- 書名:HTML5實戰手冊
- 作者:Matthew MacDonald
- 出版社:東南大學出版社
- 頁數:432頁
- ISBN:9787564130756
- 外文名:HEML5 the Missing Manual
- 類型:計算機與網際網路
- 出版日期:2012年3月1日
- 開本:16
- 品牌:南京東南大學出版社
the missing credits
part one: meet the new language
chapter 1: introducing html5
the story of html5
xhtml 1.0: getting strict
xhtml 2: the unexpected failure
html5: back from the dead
html: the living language
three key principles of html5
1. don't break the web
2. pave the cowpaths
3. be practical
your first look at html5 markup
the html5 doctype
character encoding
the language
adding a style sheet
adding javascript
.the final product
a closer look at html5 syntax
the loosened rules
html5 validation
the return of xhtml
htmls's element family
added elements
removed elements
adapted elements
tweaked elements
standardized elements
using html5 today
evaluating browser support
browser adoption statistics
feature detection with modernizr
feature "filling" with polyfills
chapter 2: a new way to structure pages
introducing the semantic elements
retrofitting a traditional html page
page structure the old way
page structure with html5
subtitles with (hgroup)
adding a figure with (figure)
adding a sidebar with (aside).
browser compatibility for the semantic elements
designing a site with the semantic elements
deeper into headers
navigation links with (nay)
deeper into footers
deeper into sections
the html5 outlining system
how to view an outline
basic outlines
sectioning elements
solving an outline problem
chapter 3: meaningful markup
the semantic elements revisited
dates and times with (time)
javascript calculations with (output).
highlighted text with (mark)
other standards that boost semantics
aria (accessible rich internet applications)
rdfa (resource description framework)
google rich snippets
enhanced search results
the recipe search engine
port two: creating modern web pages
chapter 4: web forms, refined
understanding forms
revamping a traditional html form
adding hints with placeholders
focus: starting in the right spot
validation: stopping errors
how html5 validation works
turning validation off
validation styling hooks
validating with regular expressions
custom validation
browser support for validation
new types of input
email addresses
search boxes
telephone numbers
dates and times
new elements
input suggestions with (datalist)
progress bars and meters
toolbars and menus with (command) and (menu)
an html editor in a web page
using contenteditable to edit an element
using designmode to edit a page
chapter 5: audio and video
understanding video today
introducing html5 audio and video
making some noise with (audio)
getting the big picture with (video)
format wars and fallbacks
meet the formats
browser support for media formats
multiple formats: how to please every browser
the (source) element
the flash fallback
controlling your player with javascript
adding sound effects
creating a custom video player
javascript media players
captions and accessibility
chapter 6: basic drawing with the canvas .
getting started with the canvas
straight lines
paths and shapes
curved lines
building a basic paint program
preparing to draw
drawing on the canvas
saving the picture in the canvas
browser compatibility for the canvas
polyfilling the canvas
the canvas fallback and feature detection
chapter 7: deeper into the canvas
other things you can draw on the canvas
drawing images
slicing, dicing, and resizing an image
drawing text
shadows and fancy fills
adding shadows
filling shapes with patterns
filling shapes with gradients
putting it together: drawing a graph
making your shapes interactive
keeping track of what you've drawn
hit testing with coordinates
animating the canvas
a basic animation
animating multiple objects
a practical example: the maze game
setting up the maze
animating the face
hit testing with pixel colors
chapter 8: boosting styles with css3
using css3 today
strategy 1: use what you can
strategy 2: treat css3 features as enhancements
strategy 3: add fallbacks with modernizr
browser-specific styles
web typography
web font formats
using a font kit
using google web fonts
using your own fonts
putting text in multiple columns
adapting to different devices
media queries
more advanced media queries
replacing an entire style sheet
recognizing mobile devices
building better boxes
rounded corners
creating effects with transitions
a basic color transition
more transition ideas
part three: building web apps with desktop smarts
chapter g: data storage
web storage basics ,storing data
a practical example: storing the last position in a game ~
browser support for*web storage
deeper into web storage
removing items
finding all the stored items
storing numbers and dates
storing objects
reacting to storage changes
reading files
getting hold of a file
browser support for the file apl
reading a text file
replacing the standard upload control
reading multiple files at once
reading an image file
chapter !o: offiine applications
caching files with a manifest
creating a manifest
using your manifest
putting your manifest on a web server
updating the manifest file
browser support for offline applications
practical caching techniques
accessing uncached files
adding fallbacks
checking the connection
pointing out updates with javascript
chapter !!: communicating with the web server
sending messages to the web server
the xmlhttprequest object
asking the web server a question
getting new content
server-sent events
the message format
sending messages with a server script
processing messages in a web page
polling with server-side events
web sockets
assessing web sockets
a simple web socket client
web socket examples on the web
chapter 12: more cool javascript tricks
how geolocation works
finding a visitor's coordinates
dealing with errors
setting geolocation options
showing a map
monitoring a visitor's moves
web workers
a time-consuming task
doing work in the background
handling worker errors
canceling a background task
passing more complex messages
history management
the url problem
the traditional solution: hashbang urls.
the html5 solution: session history
browser compatibility for session history.
part four: appendixes
appendix a: a very short introduction to css
appendix b: a very short introduction to javascript
the missing credits
part one: meet the new language
chapter 1: introducing html5
the story of html5
xhtml 1.0: getting strict
xhtml 2: the unexpected failure
html5: back from the dead
html: the living language
three key principles of html5
1. don't break the web
2. pave the cowpaths
3. be practical
your first look at html5 markup
the html5 doctype
character encoding
the language
adding a style sheet
adding javascript
.the final product
a closer look at html5 syntax
the loosened rules
html5 validation
the return of xhtml
htmls's element family
added elements
removed elements
adapted elements
tweaked elements
standardized elements
using html5 today
evaluating browser support
browser adoption statistics
feature detection with modernizr
feature "filling" with polyfills
chapter 2: a new way to structure pages
introducing the semantic elements
retrofitting a traditional html page
page structure the old way
page structure with html5
subtitles with (hgroup)
adding a figure with (figure)
adding a sidebar with (aside).
browser compatibility for the semantic elements
designing a site with the semantic elements
deeper into headers
navigation links with (nay)
deeper into footers
deeper into sections
the html5 outlining system
how to view an outline
basic outlines
sectioning elements
solving an outline problem
chapter 3: meaningful markup
the semantic elements revisited
dates and times with (time)
javascript calculations with (output).
highlighted text with (mark)
other standards that boost semantics
aria (accessible rich internet applications)
rdfa (resource description framework)
google rich snippets
enhanced search results
the recipe search engine
port two: creating modern web pages
chapter 4: web forms, refined
understanding forms
revamping a traditional html form
adding hints with placeholders
focus: starting in the right spot
validation: stopping errors
how html5 validation works
turning validation off
validation styling hooks
validating with regular expressions
custom validation
browser support for validation
new types of input
email addresses
search boxes
telephone numbers
dates and times
new elements
input suggestions with (datalist)
progress bars and meters
toolbars and menus with (command) and (menu)
an html editor in a web page
using contenteditable to edit an element
using designmode to edit a page
chapter 5: audio and video
understanding video today
introducing html5 audio and video
making some noise with (audio)
getting the big picture with (video)
format wars and fallbacks
meet the formats
browser support for media formats
multiple formats: how to please every browser
the (source) element
the flash fallback
controlling your player with javascript
adding sound effects
creating a custom video player
javascript media players
captions and accessibility
chapter 6: basic drawing with the canvas .
getting started with the canvas
straight lines
paths and shapes
curved lines
building a basic paint program
preparing to draw
drawing on the canvas
saving the picture in the canvas
browser compatibility for the canvas
polyfilling the canvas
the canvas fallback and feature detection
chapter 7: deeper into the canvas
other things you can draw on the canvas
drawing images
slicing, dicing, and resizing an image
drawing text
shadows and fancy fills
adding shadows
filling shapes with patterns
filling shapes with gradients
putting it together: drawing a graph
making your shapes interactive
keeping track of what you've drawn
hit testing with coordinates
animating the canvas
a basic animation
animating multiple objects
a practical example: the maze game
setting up the maze
animating the face
hit testing with pixel colors
chapter 8: boosting styles with css3
using css3 today
strategy 1: use what you can
strategy 2: treat css3 features as enhancements
strategy 3: add fallbacks with modernizr
browser-specific styles
web typography
web font formats
using a font kit
using google web fonts
using your own fonts
putting text in multiple columns
adapting to different devices
media queries
more advanced media queries
replacing an entire style sheet
recognizing mobile devices
building better boxes
rounded corners
creating effects with transitions
a basic color transition
more transition ideas
part three: building web apps with desktop smarts
chapter g: data storage
web storage basics ,storing data
a practical example: storing the last position in a game ~
browser support for*web storage
deeper into web storage
removing items
finding all the stored items
storing numbers and dates
storing objects
reacting to storage changes
reading files
getting hold of a file
browser support for the file apl
reading a text file
replacing the standard upload control
reading multiple files at once
reading an image file
chapter !o: offiine applications
caching files with a manifest
creating a manifest
using your manifest
putting your manifest on a web server
updating the manifest file
browser support for offline applications
practical caching techniques
accessing uncached files
adding fallbacks
checking the connection
pointing out updates with javascript
chapter !!: communicating with the web server
sending messages to the web server
the xmlhttprequest object
asking the web server a question
getting new content
server-sent events
the message format
sending messages with a server script
processing messages in a web page
polling with server-side events
web sockets
assessing web sockets
a simple web socket client
web socket examples on the web
chapter 12: more cool javascript tricks
how geolocation works
finding a visitor's coordinates
dealing with errors
setting geolocation options
showing a map
monitoring a visitor's moves
web workers
a time-consuming task
doing work in the background
handling worker errors
canceling a background task
passing more complex messages
history management
the url problem
the traditional solution: hashbang urls.
the html5 solution: session history
browser compatibility for session history.
part four: appendixes
appendix a: a very short introduction to css
appendix b: a very short introduction to javascript