1969年出生於瑞典斯德哥爾摩。早年曾擔任過樂隊主唱。1993年在斯德哥爾摩的中國劇院參演音樂劇《名揚四海》(Fame the Musical)在其中扮演Schlomo Metzenbaum,這是他本人參演的第一部音樂劇,而在此之前他不僅沒有受過任何音樂劇方面的訓練,甚至還從未觀看過任何音樂劇。此後1994年出版首張同名個人專輯。1995年在斯德哥爾摩參演音樂劇《大鼻子情聖》(Cyrano the Musical)。
1996年遠赴英國倫敦,參演安德魯·勞埃德·韋伯和蒂姆·萊斯的著名音樂劇《萬世巨星》(Jesus Christ Superstar)倫敦西區復排版,後在1998年至2000年的《萬世巨星》英國和歐洲巡演中扮演本丟·彼拉多,並在2000年的《萬世巨星》電影版中扮演了同一角色。
2016年重返倫敦,在由Glenn Close領銜主演的英國國家歌劇院《日落大道》復排版中扮演馬克斯·馮·梅耶林(Max Von Mayerling),此前他曾在瑞典版《日落大道》中扮演過這個角色。2017年赴美國紐約,在百老匯繼續出演《日落大道》。
音樂劇 | 出演角色 | 地點 | 時間 |
Fame the Musical | Schlomo Metzenbaum | China Theatre,Stockholm | 1993-1995 |
Cyrano the Musical | - | Oscars Theatre,Stockholm | 1995-1996 |
Jesus Christ Superstar | Pontius Pilate (us) | Lyceum Theatre, London | 1996-1997 |
Jesus Christ Superstar | Pontius Pilate, Judas(Alter) | English & European tour | 1996-1997 |
Notre Dame de Paris | Frollo | Dominion Theatre, London | 2000-2001 |
Jesus Christ Superstar | Pontius Pilate | Gothenburg Operahouse, Sweden | 2001-2002 |
Garbo the Musical | Luis B mayer | Stockholm | 2002 |
Les Miserables | Javert | Danish Tour | 2003-2004 |
Beauty & The Beast | Beast | Gothemburg & Stockholm | 2005-2007 |
Footloose | Samuel Green | Stockholm | 2008 |
Jesus Christ Superstar | Pontius Pilate | Malmo Operahouse, Sweden | 2008-2009 |
Cats | Old Deuteronomy (Profetikus) | Cirkus, Stockholm | 2009 |
Sunset Boulevard | Max Von Mayerling | Gothenburg Operahouse, Sweden | 2010-2011 |
Les Miserables | Javert | Malmo Operahouse, Sweden | 2011-2012 |
The Alchemist | The Alchemist | Kristiansund Opera, Norway | 2012 |
Evita | Juan Peron | Malmo Operahouse,Malmo | 2012-2013 |
Jesus Christ Superstar | Pontius Pilate | Göta Lejon Theatre, Stockholm | 2013 |
Rebecca the Musical | Jack Favell | Malmo Operahouse,Malmo | 2014 |
Children of Eden | God | Nicolai Church, Sweden | 2015 |
Sunset Boulevard | Max Von Mayerling | The Coliseum, London | 2016 |
Aladdin | Jafar, Sultan | Prince Edward Theatre, London | 2016 |
Sunset Boulevard | Max Von Mayerling | Palace Theatre, Broadway | 2017 |
The Phantom Of the Opera | The Phantom | Goteborges Opera, Sweden | 2017-2018 |
Pontius Pilate in the new Jesus Christ Superstar Video released 2000.
The part of “Dieter” in the Swedish film “Ranarna” Jan 2004
Channel 4 new series “The Love Trap” aired in August 2007
Fred Johanson (First solo Album released 1994, Stockholm)
Barely Half Alive (Solo Album released 1998, Stockholm)
Soundtrack for Jesus Christ Superstar Video, 2000
Eric Woolfson - Poe - More Tales of Mystery and Imagination 2003
Concept Album: The far Pavillions(a new Musical)
Jesus Christ Superstar 2009
Dragonland - Under The Grey Banner 2011
Written & co-written the tracks on first and second solo album.
Written for other artists such as Steve Balsamo, Frida (Abba), Meja.
Wrote the No.1 hit single “Me, Myself & I” for the Australian Popstars “Scandal’us” Which topped the charts as No.1 for three weeks and sold double platinumtogether with the follow up album that sold platinum.
Co-written and produced songs for “Exposure the musical”
參與演出的《萬世巨星》2000年電影版於2001年11月獲得國際艾美獎(International Emmy Award) 的最佳藝術電影獎(Best Performing Arts Film) 。