《Happy Halloween Mittens (Aug-10)》是2010年HarperCollins出版的圖書,作者是Lola M. Schaefer。
- 書名:Happy Halloween Mittens (Aug-10)
- 作者:Lola M. Schaefer
- 類別:9780061702211
- 出版社:Publisher: HarperCollins
書名:Happy Halloween Mittens (Aug-10)
作 者/Author: Lola M. Schaefer(洛拉·M·舍費爾) 著 Susan Kathleen Hartung(蘇珊·凱思琳·哈同) 繪
出 版 社/Publisher: HarperCollins
中文書名/Chinese Title:
ISBN: 9780061702211
出版時間/Publication Date: 2010-08-10
版 次/Edition: 1
頁 數/Pages: 32
裝 幀/Format: 平裝
尺寸及重量/Dimensions & Weight:
紙 張/Paper: 膠版紙
正文語種/Language: 英文
所屬分類/Category: 圖書 > 英文原版書 > Children's Books(兒童圖書)
Can Mittens find a way to join in the holiday fun?
Lola M. Schaefer is the author of several books for children, including An Island Grows; Pick, Pull, Snap! Where Once a Flower Bloomed, an NCTE Notable Children's Book in the Language Arts; and What's Up, What's Down? She lives with her husband, Ted, in the mountains of north Georgia, where she occasionally observes the back end of a black bear, coyote, or gray fox.
"A good offering for brand-new readers...delivers on all counts...just what an emerging reader needs."
--Kirkus Reviews
"The beautiful physical immediacy of the new pet story will draw emergent readers. Preschoolers will enjoy the kitten's story, as they recognize how it feels to be a small creature in a giant world."
--ALA Booklist