Francesco Faiola

Francesco Faiola

費凡(Francesco Faiola),幹細胞領域知名專家,在中國科學院生態環境研究中心領導建立了國際上第一個幹細胞毒理學實驗室。2014年入選中國科學院“百人計畫”,進入中國科學院生態環境研究中心工作。目前主持中科院先導專項課題,國家自然基金面上項目及中國科學院“百人計畫”項目。


  • 中文名:費凡
  • 外文名:Francesco Faiola
  • 國籍:義大利
  • 出生地:義大利
  • 職業:研究員
  • 畢業院校:美國加州大學


2006年6月畢業於美國加州大學,獲得博士學位。2006年7月至2013年,先後在美國美國加州大學與美國西奈山伊坎醫學院完成博士後工作。2013年入選中國科學院“百人計畫”,進入中國科學院生態環境研究中心-環境化學與生態毒理學國家重點實驗室工作,是中心引進的第一位外籍研究員。費凡研究員在Myc/Max後轉錄修飾在腫瘤發生的效應研究中取得了出色的研究成果,目前主要研究方向為胚胎幹細胞與誘導多能幹細胞的增殖、分化分子基礎。目前已發表Nature、PNAS與Cell Research等多篇高水平的學術論文。




1.Faiola F, Yin N, Yao X, Jiang G. The Rise of Stem Cell Toxicology.Environ Sci Technol.2015 May 19;49(10):5847-8
2.Faiola, F., Wu, Y.T., Pan, S., Zhang, K., Farina, A., &Martinez, E.Max is acetylated by p300 at several nuclear localization residues.Biochem J.403,397-407 (2007).
3.Faiola, F., Liu, X., Lo, S., Pan, S., Zhang, K., Lymar, E., Farina, A. &Martinez, E.Dual regulation of c-Myc by p300 via acetylation-dependent control of Myc protein turnover and coactivation of Myc-induced transcription.Mol Cell Biol.23,10220-34 (2005).
4.Faiola, F., Saunders, A., Dang, B. & Wang, J. An improved in vivo biotinylation strategy combined with Flag and antibody based approaches for affinity purification of protein complexes in mouse embryonic stem cells.Methods Mol Biol.,in press.
5.Saunders, A.,Faiola, F. & Wang, J. Concise review: pursuing self-renewal and pluripotency with the stem cell factor nanog.Stem Cells31(7), 1227-36 (2013).
6.Fidalgo, M.,Faiola, F., Pereira, C.F., Ding, J., Saunders, A., Gingold, J., Schaniel, C., Lemischka, I., Silva, J.C. & Wang, J. Zfp281 mediates Nanogautorepression through recruitment of the NuRD complex and inhibits somatic cell reprogramming.ProcNatlAcadSci U.S.A.109(40). 16202-7 (2012).
7.Wang, Y.L.,Faiola, F. & Martinez, E. Purification of multiprotein histone acetyltransferase complexes.Methods Mol Biol.809, 427-43 (2012).
8.Ding, J., Xu, H.,Faiola, F., Ma’ayan, A. & Wang, J. Oct4 links multiple epigenetic pathways to the pluripotency network.Cell Res.22(1), 155-67 (2011).
9.Wang, Y.L.,Faiola, F., Xu, M., Pan, S. & Martinez, E. Human ATAC Is a GCN5/PCAF-containing acetylase complex with a novel NC2-like histone fold module that interacts with the TATA-binding protein.J Biol Chem.283, 33808-15 (2008). (Selected for Faculty of 1000 Biology).
10.Zhang, K.,Faiola, F.&Martinez, E.Six lysine residues on c-Myc are direct substrates for acetylation by p300.BiochemBiophys Res Commun.336, 274-80 (2005).
11.Farina, A.,Faiola, F. &Martinez E.Reconstitution of an E box-binding Myc:Max complex with recombinant full-length proteins expressed in Escherichia coli.Protein Expr Purif.34,215-22(2004).
12.Marconi, W.,Faiola, F. &Piozzi, A.Catalytic activity of immobilized fumarase.Journal of MolecularCatalysis. B, Enzymatic1-3, 93-99 (2001).
13.Costa, Y., Ding, J., Theunissen, T.W.,Faiola, F., Hore, T.A., Shliaha, P.V., Fidalgo, M., Saunders, A., Lawrance, M., Dietmann, S., Das, S., Levasseur, D.N., Li, Z., Xu, M., Reik, W., Silva, J.C.R. & Wang, J. NANOG-dependent function of TET1 and TET2 in establishment of pluripotency.Nature495(7441), 370-4 (2013).


