也許很多人都不認為這是一種題型,或者說,很多的NN以前也沒有專門把according to專門總結出來,總結出來,但是仔細分析OG後面的閱讀解釋之後,發現很有必要把這類題單獨列出來。因為這類題的解題點非常好找,為什麼呢?因為在我看了許多according to題型的解釋後發現,OG無一例外地開篇說:“according to the passage, it isEXPLICTLY.....”根據OG的官方意思就是,正確答案是在原文中陳述了的,也就是說,正確選項要么是原文,要么是原文改寫,其他選項無論你覺得怎么看著對,看著順溜,都是錯的,要么是錯誤推導,要么是無關選項,但是更重要的是,看這些錯誤選項耽誤了做題的寶貴時間!而且OG中的according to題目,官方解釋上無一例外的都是讓考生去尋找原文對應部分。大家如果能知道這一點,對於這類題目會更有針對性的破解。
記得原來在XDF的王鵬課堂上,他說這類題的infer和imply都不含有“隱含、推導”的意思,根據我對OG12的研究發現,他的這一說法是錯誤的。OG12中相當大比例的解釋這類題目,都提到了infer from the passage,以及說正確答案是IMPLICIT,換言之,就是隱含在原文之中,需要考生作出簡單的推理,正確答案不可能由原文直接獲得,但是確實可以必然得到的答案。所以,僅僅靠原文考察是無法破解這類題目的,這類題目是占比很大但又讓很多G友為難的題目類型,詳細的解題方法以後我會貼出,當大家沒有更好的方法的時候,針對每一種說法定位回原文才是比較保險的方法,這也是我初期的方法,但是缺點在於,顯然很耗時。
Charlie‘s thorough research provides convincing scientific evidence for the existence of ……
For many years, Benjamin‘s seminal account of the participation of African-Americans in the American Revolution has remained the standard work in the field……
Roger Rosenblatt‘s book Black Fiction, in attempting to apply literary rather than sociopolitical criteria to its subject, successfully alters the approach taken by most previous studies……
The manner in which evidence is presented to a jury may influence the jury either to overestimate or to underestimate the value of that evidence…..
Wherever the crime novels of P. D. James are discussed by critics, there is a tendency on the one hand to exaggerate her merits……
Because they emphasize those aspects that accord with their learned experiences and ignore those aspects that are dissonant with their view of the world……
They overestimated the importance of middle class and white-collar unemployment…….
往往作者在闡述某個觀點時,採用先揚後抑或著說是欲擒故縱的手法,這時候作者就會使用一些讓步詞來實現其論述目的。這種讓步詞通常包括:do, may, might等等。考生需要注意的是在文章經常會使用改變語氣詞的手段來蒙蔽你的理解思路,一般而言,作者通常不會使用兩種模稜兩可,相互矛盾的觀點。
As the economic role of multinational, global corporations expands, the international economic environment will be shaped increasingly not by governments or international institutions, but by the interaction between governments and global corporations, especially in the United States, Europe, and Japan. A significant factor in this shifting world economy is the trend toward regional trading blocs of nations, which has a potentially large effect on the evolution of the world trading system. Two examples of this trend are the United States-Canada Free Trade Agreement (FTA) and Europe 1992, the move by the European Community (EC) to dismantle impediments to the free flow of goods, services, capital, and labor among member states by the end of 1992. However, although numerous political and economic factors were operative in launching the move to integrate the EC‘s markets, concern about protectionism within the EC does not appear to have been a major consideration. This is in sharp contrast to the FTA; the overwhelming reason for that bilateral initiative was fear of increasing United States protectionism. Nonetheless, although markedly different in origin and nature, both regional developments are highly significant in that they will foster integration in the two largest and richest markets of the world, as well as provoke questions about the future direction of the world trading system.
1.例子、類比和比喻等服務於總結和歸納的部分。對於這部分內容要堅決的略讀,其中比較有可能出的也就是in order to題型,問題的答案也在總結和歸納的部分,和例子本身沒有太大的關係,所以只要簡單知道例子說的是什麼就行了(簡單記大寫人名或關鍵名詞即可)。
1.考試當天考生應於考試預約時間30分鐘前抵達考場。根據規定,GMAT考生遲於考試預約時間15分鐘以上到達考場則被視為遲到,遲到的考生將可能被拒絕參加考試。(If you arrive more than 15 minutes after your scheduled appointment time, you may not be admitted and your entire test fee will be forfeited.) 2.考生參加GMAT考試時,必須攜帶本人有效期內的護照。考試當天無法向考場管理員出示護照的考生,將被拒絕進入考場考試。從2009年開始,考場會陸續改造,從驗指紋變成驗掌紋。(The test administrator will digitally take your fingerprint, signature, and/or palm vein pattern, and photograph.) 3.考試期間,考生不得將與本次考試無關的物品帶入考試室(可以帶入考場,但不可以帶入考試室),包括但不僅限於:手機、掌上電腦/PDA或其他任何電子設備、傳呼機、手錶、錢包、手袋、帽子、背包、大衣/外套、書籍和學習資料等等。考生須將所攜帶的個人物品在考前一律存放在考場提供的儲物櫃中(手機或傳呼機須關機或置於靜音狀態)。考生在考試期間應隨身帶好所分配的儲物櫃的鑰匙,並在考試結束後帶齊所有物品離場。考場對個人物品的遺失、被盜不承擔責任。 4.考場將向考生提供GMAT專用的可擦寫板和筆用於草稿和演算。考試正式開始後,考生方可使用考場提供的可擦寫板和筆。考試結束時,考生應主動將其歸還給考場管理員。考生不得將考場提供的可擦寫板和筆帶離考場,否則將被視為考生違規。 5.考生將由考場管理員安排在指定座位參加考試。考試期間如需幫助或休息,請舉手示意考場管理員。考生不得擅自離開考試座位。考生每次進出考試室必須由考場管理員陪同。 6.考生須接受GMAT保密協定和通用條款中的所有內容,方可繼續進行考試。 7.為保證考試的高度安全性,考場管理員將全程監考。考生考試全過程將被錄音、錄像。 8.考試期間,考生遇到任何計算機硬體或軟體問題,應立即舉手示意考場管理員以尋求幫助。 9.考試室內不得吃食品、喝水/飲料、吸菸及大聲喧譁。考試休息期間,考生不得從儲物櫃中拿取除食物、飲料以外的任何物品(如手機、學習資料/書籍等等)。考試休息期間,考生不得離開指定的活動範圍,並不得以任何方式與他人聯繫。 10.考生結束考試時,應立即舉手示意考場管理員。考場管理員將前往考生就座的考試工作站並確認考試已正確結束。如考生選擇報告當次考試成績,考試成績(不包括分析寫作部分)將顯示在考試機螢幕上,並且非正式成績單將會被列印出來。