這首清新悠長的《Holy Spirit Have Your Way》是一首典型的福音搖滾,是福音音樂的一種。福音音樂是歷史上美國的黑人農奴接受了基督教的信仰之後,常在田裡祈禱,希望減少勞動的痛苦。不久便演變成即興的音樂表演。20世紀中期,貓王把福音音樂引進到自己的風格中,隨後汽車城唱片公司將這種音樂商業化。
Long after the tears fall I'm still Your child
在淚水流淌許久之後,我依然是你的孩子 I put down my defenses, lay down my pride 卸下防備,擯棄驕傲 Love and forgiveness flow deep and wide 讓愛意和寬恕源深而流長 So I'll run to You and surrender all 所以我奔向你,交出一切 As I lay down my life and pick up my cross 正如我放棄生命和收斂脾氣 What a joy it is to give my life away to You 將生命託付於你是多么令人感到歡愉啊 All that I need, all that I seek is You here with me 所有我需要和追尋的,唯是當下你能伴我左右 Holy Spirit, have Your way in me 聖子啊,容我擁有你的方式 In times of trouble though trials may come 在考驗來臨之時,在困苦降臨之際 The Rock of Ages is standing strong 搖滾的時代依然矗立 I'm fighting battles but the war is won 我與之努力鬥爭卻無力回天
So I'll run to You and surrender all 所以我奔向你,交出一切 As I lay down my life and pick up my cross 正如我放棄生命和收斂脾氣 What a joy it is to give my life away to You 將生命託付於你是多么令人感到歡愉啊 All that I need, all that I seek is You here with me 所有我需要和追尋的,唯是當下你能伴我左右 Holy Spirit, have Your way in me 聖子啊,容我擁有你的方式 More of You and less of me, God 上帝啊,越來越多的你,越來越少的我 More of You and less of me, God 上帝啊,越來越多的你,越來越少的我 More of You and less of me, God 上帝啊,越來越多的你,越來越少的我 More of You overflowing 讓越來越多的你蕩漾 As I lay down my life and pick up my cross 正如我放棄生命和收斂脾氣 What a joy it is to give my life away to You 將生命託付於你是多么令人感到歡愉啊 And all that I need, all that I seek is You here with me 所有我需要和追尋的,唯是當下你能伴我左右 Holy Spirit, have Your way in me, yeah 聖子啊,容我擁有你的方式吧,耶 Holy Spirit, have Your way in me 聖子啊,容我擁有你的方式