Ho-Mean Fu,演員,1993年參演電影《喜宴》。
- 外文名:Ho-Mean Fu
- 職業:演員
- 代表作品:《喜宴》
時間 | 名稱 | 備註 |
1993年 | 喜宴 | 演員 |
Ho-Mean Fu,演員,1993年參演電影《喜宴》。
時間 | 名稱 | 備註 |
1993年 | 喜宴 | 演員 |
14.Zijun Gan, Youfang Yan, Yiquan Qi, 2007. Climatological mean distribution of Entropy in the Ocean. Ocean Sci. Discuss., 4, 1-16.15.甘子鈞, 嚴幼芳, 齊義泉, 2006. 南海表面浮力通量、水型變性及南海"暖水"的消長分析.熱帶海洋學報, 5(25), 1-7.16.Youfang Yan, Zijun Gan and Yiquan ...
1992年在J. Hoevermann教授指導下於德國格廷根(Goettingen)大學獲自然科學博士學位。曾先後在格廷根大學地理所、格廷根科學院、瑞典隆德大學、德國海德堡大學從事研究與教學工作。1997年入選中國科學院環境地質“百人計畫”,2004年獲國家傑出青年基金。2017年3月9日,楊小平全職加盟浙江大學地球科學學院。學術成就 主要...
Classification on Singularity Types of Long-Time K?hler-Ricci Flow Frederick Tsz-Ho Fong and Yashan Zhang Scalar Curvatures on an Almost Hermitian Manifold Jixiang Fu and Xianchao Zhou The K?hler-Ricci Flow with Log Canonical Singularities Huabin Ge and Liangming Shen Problems Related to ...
Double XL with the gats I mean,Keep somethin ready to blow in the magazine.And you know that southern cash is mean.Franklins frown for me when I stash my cream.Pull up in candy paint that match my green.Killer, Pastor, and Koopa are the master machine.Just look over your shoulder (...
MEAN 31. The Builder and the Destroyer Birth Pangs of a Unified Country The Mastermind Mass Murder The Great Wall House of Death 32. When a Deer is a Horse Succession Intrigue Fratricide The End of Li Si A Deer for a Horse 33. Short and Sweet Shield and Spear Lost Horse Double ...
18. Li, Le, and Riccardo Moratto. 2021. “Guan yu Zhongguo dianji fanchou de shizhong shi yingyi” “觀”與中國典籍範疇的“時中”式英譯 [Guan and the “Timely Mean” Model of Translating Traditional Chinese Classics]. Yanshan daxue xuebao (zhexue shehui kexueban) 燕山大學學報(哲學社會科學...
(30). Candidate multiple chiral doublets nucleusRh in a triaxial relativistic mean-field approach with time-odd fields,J. M. Yao, B. Qi, S.Q. Zhang, J. Peng,S.Y. Wang, J. Meng,Physical Review C79, 067302 (2009)。(29).Structure change ofYb at high-spin states,H. Hua, Z. Y....