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2007-2013年 中國農業大學 動物科技學院 碩博連讀
2010-2011年 美國農工大學(Texas A&M University)聯合培養博士
2013-至今 華南農業大學 教師




(1)妊娠後期及泌乳期日糧中添加超營養劑量硒對母豬生產性能的影響及其作用機理. 國家重點研發專項子課題
(2)亮氨酸調控母豬乳腺上皮細胞催乳素分泌機制. 廣東省自然科學基金面上基金
(3) 亮氨酸對妊娠後期胎豬蛋白質沉積的影響及機理研究. 國家自然科學基金委 青年基金
(4) 塞樂硒對豬乳腺上皮細胞硒蛋白轉錄組及抗氧化能力的影響 產學研
(5)母豬妊娠後期日糧添加亮氨酸對胎兒蛋白質沉積的作用及機制 廣東省教育廳青年 創新人才類項目
(6) 妊娠母豬日糧中不同硒源對胎盤蛋白質組表達及轉運功能的調控 動物營養學國家 重點實驗室開放基金


(1)Wang CX , Chen F , Zhang WF, Zhang SH, Shi K, Song HQ, Wang YJ, Kim SK, Guan WT* Leucine Promotes the Growth of Fetal Pigs by Increasing Protein Synthesis through the mTOR Signaling Pathway in Longissimus Dorsi Muscle at Late Gestation. [J] Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 66(15), 2018.
(2) Chen F, Zhang SH, Deng ZX, Zhou QQ, Chen L, Kim SW, Chen J, Guan WT*. Regulation of amino acid transporters in the mammary gland from late pregnancy to peak lactation in the sow. [J]. Journal of amino acid transporters in the mammary gland from late pregnancy to peak lactation in the sow, 9(35), 2018.
(3) Chen F, Chen B, Guan W*, Chen J, Lv Y, Qiao H, Wang C, Zhang Y. Metabolic transition of milk lactose synthesis and up-regulation by AKT1 in sows from late pregnancy to lactation [J]. Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics, 75(1): 131-138, 2017.
(4) Chen F, Wang TJ, Feng CP, Lin G, Zhu YH, Wu GY, Johnson G, Wang JJ*. Proteome Differences in Placenta and Endometrium between Normal and Intrauterine Growth Restricted Pig Fetuses. Plos One. November 10, 2015, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0142396
(5) Chen F, Hao Y, Piao XS, Ma X, Wu GY, Qiao SY, Li DF, and Wang JJ . Soybean- derived b-conglycinin affects proteome expression in pig intestinal cells in vivo and in vitro, Journal of Animal Science, 89(3), 743-753, 2011
(6) Zhu YH, Lin G, Dai ZL, Zhou TJ, Yuan TL, Feng CP, Chen F, Wu GY, and Wang JJ . Developmental changes in polyamines and autophagic marker levels in normal and growth-restricted fetal pigs, Journal of Animal Science, 93:3503-3511, 2015
(8) Chen, J, Han, JH, Guan WT*, Chen, F, Wang CX, Zhang YZ, Lin G. Selenium and vitamin E in sow diets: I. Effect on antioxidant status and reproductive performance in multiparous sows, Animal Feed Science and Technology, 221: 111–123, 2016
(9) Chen, J, Han JH, Guan WT*, Chen F, Wang CX, Zhang YZ, Lin G. Selenium and vitamin E in sow diets: II. Effect on selenium status and antioxidant status of the progeny. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 221: 101–110, 2016.
(10) Lv YT, Guan WT*, Qiao HZ, Wang CX, Chen F, Zhang YZ, and Liao ZC. Veterinary medicine and omics (Veterinomics): metabolic transition of milk triacylglycerol synthesis in sows from late pregnancy to lactation. Omics: a Journal of Integrative Biology. 19(10): 602-616, 2015.


