- 中文名:Fungal genetics and biology
- 出版國家: United States
- 出版地:Orlando, FL
- 出版商:Academic Press

簡介Fungal genetics and biology 出版周期: 20期/年 語言: 英語 影響因子: 3.263 (2013) ISSN: 1087-1845 (印刷版) ISSN: 1096-0937 (電子版) 研究領域:...
Fungal Genetics and Biology, 69: 75-83(SCI).5、Wang F,Li AN,Dai DM,Xu XX,Li DC. 2013. A new halotolerant species of Alternaria from Qinghai-...
Fungal Genetics and Biology. 68:60-70, 2014. (5-yr IF=3.379)8) Arvind R Subramaniam, Aaron DeLoughery, Niels Bradshaw, Yun Chen, Erin O’Shea,...
Fungal Genetics and Biology, 2014, 67: 51-57 (IF 3.23)20.Zhang HF, Zhao Q, Guo XX, Guo M, Qi ZQ, Tang W, Ye WW, Zheng XB, Wang P, ...
Fungal Genetics and Biology 47-12-994-1000. 2010-8-16祝嫦巍、潘皎、嚴冰、朱旭東. 生長條件影響新型隱球酵母漆酶表達的比較分析. 南開大學學報 42-4-1-6...
Fungal Genetics and Biology 47-12-994-1000.2010-8-16.祝嫦巍、潘皎、嚴冰、朱旭東. 生長條件影響新型隱球酵母漆酶表達的比較分析. 南開大學學報 42-4-1-6...
Fungal Genetics and Biology, 2009, 46:299-3074. 吳傑、劉太國、高利、朱寶成、陳萬權*,小麥四種鐮刀菌毒素的ELISA檢測及毒素污染分析。植物保護學報,2009,36(...
Fungal Genetics and Biology 44: 1368-1379. 影響因子3.425,通訊作者11. Li Hua, Fu Yanping, Jiang Daohong, Li Guoqing, Ghabrial Said A and Yi Xian...
Fungal Genetics and Biology, 43, 111-123. (IF=3.425)5.Yu XM, Wang XJ, Wang CF, Chen XM, Qu ZP, Yu XD, Han QM, Zhao J, Guo J, Huang ...
Development of microsatellite markers and construction of genetic map in rice blast pathogen Magnaporthe grisea. Fungal Genetics & Biology, 2008, 45: 1340-...
廣東省科技計畫、廣東省自然科學基金等課題,在國內外學術刊物如PLoS ONE,BMC Microbiology,Fungal Genetics and Biology,Transgenic Research等上共發表專業論文60餘篇...
《Molecular Plant-Microbe Interaction》, 《Eukaryotic Cell》, 《Fungal Genetics and Biology》, 《Theoretical and Applied Genetics》,《Current Genetics》等學術...
Fungal Genetics and Biology 38: 187-197. (16895)43) Hou, Z., Xue, C., Katan, T., Peng, Y., Kistler, H. C., and Xu, J. -R. 2002. A...
Fungal Genetics and Biology.48(2): 200-207, Feb, 2011. (12).Sang-Wan Kim, Shinya Fushinobu, Shengmin Zhou, Takayoshi Wakagi and Hirofumi Shoun. ...
(2010)A Simplified and efficient method for transformation and gene tagging of Ustilago maydisusing frozen cells. Fungal Genetics and Biology. 47:279-287...
Fungal Genetics and Biology, 75:46-55. (SCI, IF: 2.587)(3) An B, Chen Y, Li B, Qin G, Tian S. 2014. Ca2+-CaM regulating viability of ...
Fungal Genetics and Biology, 2013, 54(1): 42-51.8. Ying SH, Feng MG, Keyhani NO. Use of uridine auxotrophy (ura3) for markerless transformation ...
Fungal Genetics and Biology. 2008,45(10):1340-1347.3.Xiangqian Zhao, Long Yang, Yan Zheng, Zhaohua Xu, Weiren Wu. Subspecies-specific intron length...