- 外文名:gestation
- 詞性:名詞
- 英式發音:[dʒeˈsteɪʃn]
- 美式發音:[dʒeˈsteɪʃn]
gestate,英語單詞,主要用作及物動詞、不及物動詞,作及物動詞時譯為“使懷孕”,作不及物動詞時譯為“孕育,創案”。單詞用法 V to carry (developing young) in the uterus during pregnancy 孕育(下一代)短語搭配 gestate gestation 孕育 gestate vi 醞釀 gestate e 懷孕 ; 孕育 gestate counselin...
宮內孕,即為正常懷孕,意謂婦女或雌性哺乳動物受精有胎。懷孕(或稱妊娠、有身),是指哺乳類雌性(包括人類)在體內有一個或多個胎兒或胚胎。人類的妊娠是哺乳動物中研究的最詳細的。詞語介紹 詞目:宮內孕 [conception;gestation] 卵子受精後形成活的合子;孕育產生子代的過程 詳細解釋:《東觀漢記·張奐傳》:...
6. the end of gestation or point at which birth is imminent同義詞:full term 7. (architecture) a statue or a human bust or an animal carved out of the top of a square pillar; originally used as a boundary marker in ancient Rome同義詞:terminus, terminal figure 動詞term:1. name ...
《子宮日記:極端動物》是一部美國紀錄片。劇情介紹 本節目從自然界中選出幾種生物,探索它們特殊的繁殖方式與妊娠(gestation)過程,調查它們如何求偶,胚胎從發育到出生的變化,以及新生命誕生後 的情形。攝影機將深入母體的子宮,巨細靡遺地介紹個別動物的胚胎不同階段的發育,提供觀眾非比尋常、難得一見的影像。企...
prolonged gestation 延期妊娠 ; 妊期延長 ; 過期妊娠 prolonged pole 配重桿 雙語例句 1He left the stage to prolonged applause.他在經久不息的掌聲中退下了舞台。《牛津詞典》2He cheerfully ignored medical advice which could have prolonged his life.他對本可能延長他壽命的醫療建議樂觀地置之不理。《...
The gestation period of a horse is about eleven months. 馬的懷孕期大約為十一個月。After a period of imprisonment she renounced terrorism. 被監禁了一段時間後她宣布放棄恐怖主義。She returned to work after a long period of incapacity. 她病了很長一段時間之後回去工作了。Sales have levelled off ...
妊娠性瘙癢症(pruritusgestationis)是一種發生於妊娠婦女的僅有皮膚瘙癢而無原發性皮損的皮膚病,屬於瘙癢症的範疇。皮膚病率 首次妊娠孕婦發病率為0.06%~0.43%,患者再次妊娠時發病率47%。85%患者是由於雌激素增多引起的肝內膽汁淤積導致。臨床特點 本病常發生於妊娠末期,但也可於妊娠早期發生。瘙癢為瀰漫性...
Extraembryonic mesoderm migrates through primitive streak to the presumptive yolk sac between days 6.5 and 7.0 of gestation. 胚外中胚層在妊娠的第6.5至7.0天之間通過原始條帶遷移到推測的卵黃囊。But a brutal streak went with it. 但是伴隨著一個殘酷的傾向。Could I be on a winning streak? 我...
gerontotherapeutics gerontotherapeutics,英語單詞,主要用作為名詞,用作名詞譯為“老年病治療學”。單詞釋義 ... gerontophilia親老人癖gerontotherapeutics老年病治療學gestation妊娠 ...專業釋義 老年病治療學
妊娠皰疹(herpes gestationis)是一種罕見的、發生在妊娠期和產褥期的多形性瘙癢性紅斑、丘皰疹或皰疹樣皮疹,再次妊娠會復發的一種自身免疫性疾病。病因 病因至今尚不十分清楚,已知因素有:①已知這類皰疹與妊娠密切相關,但與皰疹病毒卻無關。②妊娠皰疹屬於一種自身免疫性疾病,有觀點認為與大皰疹類瘡(BP)密切...
Impact of micronutrient supplementation during pregnancy on birth weight, duration of gestation, and perinatal mortality in rural western China:double blind cluster randomised controlled trial Part Two Writing Training 醫學英語論文摘要寫作——概述2 Unit Three Part One Abstract Reading Prophylactic ...
Li J, Xia H, Yao W, Wang T, Li J, X. Piao, P. Thacker, Wu G, Wang F*. 2015. Effects of arginine supplementation during early gestation (day 1 to 30) on litter size and plasma metabolites in gilts and sows. Journal of Animal Science. 93:1–13 Li P, Li DF, Zhang HY, Li ...
Extraembryonic mesoderm migrates through primitive streak to the presumptive yolk sac between days 6.5 and 7.0 of gestation. 胚外中胚層在妊娠的第6.5至7.0天之間通過原始條帶遷移到推測的卵黃囊。Presumptive zygotes were cultured in mSOFaa medium supplemented with OCS or FBS had higher blastocyte ...
7. Xue-Feng Yan, Xiao-Long Tang, Feng Yue, De-Jiu Zhang, Ying Xin, Cui Wang, Qiang Chen* Influence of ambient temperature on maternal thermoregulation and neonate phenotypes in a viviparous lizard, Eremias multiocellata, during the gestation period. Journal of Thermal Biology 36 (2011) 187...
An extrauterine pregnancy will be visualized in only 16 to 32 percent of cases, thus a pelvic ultrasound showing "no intrauterine or extrauterine gestation" does not exclude the diagnosis of EP.只有16 - 32%的病例等發現宮外孕包塊,這是即使盆腔超聲顯示宮內及宮外均未見妊娠,並不能除外宮外孕的...
Congenital rachitic call again fetal period rachitic, namely of the child rachitic had happened between gestation.先天性佝僂病又稱為胎兒期佝僂病,即孩子的佝僂病在妊娠期間就已經發生。Specialist case: normal mind keeled breast hand and foot bracelet rachitic rosary costal margin eversion harrison groove....
(4) Leucine supplementation during late gestation globally alters placental metabolism and nutrient transport via modulation of the PI3K/AKT/mTOR signaling pathway in sows. Chang Cui, Caichi Wu, Jun Wang, Xiaoyu Zheng, Ziwei Ma, Pengwei Zhu, Wutai Guan, Shihai Zhang* and Fang Chen*. Food ...
4The gestation period of a horse is about eleven months.馬的懷孕期大約為十一個月。《牛津詞典》5Only eleven of these accidents were classified as major.這些事故中只有十一例被判定為重大事故。《牛津詞典》6In Italy the average life of a government is eleven months.義大利每屆政府的平均壽命是十一個...
Greer, either individually or together. Genres include drama, abstract art, documentary, experimental, comedy & horror. The films included are: SueySideSlide, No Answer, Bonding, AlphaMaleUterus, Menace-Conda #69, Farm, Coffin, Fence, Test Pattern, Atrophy (revisited), Consumption, Gestation, ...
pruritus,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“[皮膚] 瘙癢,瘙癢症”。單詞用法 柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典 pruritus /prʊəˈraɪtəs/ 1.N any intense sensation of itching 瘙癢 [pathol]短語搭配 cutaneous pruritus 皮膚瘙癢症 pruritus gestationis 妊娠性瘙癢症 pruritus detail 瘙癬 ; 瘙癢 prur...
The drop pits coming forth shows the gestation of the rill, and theirs penetrating each other stand for the shaping of the rill. 跌坑的出現表明細溝侵蝕正在孕育,跌坑之間的相互貫通則表明細溝的形成。From above to below, the erosion types ordinally are sheet erosion, gravitational erosion, rill ...
He, Z.X., Tan, Z.L., Sun, Z.H., Tang, S.X., Zhou, C.S., Han, X.F. and Kang, J.H. 2012. interleukin-6 level of protein and energy restricted goats during late gestation: the role of elevated blood nitric oxide. Journal of Endocrinology, 213: 59-65.He, Z.X., Wu, D...
9. Kai Wang, Qian Zhu, Xiangfeng Kong, Mingtong Song, Abul Kalam Azad, Liang Xiong, Yuzhong Zheng, Qinghua He*. Dietary Probiotics or Synbiotics Supplementation During Gestation, Lactation, and Nursery Periods Modifies Colonic Microbiota, Antioxidant Capacity, and Immune Function in Weaned Piglets[J...
Liao, Jianwen., Welsch, Harold. (2008) Patterns of Venture Gestation Process: Exploring the Differences between Tech and Non-tech Nascent Entrepreneurs. Journal of High-tech Management Research Vol 19: 103 – 113 Liao, Jianwen, Welsch, Harold., Moutray, Chad (2008) Start-up Resources and ...
Extraembryonic mesoderm migrates through primitive streak to the presumptive yolk sac between days 6.5 and 7.0 of gestation.胚外中胚層在妊娠的第6.5至7.0天之間通過原始條帶遷移到推測的卵黃囊。Tetraploid cells are preferentially allocated to the extraembryonic tissues, such as placenta, rather than ...
Herbert Spencer(1820-1903)is regarded as one of the most influential social theorists of the Victorian period.This book places his famous argument for political individualism in his The Man versus the State alongside his early The Proper Sphere of Covenmment,out of which after due gestation ...
Plug, try to count up your warrior hatchling batch before gestation segment ended And head a platoon of embryonic remnants to the game board Release Japanese beetle swarm to counter the spread of bitch crops Demolish the harvest and herd colony out immediate One massive attack, hunted, confronted...
22 Preterm Labor and Multiple Gestation 23 Premature Rupture of Membranes 24 Trauma UNIT Ⅵ Teratogens and Social Issues Complicating Pregnancy 25 Sexually and Nonsexually Transmitted Genitourinary Infections 26 Substance Abuse UNIT Ⅶ Alterations in the Mechanism of Labor 27 Labor Stimulation 28 ...