《Hanging Out the Clothes》是由George Albert Smith執導的電影,由Laura Bayley、Mrs. Tom Green、Tom Green等人主演,於1897年在英國上映。
- 外文名:Hanging Out the Clothes
- 上映時間:1897年
- 色彩:黑白
- imdb編碼:tt0248061
《Hanging Out the Clothes》是由George Albert Smith執導的電影,由Laura Bayley、Mrs. Tom Green、Tom Green等人主演,於1897年在英國上映。
On the way:A big cleanout of all the clothes before festival is also a tradition in China. Look, the Yao people are washing and hanging the clothes.《車行途中》年前所有的衣物都將進行一次大清洗,也是中國的民俗,很多...
Hanging out the clothes;When down came a blackbird And snapped off her nose.THE DEATH AND BURIAL OF POOR COCK ROBIN Who killed Cock Robin?"I," said the sparrow,"With my little bow and arrow,I killed Cock Robin,"...