品...Hotel FacilitiesInternational Direct DialRoom ServiceLaundryParkingConciergeBusiness...
鄭州裕達國貿酒店,坐落於鄭州市政府旁邊,1997年開業,共有客房總數356間套,是一...central air-conditioning, international direct dial telephones, internet access ...
主門酒店奈麗絲套房相關條款 編輯 Pleasenotethatthishotelchargesanextra$5.00plus12%perroompernight.Thehotelwillaskyoutopaythisfeedirecttothemuponcheckin/out....
《搶救上班族英語:酒店職員會話篇》突出專業性,緊扣行業實務不放鬆。同時配有...酒店內線1.4 Making a Direct Dialling Call直撥電話1.5 Explaining Time Limit...
This Hangzhou hotel houses guestrooms outfitted with central air conditioning, satellite TVs, mini-bars and international direct dial telephones with internet ...
All guestrooms in this Wuhan hotel are appointed with central air-conditioners, international direct-dial phones, digital TVs, video-on-demand systems, ...
揚州京華大酒店位於古城揚州市中心最繁華的文昌路上,距離風光秀麗的瘦西湖不到...computer systems, colour satellite televisions and international direct dial ...
臨海君泰大酒店樓引高80米,23層,建築面積35000平方米,是臨海市標誌性建築之一...International direct dial phones, voice mail, Satellite TVs, refrigerators, mini...
酒店為您提供免費的停車服務。愛爾塔克瓦酒店相關條款 編輯 PleasenotethatFamilyRoomwithBreakfastonlycomeswithbreakfastfor2only.Additionalpersonwillpaydirecttohotelupon...
天津賽象酒店位於天津市西南部,坐落在天津市新技術園區華苑產業區中心位置,是集...Banquet HallInternational Direct DialRoom ServiceLaundryParkingConciergeBusiness ...
由於HotelsCombined聚合來自全球以及各種地區性的全部酒店資源,所以對於逐步邁出國門...· BookDirectRooms· CarlsonHotels· ChoiceHotels· dhr· EasyClickTravel...
武漢晴川假日酒店坐落於靜謐秀美的長江江畔,與古色古香的黃鶴樓隔江相望,透過窗...Located directly on the banks of the Yangtze River with direct access to ...
Room facilities include international direct-dial phones, central air conditioning and refrigerators.重慶歐瑞錦江大酒店酒店榮譽 編輯 重慶歐瑞錦江大酒店 [1] ...
天津泰達國際酒店暨會館位於天津經濟技術開發區金融貿易區。北臨京津高速公路,南...direct-dial telephones, data ports, individual climate control, in-room ...
The hotel's 458 rooms are all equipped with satellite TV, international direct-dial telephones, voicemail service, fully stocked minibars and refrigerators,...
Hotel rooms represent one such destination where the boundary between journey ...What makes this title especially valuable is the direct insight into the ...
上海瀚海明玉大酒店坐落在周家嘴路通北路上,毗鄰黃浦北外灘,與大連路隧道、楊浦...Each room is equipped with broadband access, safe, international direct dial...
Interalpen酒店蒂羅爾州,你會體驗到一個難忘的住宿 - 無論你想度過一個輕鬆的...Hotel Tyrol Directions: here it shows you the direct route from your ...
Churchill Hotel, York 住宿 Cornish Welcome Tours 旅行社 Corus Hotel Hyde Park 住宿 目的地行銷 GB 旅行社 Dickins and Hawkes 旅行社 Direct Ferries ...