原名:HTML & CSS: The Good Parts,2010年02月25日,由Ben Henick編寫的書籍。


  • 書名:HTML&CSS精粹
  • 作者:Ben Henick
  • 原版名稱:HTML & CSS: The Good Parts
  • 出版社:O'Reilly
  • 出版時間:2010年02月25日
  • 圖書分類:軟體
  • 資源格式:PDF
  • 版本:英文文字版
  • 書號:978-0596157609
  • 地區美國
  • 語言英文


HTML and CSS are the workhorses of web design, but using them together to build consistent, reliable web pages is difficult if you're relying on outdated, confusing, and unnecessary HTML hacks and workarounds. With this practical book, you'll learn how to work with these tools far more effectively than is standard practice for most web developers. You'll learn how to connect the underlying theory and design of HTML and CSS to your everyday work habits.


Ben Henick
Ben Henick has been building Web sites since September 1995, when he took on his first Web project as an academic volunteer. He has worked in nearly every aspect of site design and development, from foundation HTML through finicky CSS to larger scale architecture and content management. He has written for A List Apart, the Web Standards Project, and most recently for Opera Software's Web Standards Curriculum.


Chapter 1 Hypertext at the Core
Chapter 2 Working with HTML Markup
Chapter 3 CSS Overview
Chapter 4 Developing a Healthy Relationship with Standards
Chapter 5 Effective Style and Structure
Chapter 6 Solving the Puzzle of CSS Layout
Chapter 7 Working with Lists
Chapter 8 Headings, Hyperlinks, Inline Elements, and Quotations
Chapter 9 Colors and Backgrounds
Chapter 10 (Data) Tables
Chapter 11 Images and Multimedia
Chapter 12 Web Typography
Chapter 13 Clean and Accessible Forms
Chapter 14 The Bad Parts
Appendix URIs, Client-Server Architecture, and HTTP


